Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, and David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn) and Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Colin Walsh reported the Starboard has taken a hit from the amount of play recently. Play will be switched to the Port which will open this weekend and will be open until April 3.  Removal of dead trees and stump grinding continues on both golf courses.  8 Port has been graded and filled with fill from the DPW, the solar project at the driving range or compost had on site at no cost.  Sodding fairways and seeding into the roughs will begin.  Some of the cart paths have been patched.  Bunker work resumes now that the ground has begun to thaw.  Trees will be limbed where needed.  Some of the staff has taken last-minute vacation time.  Aeration will begin on Starboard on April 5th; on the greens, tees and fairways.  Equipment preparation is underway.  Sand, seed and fertilizer will be coming in shortly.  Thirty-two and forty-week employees will be coming back.  The courses will be cleaned getting ready for the first mowing.  Mark Landers from Automatic Pump was in recently.  Upgrades will be made in the pump house.  The brush pile will be ground by Daniels Recycling.  Jeff Odell asked if fencing off the Starboard lot will cause an issue.  Colin Walsh does not consider it a problem.  John Kissida reported on Starboard 18 there is a tree with the top broken and hanging down.  Wyn Morton asked if cosmetic items to be done are on the maintenance agenda; Colin Walsh said broken fences and sagging ropes will be addressed.



Update on Irrigation Study


  • Colin Walsh reported he has compiled the report from Brian Vinchesi of Irrigation Consulting, John Kissida’s notes and his notes to determine if the points covered were addressed: what kind of timeline is to be expected until the installation is done in order to be prepared? Can some of the planning be done early?  What are the costs according to this timeline?  What are other costs if the installation is moved forward?  What are repair costs versus a new installation?  What is the potential regarding lost revenue if the golf course is closed?  Does the entire golf course need to be closed, hole by hole or nine holes at a time?  Can this timeline be broken down a little better?  Can some of this work be done in-season, can some be done in the winter?  Issues with the pumphouse: what can be done to mitigate flooding?  Is there contouring around or berms, can he break this down a little better?  What are the risks in increasing the pressure back up to 135 psi?  The incorporation of new weather stations into the irrigation design: can we put two or three stations evenly spaced across the golf course in order to get better averages and to better compile data regarding more efficient watering, better conservation, etc. rather than one at the end of the parking lot?   John Kissida indicated this is a very good first step; there is more to do regarding the irrigation pressure test. He also said there were some interesting points raised regarding the new 18 vs. the old 18 because of the way they are co-mingled, such as how the new 18 is designed and problems especially with green approaches. Andrea Johnson said the report is very detailed and interesting to read but more information is needed before moving forward.   Anne O’Connell asked if Brian Vinchesi answered Colin Walsh’s questions, would everything the Commission needs to know to make decisions regarding replacing the irrigation system be covered.  Colin Walsh believes it would.  He thinks the biggest question is when and how much. John Kissida said the Commission needs to know the difference between the 18 versus the 36.  Brian Vinchesi made the point that two 18-hole mongrel systems are being operated with very old equipment; they are not a true 18.  The question is how make that work and make it logical.  A lot of pointed questions have been asked regarding items discussed at previous Commission meetings in trying to make sure all questions would be addressed.  Would 36 be the most logical so there would be a full 36 holes not having the problems of the overlap of older and newer holes,  and the changes in the design in the two pieces which have a tendency to cause some of the existing problems.  Jeff Odell said replacing the systems and what it will cost is being talked about when he thought they were looking for an engineering study to determine whether replacement is needed and what needs to be done, not when and how much.  John Kissida said Brian Vinchesi sees the wear point as the valves and not the piping as the weak link and is addressing these issues as far as the weakest points.  He and Colin Walsh are concerned about the raising the pressure from 120 to 135psi and does that potentially create more breaks and weak points in the system.  Jeff Odell asked if the piping needs replacing or if replacing the heads and valves would solve most of the issues.  Colin Walsh said the piping itself is not the issue, it is the heads and valves.  The heads are a l970’s design, old technology, the valves are brass and are failing internally.  By the time the valves that could possibly fail are replaced individually it could get expensive.  Putting pipe in the ground is not the most expensive part.  Colin Walsh thinks you could get five years out of the pipes as the wear on the inside of the pipes is negligible, the pipes are thinner they used to be, and he thinks there’s another five years of use in the system, stating you can easily get twenty to twenty-five to twenty-seven years out of a system.  Anything beyond that is borrowed time.  John Kissida said it isn’t necessarily the failure of the pipes, it is the jointing of the pipes that is the weak link.  Colin Walsh indicated the original installation was a fantastic job.  Typically, the failure is at the joints.  They are not seeing that yet and will be monitoring the system throughout the coming years.  Carl Blanchard asked if the lifespan is based on year-round operation as to the life expectancy of a system.  Colin Walsh indicated the pipes being drained annually for four months of the year and going from pressure to depressure is more detrimental than keeping the system at consistent pressure.  A fully pressured system would probably have a longer lifespan.  Dave Valcourt thinks there is more breathing space than thought at first.  Replacement of the pipes will take two to three years to accomplish.  As this is a major issue, Anne O’Connell thinks if the study comes in towards the end of April, further discussion regarding the irrigation system needs to be at an off-business meeting.  She is hopeful the National Golf Foundation study will take the irrigation system into account in its analysis.  Dave Valcourt indicated when the information comes back regarding the maintenance facility both requirements need to be considered as to which has the most risk and which one needs to be slated first.  John Kissida said Brian Vinchesi has been asked for information and associated costs in order to lengthen the life of the system to give the Commission a better handle on what the cost needs to be and what the schedule will be.  Another question is can the forward tees be retrofitted to reduce nitrogen?  Anne O’Connell asked if it is logical to wait until the irrigation system is done.  Colin Walsh said they go together.  Carl Blanchard asked if an RFP needs to go out in order to be included in a contractor’s calendar. Colin Walsh indicated contractors are booked for two or three years ahead.


