Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, John Kissida, Wyn Morton.


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Rob Harris (CCMGA), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn) and Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Colin Walsh reported on the advantages of the recent snowfall. Since the crew has been indoors, equipment and shop work has been done.  Inventory has been done; tree and stump work is being done.  The golf industry show was virtual this year and very educational; quite a few of the guys


Director’s report:


  • Jay Packett reported the snow was welcome for the pro shop, allowing for operational things to be done. Over twenty-two hundred rounds were played in January setting another record. One hundred eighty rounds were played on February 6. The January comparison reports show a discrepancy due to the introduction of two-year memberships.
  • The Mid-Cape Men’s club has requested October 12 for an event and will be having a shotgun start with 50 to 60 players; the second request was for Thursday morning, June 10, from the Cape Cod Men’ Club. Jay Packett has not yet received a definitive number of players, but he anticipates 20 to 28 players and will keep this date as a placeholder. This will not interfere with the O’Connell Cup–final information should be available for approval at the next commission meeting.



Strategic Planning Updates:


  • Each of the golf commissioners has been assigned an area of golf course operations for the strategic plan which will be referred to as swim lanes and will be reported on at regular business meetings each month.


  • Andrea Johnson said her area along with John Kissida is grounds and reported money for various projects going forward depends in large part on expenditures for the irrigation project.  More information will be available upon receipt of the irrigation report.  Her responsibility is the golf courses; in this regard she has been walking the golf courses getting a sense of the functionality of the courses.


  • Wyn Morton reported on “marketing and communication.” On January 27, he and Jay Packett met with Jen DeFoe and her PR company, Jen DeFoe Communications, and Kieran Noonan of Community Internet. The stages of the golf course last year and this year in terms of the new director, the new superintendent and the governor’s mandates were reviewed along with the unprecedented play.  The course was not marketed last year.  Future marketing strategy for 2021 was discussed hoping to raise The Captains to the next level.   The website has been reviewed—certain areas will be upgraded.  There will be press releases and major news and announcements, i.e. Mark O’Brien’s retirement and Jay Packett’s appointment as Director.  Social media marketing will be increased from two to four postings a week including expanded video postings as well as still photography.  Video hole flyovers will be included.   Members and a large audience of our email address listings will be emailed on a monthly basis.  Topics for email ideas can be submitted to Wyn Morton.  Women and new golfers will be targeted in a variety of formats, including special and local groups.  Full page ads will be included in CHATHAM LIVING MAGAZINE which has a distribution of about 10,000 copies and is available at Chatham Bars Inn and Wequassett Resort as well as the Chatham Village Market and at Barnes and Noble locations from Maine to Virginia during the golfing season.  Print ads in national magazines will be distributed through Adverator which is a way of supplying low-cost ads to a broad variety of publications.  The blog on the website will have articles Jen DeFoe will write or if they are more specific, she will subcontract those out to increase SEO profile for searches on the website.  She will be hosting events to introduce the course to locals to increase marketing of 9-hole play such as 9 and dine packaging.  Discussion followed regarding the purpose of the blog and topics of interest. John Kissida suggested the solar project be included in the marketing plan.  Rob Harris talked about descriptive words used on Facebook.  Wynn Morton talked about postings on Instagram.  Carl Blanchard suggested promoting specific tees, especially the family tees.
  • On February 3, Wynn Morton and Kieran Noonan met and did a complete review of the website, questioning whether the website should be trashed and started over again or updated. Wynn Morton feels the website is wonderful, but certain parts need to up be upgraded.  One of the driving forces behind this is that in looking at the websites of some of our local competitors they are doing better than The Captains in certain areas.  Dennis and Cranberry Valley have videos on their first pages. The Captains’ website is close in the look and feel to those of some of the top echelon courses in the country, i.e. Torrey Pines, Pebble Beach and Pinehurst.  Going through the different tabs on the website: on the home page the still photograph will be replaced with the seven scrolling videos that comprise the introductory video on the home page.  The twelve photos scrolling on the home page will be updated.  The hole-by-hole video flyovers have been upgraded to be more user-friendly.  The rates page was simplified without losing any of the content.  The book-a-tee time page is too complex for non-member daily fee players and requires additional analysis to try to attempt to use the platform used by our competitors, but this will take more research.  Caring for The Captains tab will be upgraded with additional video from Jen DeFoe and the USGA website to form a video library.  The golf outings tab will be upgraded with video and still photos from weddings, groups outings, events, buddies’ trips and the like.  The golf specials tab has been populated and upgraded thanks to Jay Packett.  Under the members page we will be populating the calendar with our events as well as commission information.  We will have to expand on the golf commission listing possibly having a brief bio and picture of each commissioner.  The members’ application tab requires consolidation and will take some more research.  Under about The Captains, the photo gallery will be upgraded and refreshed with more recent photos by Jen DeFoe.  The pro shop tab needs a major expansion to include photos of logoed items which can be purchased on site and possibly on line. More research is required for on-line purchasing because of payment, handling and shipping, etc. The our staff tab has been updated with bios, photos are needed.  The Freeman’s Grill tab has been updated with new photos depicting the remodeling and the new inviting atmosphere.  The reviews tab has quotes from various sites.  The Captains blog will be upgraded; monthly contest winners have been moved to a separate tab to consolidate.  Jay Packett will attempt to have the web cam upgraded through town hall.  Jay Packett thanked Wynn Morton for bringing the website up-to-speed as it was outdated.  The expiration of the specials page was discussed.  Jay Packett will review the additional expenditures. Wynn Morton complimented Jay Packett for his support of the new marketing projects.


