The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on 4/22/2013 at the Captains Golf Course. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Cindy Bingham.

Commissioners present:                  Cindy Bingham, Chair

                                                            Jim Ehrhart, Vice-Chair

                                                            Ed Pavlu

                                                            Marc Fontaine

                                                            Lori Arnold

                                                            Jeff Odell

                                                            Anne O’Connell


Staff present:                                     Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

                                                            Steve Mann, Superintendent


Others Present:                                 Jim Foley, Selectmen liaison

                                                            Charlie Sumner, Town Administrator

                                                            Dan Rabold, Board of Selectmen Chairman

                                                            Judy McCarthy, Women’s 18-Hole Assn.

                                                            Herb Montgomery, Finance Committee

                                                            Dennis Hanson, Finance Committee


Review of meeting minutes:


The minutes from the last meeting were not available and will be considered at the next meeting.


Public Comment:

  • None


FY 2014 Golf department budget:


  • Mark O’Brien presented a revised financial plan projecting future years. The plan did not change the golf operating or wage line item requests for FY2014. However it did propose changes to capital requests and the amount contributed to the Town’s General Fund each year from the Golf Cart Receipts Reserved for Appropriation account. The result of those changes reduced the golf “deficit” from the original projection of $271,447 to $114,447. The Commission discussed the proposal. The proposal is attached to these minutes.

  • Dennis Hanson expressed his concerns about no reductions to wages or operating expenses.

  • Charlie Sumner stated that he, Lisa Souve, Mark O’Brien, and Steve Mann all worked on the revised plan and endorse it. He stated that after reviewing all of the line items, further cuts to the operating expense or wage line items would risk hurting conditions on the course or service provided, which could ultimately reduce revenues.

  • Jim Ehrhart said that the Golf Commission has discussed many of the ideas put forth by the Finance Committee and thought the Finance Committee should have had representation at some of the Golf Commission meetings and they would have a better understanding of the steps the Golf Commission has taken. It was stated that the current Finance Committee liaison to the Golf Department could not attend the meetings due to work conflicts and that the Finance Committee will be addressing that issue.

  • Dan Rabold stated that the Selectmen have voted to support the golf budget, and they will be reviewing this revised plan at their meeting tonight. He asked the Finance Committee members present if they felt the Finance Committee could support this proposed plan. They stated they could not speak for the rest of the Committee.

  • Jeff Odell made a motion to accept the long range plan presented by Mark O’Brien today, seconded by Anne O’Connell. The motion passed unanimously.

  • Cindy Bingham extended an invitation for any Finance Committee member to attend any of the Golf Commission meetings. 


Jim Ehrhart made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Anne O’Connell. Motion approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:08 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations


