Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn), Peggy McEvoy (President, Friends of The Captains) and Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Peggy McEvoy reported on The Friends fundraiser coming up on June 12.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Colin Walsh reported on in-house maintenance projects done and those on hold until Spring. Bid requests for brush pile removal went out on January 6.  Maintenance of equipment is under way.  Tree work and stump grinding continues.  Anne O’Connell gave kudos to the maintenance staff for their work.


Director’s report:

  • Review draft FY23 Golf Department Budget

Jay Packett reported on the budget expenditures.  Gift certificates were very popular.  The       calendar year is up.  December was up due to good weather  The fiscal year is down due to changes in Covid regulations, i.e. schools being open, etc.  Weekday play was down as compared to last year.  Play totals were the most ever in December; total rounds were up at approximately 46,000 rounds per golf course.  Adjustments were made to the projections spread sheet. $1.1 million is projected for FY 2022.  Discussion followed.


Jay Packett reported going over various line items with Mimi Bernardo.  Discussion followed.  Anne O’Connell indicated the town is more heavily involved in the function of the golf course due to planned major capital expenditures, noting indirect costs being provided to the golf course by various departments and indicating she would be happy to ask town administration to talk to the golf commission at a later date.  There was further discussion regarding contributions to the town by the golf course.

A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by John Kissida, to endorse the proposed draft  budget.  Motion passed 7-0.


  • Pavilion Roof

Jay Packett reported the roof replacement might need to be pushed forward, depending on the reports from the various inspectors.  He has not yet heard back from the insurance company regarding the roof being done by mid to late March and hopes to have more information for the meeting of January 24.



  • Course Operations and Concerns

2021 Annual Report – Items to be included in the annual report are not due until mid to                                                   late February.  Dave Valcourt submitted a list of topics which Anne O’Connell included in her packet.  Please send Anne O’Connell any other suggestions to be included on this list.



Discussion 12/20 Select Board Meeting:


The commission appeared before the Selectboard on December 20 and will appear again on                                                          January 24.  John Kissida reported there were misunderstandings and confusion in the presentation of the rate increase and tee time allocations.  He would like to revisit the subject of rates for the Selectboard to understand significant expenditures to ultimately make the golf course a pay-as-you go facility.  Discussion followed.


Discussion and possible vote on revision of 2022 Tee Time Allocation recommendation:


Rob David questioned whether a capital fund could be solely funded from the cart revenue.  Discussion followed.  The commission has been requested to provide the Selectboard with the impact including cart revenue on the number of tee times.


Discussion and possible vote on revision of 2022 Rates recommendation:


John Kissida asked this subject be included to give the commission the latitude to do a   modification if needed.  Discussion followed.  The current recommendation on rates will stand.  Discussion followed.  Dave Valcourt discussed the reserve fund.  Further discussion followed.


Discussion on communication strategy:


            Jen Defoe will be consulted on this matter.


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:


Bill Meehan asked Jay Packett to advise him when indirect costs are on the agenda and thanked Colin Walsh for his work and information on the sink holes.  




Review and approve minutes:


Peggy McEvoy’s last name is misspelled under questions and comments.  Pat Fannon’s name should be included.  Installation of  hydration stations should read be installed when weather permits.

A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by John Kissida, to approve the minutes as corrected.  Motion passed 7-0.


Future agenda items and meetings:


Swim lane updates.

Roof updates.


A motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant


Monday, March 10th, 2025

The Golf Course is OPEN, carts are available.

Please pardon our appearance; The Golf Shop is currently being remodeled.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course will open on March 29, 2025. 

The Port water filling station is currently closed.
