Commissioners Present: Rob Harris (Chair), Jim Ehrhart (Vice Chair – present remotely due to geographic reasons), Cindy Bingham, Anne O'Connell (present remotely due to geographic reasons), Ed Pavlu, Marc Fontaine, Jeff Odell.


Others Present: Mark O'Brien (Director of Golf Operations), Judy McCarthy (Women’s 18-Hole Assn.), Sharon Marotti and Jerri Carlin (Women’s 9-Hole Assn.), Pat O’Keefe, George Weiss, Dave Hussey, Kent Arnold.  


Call to Order: Rob Harris called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Association Reports and Public Comment:


  • Sharon Marotti reported that 58 women had signed up to date for the Women’s 9-Hole Association. There is one new member and there are 8 or 9 that they have not heard from as yet.
  • Judy McCarthy reported that the Women’s 18-Hole Association membership forms were just recently sent out.
  • Jerri Carlin reported that the Friends of the Captains have completed the following over the first two years of their existence:


1.       Built a Bag Rack

2.       Helped buy and install faucets in Women’s Restroom

3.       Painted the Port Restrooms and helped paint the Pro Shop

4.       Purchased a Hot Dog Cooker

5.       Donated Coat Racks for the Pavilion

6.       Built  and installed the loading dock lattice work

7.       Helped purchase the Starboard and Port Family Tees

8.       Donated the All the new Patio furniture (Chairs, Tables and Umbrellas)

9.       Painted the clubhouse women’s rest room.


Still to come 4 more Patio tables and 2 Rain Shelters


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


·         Peter Ervin has been hired as the new superintendent. He will start on February 24th. He was the Assistant Superintendent at Winchester Country Club and is a Harwich native.

·         Not much action in January with all the snow.

·         The golf budget will be reviewed by the Selectmen on March 3rd and by the FinCom on March 19th.

·         The Golf Department annual report that Mark O’Brien wrote was reviewed by the Commission. All were in favor of its submittal as presented.

·         A request to host the Solheim Cup on September 3, 2014 was reviewed. This will be a 12:00 shotgun start where 18 women from Captains play a match against 18 women from Ocean Edge. We host this event every other year. Jeff odell made a motion, seconded by Rob Harris to approve this request. A roll call vote was taken and all voted in favor. The motion was approved.


Golf Commission Policy on refunds (Rob Harris):


  • Rob Harris explained that he put this on the agenda to clear up the policy regarding refund requests after June 30th. After reviewing the policy before the meeting, he determined that the policy was already very clear that no requests for refunds would be accepted after June 30th. All of the AFP application forms were reviewed, and the language on the application forms has been made clearer to reflect this policy. No further discussion was deemed to be necessary regarding this matter. 


Chelsea Points Tee Time System Document:


  • The document that Mark O’Brien had previously distributed to the Commission was reviewed (see attached)
  • It was decided to have the default tee time used when people make a request to be one hour after the first tee time of the day.
  • It was decided to allow those using the “Linking” function to break the link if they desire.
  • Jeff Odell asked about the 12-day rolling history. Mark O’Brien stated that the system would use points accumulated for the 10-day period prior to when the requests are placed and the 2-day period forward of when the requests are placed.
  • Cindy Bingham asked why no points were given for early morning back-9 play. Mark O’Brien responded that those players were low impact on the operation and did not feel that points were necessary for that play. All agreed.
  • The penalty points were reviewed for no shows, slow play, and showing up with different players than what was on the tee sheet. Mark O’Brien stated that these penalty points would have to be applied manually and that they would be issued at his discretion if he saw a pattern of abuse.
  • A question was asked if members would know their points. Mark O’Brien responded that these could be viewed by the members in their profile.
  • When asked about points for guests in the group, Mark O’Brien responded that points are not given for guests in the group, but rather the average of the members points in the group are used to place the tee time request.
  • Cindy Bingham asked how singles are handled. Mark O’Brien responded that singles making requests are place after all twosomes, threesomes and foursomes are placed and can only be placed with a twosome or threesome.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Cindy Bingham, to approve the document as presented (see attached). A roll call vote was taken and all voted in favor. The motion was approved.


Approval of past meeting minutes:


  • Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Rob Harris, to approve the Golf Commission meeting minutes of December 13, 2013 as printed. A roll call vote was taken and all voted in favor.
  • Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Rob Harris, to approve the Golf Commission meeting minutes of January 14, 2014 as printed. A roll call vote was taken and all voted in favor with the exception of Jeff Odell who abstained. The motion was approved.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


·         Cindy Bingham asked if at the next meeting we could discuss having a date set when Mark O’Brien would present the FY2016 golf budget to the Commission. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

·         Cindy Bingham reported that Cranberry Valley is offering the resident rate ($770) to Chatham residents and a rate of $870 to Orleans and Eastham residents.

