Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Rob Harris (CCMGA), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn) and Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captain’s).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of Quorum: All golf commissioners were present and accounted for.


Directors Update:

  • FY23 Golf Department Budget and Five-Year Capital Plan


Jay Packett stated the course was closed for 13 days – the play total for 2022 was down.  Still looking at a very retained earnings surplus at the end of fiscal 2022.  It was noted that a 400,000 Stabilization Account was added to budget status and monthly financials.  Draft 2023 is up to date in open gov. The final requested budget for 2023 was $4,244,134.00.

5 Year Capital Plan – Looking for additional funds at the May Annual Town Meeting for doors/windows project, HVAC project, the maintenance building study, and cart path repair. Stated the roof replacement will be brought up at the next capital meeting.

Bill Meehan – expects no issues with the approval of the Golf Department Budget or Five-Year Capital Plan

John Kissida – spoke on adjustment of cart path improvement costs helping with the roof and wanted to revisit the irrigation and cart path repair timelines.

Jay Packett Agreed with John Kissida

  • Pavilion Repair

Blue Sky will be doing the Pavilion Repair – building permits are being obtained and are very aware of the April 1st date of completion.  Carpet samples have arrived as well.  Blue Sky will begin on 2/28/2022.

Fire Suppression system needs a small repair to pipe and is just waiting for approval from Town Hall.  The fire suppression system will be upgraded as well with a generator to avoid past issues – also awaiting approval from Town Hall.

Jeff Odell – Asked if the carpet samples were in stock and available?

Jay Packett confirmed this and noted Sean Sullivan (Owner of Freemans Grill) had requested other samples. The carpeting for the pavilion is covered by insurance. Discussion followed on the carpet and financials of installing new carpet outside of the Pavilion.

  • Membership Applications

Membership paperwork updated and will be going live online with memberships on Thursday.  Hardcopies are available in the Pro Shop as well though. There is a non-resident waiting list and current Non-Resident members will be able to renew online and there has been a system implemented to allow for this. Discussion followed clarifying renewal deadlines and policies.

John Kissida – Noted the importance of a communication to the members about the increase in the membership rates.  Anne O’Connell noted Dave Valcourt will be updating that.


Updates, if any, on Capital Projects in process:

  • Carpeting – Sean has received carpet samples (Spoken on earlier)
  • Kitchen Equipment – Freemans Grill will have new equipment delivered and installed, as well as old equipment removed for under $10,000. The new equipment has been approved by Town Hall.
  • Range Balls/Push Carts/Rental Clubs – update at the end of March.
  • Tree Work – Colin Walsh had Mayer Tree come in to do stump/debris grinding. Have money left in the budget for future tree work.
  • Pump House Protection -Catalyst Architects came in on John Kissida’s recommendation and did a quick walk around to prepare a proposal for the building assessment and plan and budget.
  • Toro Equipment update – Aerators may arrive by May, but all other equipment will be for 2023.
  • Pump House Protection Plan – A scope of work was put together and being sent to the DPW.


Colin Walsh noted that there are OSHA and Chainsaw Trainings coming up. The Barnstable County paid for 10 of the Maintenance Staff that took classes about a month ago.


Course Operations Questions and Concerns:

  • Jay Packett brought several events for approval in front of the Golf Commission –The Mass Golf Allen Bowl, Mass Golf Women’s Play Day- Target date 8/18/2022. Discussion followed on revenue loss, marketing exposure gained and tournament operations. It was determined that Jay Packett will reach back out to Mass Golf with a contingent offer and revisit it at next meeting in March.
  • Jessie Schectman – Director of Golf for Barnstable – GIF (Golf Is Fun Tour) May 19th – 90-108 Players with tee times only starting at 11:00 until about 3 pm. $60 Per person and $2000 Pro Shop sales given in prizes.

– Jeff Odell moved to Approve GIF TOUR, seconded by Wynn Morton.  Unanimously approved.

  • Adult Shared Living Incorporated – Monday May 16th – 1 PM Shotgun Start with a $60 per person charge. Rob David moved to Approve, seconded by Wynn Morton.  Unanimously approved.
  • Dave Hurlbut Group – Tuesday AM shotgun on 6/7/2022 – 70-80 people. Andrea Johnson moved to Approved, seconded by Wynn Morton.  Unanimously approved.
  • Jay Packet noted the USGA approved the Captain’s Course dates for the 67th Senior Amateur Championship. The dates are Monday July 18th and the rain date is Monday August 8th.



Cancellation Policy (Rob David/Andrea Johnson):


Rob David presented a power point presentation (available in packet) and spoke on stopping revenue leakage, achieving higher Daily Fee Player revenue, improving AFP satisfaction, PCI Compliance, administrative workload, what the competitors use, other options available and proposed recommendations.  Jay Packett thanked Rob David for his time and wanted to do more research into Golf NOW as prior relationship was not satisfactory.  Jay Packett agreed we can certainly update the timing of the e-mail reminders for tee times and start using receipts for carts and tee times as well.  There are new computers being installed in the Pro Shop and once that will allow for better implementation of policies. Jay discussed issues from his experience. Discussion followed

John Kissida thanked Andrea and Rob for the great presentation.  Suggested a voice recording line for cancellations the staff could check on a regular basis and that we need to have a penalty in place.  Discussion followed and Anne O’Connell clarified that the unused tee time are accessible by members has been changed from 8pm to 4pm.  Dave Valcourt noted the importance of getting that information out to the public.  Jay Packett had to leave the meeting due to and alarm issue at the Golf Course.


Chelsea Notification Process (Jeff Odell):

-Jeff Odell’s topic was pushed to the March 8th meeting as it needed input from Jay Packett.

Comments Regarding Future Planning (Anne O’Connell):

-Pushed to the March 8th meeting as it needed input form Jay Packett.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:


Andrea Johnson noted that Rob David did the Lion’s share of the work on the cancellation/no show policy and his amazing PowerPoint.


Peggy McEvoy noted The Friends of Captains has moved for their events.  Friends’ tournament will move from June to August or September and the April 9th will be moved to June 12th


Future Agenda Items and meetings (3/8, 3/22):


Wynn Morton added to the agenda for the general exploration of alternatives to the Chelsea System to have it built that it better tracks the effectiveness of our marketing.


Jeff Odell noted he had a conversation with members and that they didn’t have enough time to rearrange their schedules or find times elsewhere.   He would like some feedback before now and the next meeting.

Anne O’Connell noted this would require the restructuring of the request window.


Review and Approve Minutes


1/11 – Motion to approve by Wynn Morton, seconded by Andrea Johnson.

1/25 – John Kissida noted several changes to the notes and will send notes to Jay Packet. Motion to approve minutes as amended made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Rob David.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:

Wynn Morton wanted to add a future agenda item revisit security at the golf course and our liability. More discussion is needed.  Anne O’Connell added that to the March 22nd agenda.


A motion to adjourn was made by Anne O’Connell, seconded by John Kissida, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm.


Saturday, December 21st, 2024

The golf course is CLOSED due to snow cover.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