Captains Golf Course Long Range Projections
  Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected  
REVENUES: FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022  
Season Passes 807,148 810,000 800000 812000 824180 836543 849091 861827 874755 887876 901194 1.50%
Green Fees 1,702,002 1,700,000 1700000 1725500 1751383 1777653 1804318 1831383 1858854 1886736 1915037 1.50%
Cart Fees 601,430 620,000 615000 624225 633588 643092 652739 662530 672468 682555 692793 1.50%
Driving Range 102,941 110,000 110000 111650 113325 115025 116750 118501 120279 122083 123914 1.50%
Pro Shop Net Revenues 58,844 85,000 90000 91350 92720 94111 95523 96956 98410 99886 101384 1.50%
Restaurant Rent 47,630 49,000 50000 50750 51511 52284 53068 53864 54672 55492 56325 1.50%
Interest Income 5,000 5,000 5000 5075 5151 5228 5307 5386 5467 5549 5632 1.50%
Miscellaneous -1,170 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Revenues 3,323,825 3,424,000 3,370,000 3,420,550 3,471,858 3,523,936 3,576,795 3,630,447 3,684,904 3,740,177 3,796,280  
Payroll Expense                        
Full Time Maintenance Wages 474,253 496,264 511778 529690 545581 561948 578807 596171 614056 632478 651452 3.00%
Part Time Maintenance Wages 230,179 230,000 239117 241508 243923 246362 248826 251314 253828 256366 258929 1%
Maintenance Overtime 51,354 53,000 55000 56100 57222 58366 59534 60724 61939 63178 64441 2%
Full Time Operations Wages 194,615 200,715 208598 215899 222376 229047 235919 242996 250286 257795 265528 3.00%
Part Time Operations Wages 190,354 189,753 192577 194503 196448 198412 200396 202400 204424 206469 208533 1%
Longevity 16,682 17,424 18462 18831 19208 19592 19984 20384 20791 21207 21631 2%
Total Payroll Costs 1,157,437 1,187,156 1,225,532 1,256,531 1,284,758 1,313,729 1,343,466 1,373,990 1,405,324 1,437,492 1,470,516  
Operating Expense                        
Course & Equipment Maint 537,090 547,030 572140 580722 589433 598274 607249 616357 625603 634987 644511 1.5%
Golf Operations 33,025 37,490 26950 27354 27765 28181 28604 29033 29468 29910 30359 1.5%
Utilities 82,528 89,700 85520 50000 50750 51511 52284 53068 53864 54672 55492 1.5%
Cart Lease 113,000 112,985 112985 114680 116400 118146 119918 121717 123543 125396 127277 1.5%
Advertising 25,669 50,000 50000 50750 51511 52284 53068 53864 54672 55492 56325 1.5%
Clubhouse Maintenance 42,967 27,500 38500 39078 39664 40259 40862 41475 42098 42729 43370 1.5%
Credit Card Fees 45,494 44,000 39000 39585 40179 40781 41393 42014 42644 43284 43933 1.5%
Total Operating Expense 879,773 908,705 925,095 902,169 915,701 929,437 943,378 957,529 971,892 986,470 1,001,267  
Fringe Benefits                        
Health Insurance 183,915 166,397 178000 188680 200001 212001 224721 238204 252496 267646 283705 6.0%
Life Insurance 662 740 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 0.0%
FICA  13,317 13,500 13500 13635 13771 13909 14048 14189 14331 14474 14619 1.0%
County Retirement 94,503 105,626 111000 118770 127084 135980 145498 155683 166581 178242 190719 7.0%
Workmans Compensation 8,438 10,000 10000 10100 10201 10303 10406 10510 10615 10721 10829 1.0%
Unemployment  69,290 60,000 65700 66357 67021 67691 68368 69051 69742 70439 71144 1.0%
Total Fringe Benefits 370,125 356,263 379,000 398,342 418,878 440,683 463,841 488,437 514,565 542,322 571,814  
Liability and Property Ins 57,455 55,000 56000 56560 57126 57697 58274 58857 59445 60040 60640 1%
Total Expenses 2,464,790 2,507,124 2,585,627 2,613,602 2,676,462 2,741,546 2,808,959 2,878,813 2,951,226 3,026,324 3,104,237  
Gross Profit 859,035 916,876 784,373 806,948 795,396 782,390 767,836 751,634 733,678 713,854 692,043  
% of Gross 26% 27% 23% 24% 23% 22% 21% 21% 20% 19% 18%  
Capital Improvements 105,000 183,603 76,620 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Budget
Net Profit before Debt Service 754,035 733,273 707,753 656,948 645,396 632,390 617,836 601,634 583,678 563,854 542,043  
% of Gross 23% 21% 21% 19% 19% 18% 17% 17% 16% 15% 14%  
Debt Service Interest                        
New Course Expansion Bond 269,200 243,950 217,200 189,200 159,450 128,200 95,200 60,200 30,800 0 0 Actual
Irrigation Upgrade Bond 9,250 5,750 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actual
Course Renovation Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actual
Course Renovation Bond 0 0 8,000 15,000 13,000 11,000 9,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 Porposed
Total Debt Service Interest 278,450 249,700 227,200 204,200 172,450 139,200 104,200 67,200 35,800 3,000 1,000  
Net Profit 475,585 483,573 480,553 452,748 472,946 493,190 513,636 534,434 547,878 560,854 541,043  
Debt Service Principal                        
New Course Expansion Bond 505,000 535,000 560,000 595,000 625,000 660,000 700,000 735,000 770,000 0 0 Actual
Irrigation Upgrade Bond 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actual
Course Renovation Loan 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actual
Course Renovation Bond 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Proposed
Total Debt Service Principal 665,000 695,000 720,000 645,000 675,000 710

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