·         Cindy Bingham stated that we should publicize the amount of savings that the Captains Golf Course is responsible for to the Town of Brewster in regard to wastewater mitigation costs as a result of our reduction in the use of N fertilizer over the last several years. In the recent Horsley Witten draft report this amount ranges from $4.6M to $5.8M. All agreed that once the report is finalized we should publicize this fact whenever we can.

·         Kent Arnold stated that it would be nice to have a meet and greet with the new superintendent at some point. All agreed and this will be arranged.

·         Ed Pavlu reported that he has been told by a Brewster resident woman that she and her husband will not be joining the Captains due to the handicap restriction required by the 9-Hole Women’s Association.

·         The handicap restriction was briefly discussed and it was decided that Rob Harris would write a letter to the Women’s 9 & 18 Hole Associations asking them to justify their policy in this regard.


Jim Ehrhart made a motion, seconded by Anne O’Connell to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken and all voted in favor. The motion was approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m.  


The next meeting will be held on March 11, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations



































Chelsea Tee Time System

508-896-5100 or


The Captains Golf Course utilizes an automated Tee Time system which can be accessed either by the telephone or on-line via the above phone number or web address. Tee times for annual fee players are calibrated using a point system. A 12-day rolling history of play is maintained and tee time allocation is based on the group’s play point average for this 12-day period. The point system and reservation procedures are as follows:


  • REQUESTS: Beginning at 6:00 a.m. 5 days in advance and through 12:00 midnight 3 days prior to play, you may enter a request for a tee time for your group. Your request is confirmed with a five digit number. You will have the ability to enter the time you wish to play, earliest or latest time you will accept, number of players in your group, and your course preference, if any. You will be required to enter all the member numbers for the players in your group. If you have a guest in your group, you will enter your member # for the guest. You will also have the ability to “link” groups if you have more than one group playing. At this stage you only have a requested tee time. Retain this number as it is needed to change, cancel or confirm the tee time after allocation.


  • TEE TIME PLACEMENTS: The system will place the reservations in the morning, two days prior to the play date. The system will automatically email your tee time to you. You will have the ability to view the tee sheet at 12:00 noon, two days prior to the play date. 


  • BOOKINGS: For those that do not submit a request, beginning at 12:00 noon, two days prior to the play date, you may make a tee time booking via the telephone or on-line system based on availability.


  • OPEN TIME: Beginning at 8:00 p.m. the night before play, any open time becomes available to anyone, regardless of whether it is a member or non-member time. This is also done via the automated phone system or on-line system. 



  • Points are only allocated for tee times granted or played before 12:00 noon.

  • One point is issued for a granted “request”. This includes association block time play and Captains’ tournament play. However, no point is issued for those that make a tee time “booking” after 12:00 noon, two days prior to play.

  • For each hour that your granted tee time is off from your request, one tenth of a point is deducted.

  • An additional point is then issued for playing, for ALL players that play before 12:00 noon.

  • No points are issued for those that play 9 holes off the back 9.

  • Any player who has a tee time and does not show up without canceling will receive a 5 point penalty.

  • Any group that shows up on the day of play with different players than the players that were listed for the tee time will receive a 5 point penalty per player.

  • Any group that falls one hole behind the group ahead of them will receive a warning and be given one hole to catch up. If they do not catch up, each player in the group will receive a 2 point penalty. Continuous violations may result in the players in the group receiving “Turtle” status which will mean they will not be able to make tee times prior to 12:00 noon.

  • The tee time requests are placed according to a group’s point average and their requested tee time and course request. Groups with the lowest point average will have their request placed first. The system will add all of the member’s points for the group that have accumulated over the last 12 days, and divide the number of members in the group to arrive at the group’s point average. Groups that choose to “link” tee time requests will average all the players in the “linked” group to arrive at the average. The average is based on the members playing in the group and guests are not counted.


The integrity of this system is based on the honesty of the users. Accordingly, abuses of the system may result in suspension or revocation of privileges.


Monday, July 15th, 2024

The Golf Courses are open, and carts are available.

18-hole carts are available up to the 3:00pm starting time.

9-hole golf carts are available up to the 5:00pm starting time.

Drinking water is available at filling stations by the clubhouse. 