  • John Kissida reported that along with Andrea Johnson, his area is basically the grounds–specifically cart paths, irrigation, the playable part of the golf course not covered by Andrea Johnson. He was able to get the town’s GIS mapping in color. There is a new aerial series that has been added to the town’s information system which he had printed out at 100 and 200 scale that he also provided to the NGF and the irrigation designer.  Taking one of those plans, he drove the Port Course cart paths marking up short-terms issues that need to be done soon, not necessarily an over-all program.  The original golf course had six-foot cart paths; the new course has eight-foot cart paths which ultimately changes things that might have to be done down the road. He also participated in irrigation study meetings with Andrea, Jay and Colin.


  • Carl Blanchard’s reported his lane covers the physical structures on the golf course. In this budget cycle, Jay Packett has made some progress regarding the HVAC system in the kitchen and restaurant area.  The information has gone to town hall for an RFP.  The maintenance building is on hold until information is received from the NFG. Jay Packett stated the trim and gutters are out there and have been emailed to various companies.  As far as the HVAC is concerned, he received information today from Donna Kalanick as to what the specs will look like and what will be sent out. She will take care of this on the 24th of this month.  Jay Packett is trying to get this done as quickly as possible.


  • Information on the two remaining swim lanes was not available, as their owners were not at the meeting.


Update on Solar Projects:


  • Jay Packett reported he, Peter Lombardi and Donna Kalanick had a Zoom meeting with DSD and their representatives regarding the solar project for the parking lot. At the last meeting the question was raised as to what would happen if the deadline of December 31, 2021 was not made.  Tim Magner has reached out to DOER and has not heard back. When the paperwork was filed it was filed under the wrong entity name; this matter has been forwarded to Town Counsel to determine if this can be changed administratively in-house.  If it cannot be changed in-house, the process will need to be started all over again.  Concerns and thoughts brought up at the last commission meeting were presented regarding the construction process if it were to go for the entire season.  Jay Packett followed up this information with emails to the parties concerned, creating a paper trail.  Peter Lombardi will try and get some assurances within the contract.  The pieces of I/beam with the paint colors were supposed to be delivered today but have not yet arrived. Jay Packett will reach out tomorrow to see when delivery will be made so everyone can look and vote on the paint color.  The driving range project crew has been there every day.  The cement pad for the transformer has been laid.  Jay Packett feels the mid-March date could be reached depending on the weather.



Update on NGF Consultant Study:


  • Colin Walsh met with Tim Gerrish, registered landscape architect, to discuss goals, objectives and an overview of the plan.  They toured the maintenance facility and observed the physical plant and equipment.  They also toured parts of the golf course noting renovations and work needed.    Details will be noted in Tim Gerrish’s upcoming report.  Jay Packett spoke with Tim Gerrish yesterday regarding his questions about the clubhouse, pavilion, patio and back deck, the age of the clubhouse etc.  The capital plans should address some of this.  Richard Singer will receive Tim Gerrish’s report and indicated he had not received Jay Packett’s report, sent on January 30, due to computer malfunctions at the NFG.  He has since gotten the report and will review it today.  Jay Packett received a preliminary report this afternoon from Brian Vincenzi regarding the irrigation study and will circulate it to Colin Walsh, John Kissida and Andrea Johnson who will prepare to do a preliminary presentation on at the meeting on March 9.


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:


  • Rob Harris reported the slow play policy will been sent out to the members and to the golf commission in hopes it will increase the member numbers on Wednesdays. Help will be needed from Jay Packett, the rangers and the members of the CCMGA to institute the policy.


Review and approve minutes: 


  • The minutes of the meeting on January 19 were corrected–at the top of the second page 9-hole ladies should read ladies shotgun. Chelsea point vote should be amended to read as follows: a motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, that an additional half point be allocated for back 9 and afternoon play requests and a half point for play during the same period.
  • A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by John Kissida, to approve the minutes of January 19 as amended. Motion passed unanimously
  • Regarding the minutes dated February 2, John Kissida reported under the updated solar project he presented a number of ideas that should be looked at regarding construction relative to controlling worker parking and the location, where the greens crew is going to park, construction access only through the second entrance, maintaining the parking aisle and the large parking area with the walk along the golf course itself at all times, trying to sequence this construction from south to north to free up the parking especially in the 4, 5, and 6 as soon as possible and he asked about potential penalties if they don’t make that Memorial Day date. Someone else suggested informational signage on the fencing along the entrance to tell people what was being done which he thinks is a really good idea.  Those were all pieces he made comments on that were omitted, and he feels these should be passed on to the contractor and the town making sure they are in record of what’s being discussed as these items are important should be kept at the forefront  The structure colors were already talked about.  Regarding the briefing that occurred on the irrigation system study: he attended those meetings with Colin Walsh and made several comments as well, most of which are included in the update, but it is not mentioned that he gave part of the presentation.   John Kissida was asked to send Jay Packett the wording he would like to see included on these issues.


  • Sarah Robinson’s name should have an “h” at the end.


A motion was made by Wyn Morton, seconded by John Kissida to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 2 as amended.  Motion passed unanimously.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • John Kissida asked Jay Packett to report on hiring of additional staff. Jay Packett and Susan Broderick interviewed five candidates for the replacement of Jay Packett’s position.  An offer letter has been drafted and one applicant selected, but since the offer letter has not been signed, he cannot discuss it.  Peter Lombardi and Donna Kalanick are working with the union on replacing the department assistant which will now be a full-time position.
  • Meetings are now scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. The next meeting will be a business meeting on March 9.


Future agenda items and meetings:


  • Cape Cod Men’s Club and Mid-Cape Men’s Club outings.
  • Preliminary irrigation study.
  • Solar project.
  • NGF study.


A motion to adjourn was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by John Kissida, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant




Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
