The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM.
Commissioners present: Bob Weiss, Chairman Cindy Bingham Stote Ellsworth Rob Harris Josephine O’Connell Jeff Odell Karney Ovian Joseph Shaw, Honorary Commissioner
Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations Steve Mann, Superintendent
Others present: Ed Mahan, Finance Committee Liaison Jim Foley, Board of Selectmen Liaison Nancy Segall, Pres. Women’s 9 Hole Ass’n Orin Seagall, CCMGA Pat Eggers, Secretary
The minutes from the August 18, 2009 meeting were reviewed and amended. A motion made by C Bingham, seconded by J. O’Connell, to approve the minutes passed.
– Steve Mann reported that there has been an outbreak of summer patch, predominantly on the old fairways. There had been preventative spraying, but apparently was not completely effective. As a result of the heat/humidity recently lots of weeds have germinated. Also as a result of the torrential rains this past weekend, several sinkholes have opened up (#1 Port and #10 Port especially).
– There was a 10" break in a water main pipe on the 2nd fairway on Port. There have been problems here in the past, with leakage and loss of pressurization. Loss of the irrigation system has resulted in turf loss already. An estimate to replace the discharge line came in at $42,000. This will have to go out to bid, and will be included on the warrant for fall town meeting.
– C. Bingham asked if "cart path only" signs could be placed on the Par 3's. S. Mann will take care of it.
– M. O'Brien received an email "attaboy" to the golf staff's assistance given for a wedding outing on June 6 by Donna MacLeod and Karen Wittig.
– Cape Cod Community College sent a letter of thanks for the recent donation of a foursome.
– The following requests for donations of foursomes were declined:
o March of Dimes, Braintree o Cape Cod Challenger Club o Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation o Nike Women's Marathon for the MA. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
– Community Connections wrote to request a donation of a foursome for their event at the Chatham Bars Inn. A motion made by J. O'Connell, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the request passed.
– The Academy of Performing Arts wrote to request a donation of a foursome for their upcoming charity golf event at the Captains. A motion made by R. Harris, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the request passed.
– Alzheimer's Services of CC and the Islands wrote to request a donation for their upcoming event at Willowbend. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by C. Bingham to approve the request passed.
– The chairs for the Chip In for Haiti tournament, held at Captains and run by two of our members have requested a donation of a foursome to support their raffle. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by J. O'Connell to approve the request passed.
– Joe Rebello, coach of the Chatham Middle School Golf Team has asked for Captains support in allowing the team to use the driving range and putting green 3-4 times in the fall (on days when the Nauset golf time is not at Captains). There would be about 10 players from 2:30 – 5 PM on Mondays and Fridays. A motion made by J. Odell, seconded by R. Harris to have Mark work out an acceptable program with them was passed.
– The 9 Hole Women's Association wrote to request time for an Invitational tournament on June 3. This would be an 8 AM shotgun with 72 players (35 would be non-members paying greens fees for 9 holes). Carts are required. In order to accommodate the tournament on the back 9, the front tees would be closed until 9 am (or only open for 9 hole play). This tournament is held at Captains every other year. A motion made by C. Bingham, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the request passed.
– J. Shaw requested that a donation of a foursome be made to Calise & Sons because they donate all the bread goods to support Junior Golf Day. A motion made by J. Odell, seconded by R. Harris to approve the request passed.
– K. Ovian asked if Mark could provide a current list of all the donations made in the past year. Mark will do that. R. Harris asked if Mark could filter requests in the future and only bring those that are worthy of consideration.
– M. O'Brien reported that the year end financials are not yet available. As soon as the town finalizes some expense numbers they will be finalized and distributed to all, probably in a few days.
– August guest revenue was excellent up until the last weekend in the month when the course was closed on Saturday due to the heavy rain from the tropical storm. The Friday before the storm, revenue was 3% ahead of last August to date (which was an excellent August historically), but by Monday, August revenue was behind 4%, showing the dramatic impact summer weekend weather has on the financials. Overall greens fee revenue is down $46,000 over last year. However Labor Day is later this year which should help. Last September was terrible due to the poor weather, so hopefully the month results will be stronger this year. Pro shop sales are down $5,000 over August last year, but inventory has also been reduced by $18,000. There will be a big push over Labor Day to move inventory.
– The new Non-Resident rate of $1,500 for 2010, and the Pay Now/Play Now, pay $750 now/pay $750 by April 1 program was approved last night at the Selectmen's meeting. Mark already had two sign up today, and received several calls.
– B. Weiss thanked J. Foley for his help and active participation with the commission as a liaison with the Selectmen in helping to get approval for the new NR rate plan.
– B. Weiss recommended abandoning the "bounty" promotion which paid members $100 finders fee for successful referrals of new non-resident members. A motion made by C. Bingham, seconded by J. O'Connell passed with 1 dissenting vote after some discussion. Mark commented that one of the new members today had said they were referred by a member, and it was agreed that the program would be honored for sales made prior to today's vote.
– B. Weiss asked S. Ellsworth to review the marketing initiatives planned to promote the new Non Resident rate. Plans include email blasts to members, Chamber of Commerce, letters to real estate agents and agencies in the target market 5 towns, Cape Cod Times and local newspaper advertising, mining the database of former NR members, targeted mailing to Frequent Player cardholders and flyers/posters in clubhouse and for the Beat the Pro event Labor Day weekend.
– Carol Parisi (AFP) wrote to express appreciation and compliment the maintenance crew for the beautiful flower gardens at the entrance and on some of the holes. – J. Shaw asked if consideration could be given for placing a bench by the bag drop area, having observed golfers stop and put their shoes on while leaning on their cars. Discussion followed, and it was left to Mark to consider. – Last month's suggestion for putting a sign out front with directions for getting to the driving range has not yet been implemented. It was also asked if signs could be placed to better direct customers to the restrooms, Galley Grill and 10th tee on Port. Mark will take care of it.
– S. Ellsworth advised that articles are due for the Fall Captains Log by September 20th.
– The subcommittee for the NR Brewster Taxpayer proposal presented their proposal for consideration of offering AFP membership to taxpayers with a minimum tax bill. Discussion followed, and this proposal will be tabled to be considered with a review of all programs and rates at a later meeting.
– J. O'Connell reviewed her ideas for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Captains course. Plans include a golf tournament (with approval for it to be one of the 2 approved Town functions with no greens fees), luncheon with some honorary guests of people critical to the history of the golf course. She would like each Commissioner to take an active roll in leading or participating on the committees. J. Odell volunteered to chair the tournament committee, and C. Bingham volunteered to chair the lunch committee. A suggestion was made to have the bag tags and staff shirts for next year designed to commemorate the anniversary. Everyone was asked to share other ideas with Jo.
– R. Harris distributed a proposal submitted by Chip Parisi, a CCMGA member, to develop a volunteer program to help the golf course, particularly in these difficult economic times. The program would need a coordinator, and specific activities identified as appropriate for volunteers to work on. B. Weiss commented that the library has an extensive volunteer network that help keep their operating expenses down, however they also have a paid staff person for coordination. A blurb will be put in the Captains log to see if anyone is interested in coordinating this effort and providing input and feedback.
– M. O'Brien reviewed the items planned for the town warrant for the fall meeting: irrigation project (previously discussed), replacement of 1984 Ford tractor (in the capital plan) and article to allow the course to enter in a new 5 year golf cart lease (by law, only 3 year is allowed without town meeting approval).
Since there was no other business, the next meeting was set for Oct. 6 at 4 PM. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by J. O'Connell to adjourn the meeting passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Eggers Secretary