  • Director’s report:


Jay Packett sent out the financials, bringing attention to this year’s revenues so far.  There are thirty-six new members since the first of year: eighteen residents and eighteen non-residents.  February was good for operations since much was accomplished during the first eighteen days of the month when the course was closed.  There were eight hundred fifty rounds played during the days the course was open—there were 173 rounds on February 6.  John Kissida commented on the good financials and loss of revenue because the driving range has been closed.  Jay Packett explained prep work is being done for the solar modules which should enable installation faster than anticipated.  John Kissida asked about a new line item:  environmental monitoring.  Jay Packett explained environmental monitoring is primarily for the Pleasant Bay Watershed, making sure our nitrogen levels are staying where they need to be and doing our role as far as the agreement states.  This line item is new and pays the appropriate contractor.  John Kissida asked if this is part of the wastewater initiative and if it should come out of the town budget.  Jay Packett will research this and get back to the Commission. Dave Valcourt asked how COVID impacts the pro shop.  The Pro shop has received a good amount of merchandise and is moving forward as if it is any other year.  Jay Packett will contact the Director of Health to determine when the Pro Shop can open and how many people can be in the Pro Shop.  Previously, staff were counted as part of the allowable number of people in the building.  Jay Packett thinks 10 to 12 people at a time should be allowed.  Jay Packett and Steve Knowles have talked about featuring merchandise outdoors for those not comfortable in the building.  Staff should be coming back starting Sunday, March 21.  Clerks are coming back and will be scheduled.  Starters will not be back until 36 holes are open.  Rangers are anticipated to return towards the middle/end of April.  Anne O’Connell asked about the new members.  The majority of the out-of-town members are from Harwich and Chatham.  The Chelsea point system is up and running.  Bookings are based on tee times, not the number of holes to be played.  Back 9 tee times will be handled by email as before.  When tee times are no longer restricted, walk-ons will be allowed.  The Cape Cod Men’s Club will be scheduled for 24 players on June 10 as a modified shotgun.  The Mid Cape Men’s Club will be scheduled for October 12.


A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Jeff Odell to approve the addition of the Cape Cod Men’s Club to the calendar on June 10 for 24 players and the Mid-Cape Men’s Club on October 12.  Motion passed unanimously.


Jay Packett received a phone call from Bill White cancelling the Martha White Tournament on Saturday, May 1, for this year.


Anne O’Connell received an email re tee time allocations.  She suggested before making an allocation decision, a philosophical discussion should be held and then smartly communicated to the membership.  There is a formula in place that cannot be changed unless approved by Town Hall.  This matter should be discussed at the next meeting.



Update on Solar Project:


  • Scheduling at the driving range was previously discussed. Regarding the parking lot, the surveyors have been in and indicated where the footings and the foundations will go; the drilling rig was dropped off today at the furthest west end of the parking lot.  Drilling is expected to start next Monday.  Jay Packett met with the project manager this morning regarding channels of transportation to be left open.  Fencing will be moved as needed.  Work is anticipated to be done Monday through Saturday, scheduled as necessary on a month-to-month basis through the month of April.  The biggest concern is the month of May for construction on the weekends.  The stop date is before Memorial Day.  Saturday workdays will be scheduled as necessary for the month of May.  This Friday there is a Zoom meeting with the contractors to clarify construction scheduling.  Jeff Odell has been monitoring the parking and assumes the south lane will stay open.  Jay Packett reported on the drilling schedule and parking availabilities.  Jay Packett thinks the golfers will park appropriately as work in the parking lot will be done in sections.  Dave Valcourt suggested encouraging carpooling among the members.  John Kissida asked about a completion date for the range; Jay Packett said it appears the hard end date was supposed to be March; there are no penalties for passing that date.  John Kissida asked if the contractor had given any date for completion.  Jay Packett said the project manager said the end of the month without giving any specific date, and he will speak to her about this.  Colin Walsh stated the soil taken from the parking lot will be used to fill a sinkhole on 12 Starboard.  John Kissida suggested damage done by parking on the lawn should be paid by the contractor; Jay Packett is aware of this issue and will discuss it with the contractor in the very near future.


Strategic Planning Updates:


  • Jeff Odell had nothing further on the solar but confirmed the project manager told him it should be built by the end of March.  Regarding the parking lot and the cart barn, the large sink hole by the gate facing the practice green is not in the plan until capital items go before the fall town meeting which puts it off for a year.
  • Carl Blanchard reports nothing new since the last report. Jay Packett reported site visits by HVAC contractors, and he is expecting bids shortly.  The bids are due on Friday at 4 p.m.
  • Wyn Morton reports things in process on the side of marketing suggestions from Jen Defoe regarding social media and advertising. Web site additions are in process.  Carl Blanchard submitted an article about the Dew Sweepers. Wyn Morton will be happy to receive any articles. The annual report is finished and has been sent to town hall, but not yet to the members.
  • Anne O’Connell advised that the 2019 town report has not yet been published, and the 2020 report will not be published any time soon. As a start-off to the season, she feels presenting a pared-down version of the town report to the members would present an excellent communication piece.
  • John Kissida, Colin Walsh, Jay Packett and Andrea Johnson are working on the irrigation.  Andrea Johnson will start working on the forward tees with John Kissida when she returns from Florida.
  • Dave Valcourt needs to meet with Carl Blanchard to go over their swim lane structures as well as capital equipment. He asked if the fall meeting will cover plans and requirements; and if necessary, could this be added to the spring meeting as well.  He reviewed the purposes of the swim lanes and asked if the concept is workable.  The next update will be the first meeting in April.
  • Jay Packett reported working with Richard Singer from the National Golf Foundation who is waiting for menus from the restaurant for their analytics. The analysis for FY16 – FY20 is complete and the FY21 analysis is in progress.  They spoke about the restaurant, pavilion and patio.  Jay Packett asked Richard Singer when the report would be available and was advised it will be between the 15th and the 17  Anne O’Connell asked if the report would be available for the meeting of March 23.  Anne O’Connell would like the report to be available in a timely manner for the Commission to review before the next meeting. Peter Lombardi expects information regarding the golf course becoming an enterprise account to be included.  Anne O’Connell will hold this as a possibility to be the only discussion at the meeting of March 23.


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:


  • Donna Potts asked Jay Packett if the June 10th event will interfere with 9-hole play in the morning and was advised that it will not.


Refund Request:


  • Anne O’Connell received a request for a refund from an individual who had signed up for a 2-year membership and was unaware that The Captains offered a discount for military-related disabilities which he did not find out until he received an e-mail regarding this year’s membership. He is asking for a refund for the 20-21 membership year. Anne O’Connell reported there is no written information regarding the military discount.


A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by John Kissida to approve the approval of this request.


Jeff Odell asked if since the discount has not been adequately conveyed and the gentleman involved was unaware of the discount, should the Commission consider a refund for both of his membership years?  Anne O’Connell feels the refund request should be approved as presented.  Discussion followed.  Jay Packett stated it is a 51% disability to be eligible for the discount.  He will get language together to be inserted into the information guide where appropriate.


Motion passed unanimously.


Review and approve minutes:


  • John Kissida noted a duplication on page 3 referring the NGF and the irrigation designer, and it is not written that he made a comment that he and Andrea Johnson had participated in the irrigation meetings; on page 4 he mentions about the colors at the bottom of the first piece–it appears he was in error and the last line and a half should be stricken.  Jeff Odell indicated at the bottom of page 3, the company name is DSD.  Colin Walsh reported his report should read tree and stump work is being done; under the consultant’s study the name is Tim Gerrish.


A motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Wyn Morton to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 16, 2021 as amended.  Motion passed unanimously.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:



Future agenda items and meetings:


  • Philosophical discussion of the tee time allocation system.
  • National Golf Foundation report.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
