Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Chair), John Kissida (Vice Chair), Anne O’Connell, Rob David (Remote), Jim Juras, Jay Paggi, and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent), Susin Olin (Women’s 9-Holers), Terry Ivester (Women’s 18-Holers – Remote), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).


THIS MEETING WAS VIDEO RECORDED. The meeting may be viewed at:


Andrea Johnson read the meeting participation statement and called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Declaration of a Quorum – 6 Commissioners present and one remote which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment: None.


Handbook (Anne O’Connell) – Anne O’Connell discussed revisions to the handbook, proposing adding “no later than” dates for certain items and clarifying meeting frequency. Jay Packett emphasized the need for early approval of membership fees. They agreed to include these in the handbook. John Kissida raised concerns about meeting frequency and redundancy in certain sections, suggesting improvements. They discussed clarifying communication about meeting minutes and agendas being available electronically. Dave Valcourt suggested adding a publication date to the handbook. Andrea Johnson suggested starting the process in December rather than January or February.


Chelsea Points (John Kissida) – John Kissida raised concerns about the Chelsea point system at the Captains Golf Course, noting that members are charged points when they bring guests. He found this counterproductive, as bringing guests generates revenue for the club. He questioned why members should be penalized for doing so and suggested reconsidering the policy. Jay Packett explained that the system might have been adopted from other clubs and proposed a review of the process. He suggested that the points might have been intended to address situations where members bring multiple guests, impacting tee time availability. However, he agreed that the current system might need adjustments. Further discussion on the topic continued and Anne O’Connell recommended confirming the system’s functionality before making any decisions. Dave Valcourt emphasized the importance of encouraging guest play while avoiding abuse of the system. Rob Harris promised to investigate the system and provide more information. In conclusion, the commission decided to gather more details before proposing any changes and agreed to revisit the issue once the information was available. They also discussed the need for clearer communication with members once a decision was reached.


Update on Facilities Manager winter projects (Jay Packett) –Jay Packett updated the commission on Lou Moreno’s tasks as the facilities manager over the winter. Lou completed miscellaneous maintenance tasks, including but not limited to, sanitizing the clubhouse and bathrooms, replacing light bulbs in the vaulted ceiling of the golf shop, painting rusty areas, and building office furniture. He assisted with the HVAC project, coordinated with contractors, and provided support. Lou handled turning off and on water lines, fixing plumbing issues, and repairing restroom facilities. He also procured and installed new ceiling tiles and assisted with the procurement of tables, and chairs for the pavilion and restaurant. Additionally, Lou arranged for carpet cleaning, stocked cleaning supplies, repaired worn-out wood areas, and prepared for pressure washing. Overall, Lou Moreno’s efforts were appreciated, with Jay Packett acknowledging his hard work.


Commissioners Calendar (Andrea Johnson) – Andrea Johnson presented a document outlining project timelines but acknowledged difficulties in assigning specific dates. Anne O’Connell suggested using quarters or months for listing. Andrea expressed her intent to provide guidance for future chairs, seeking suggestions for improvement. Jim Juras proposed using a Gantt chart format to track tasks and responsibilities, offering to assist. They agreed to align the calendar with either the fiscal or calendar year. Anne O’Connell suggested December 31st as a completion date for yearly tasks. They discussed adding definite dates for events within their control, such as the member calendar in November. Andrea agreed and recognized the importance of accounting for external influences.


Discussion and possible vote on new signage funding (Jay Packett) – Jay Packett discussed plans to replace tee box and directional signs on the golf course, sharing a quote for the project. They will be using capital funds for the enhancements and aimed to replace as many signs as possible within budget. Anne O’Connell suggested prioritizing the most deteriorated signs. Colin Walsh highlighted the need for uniformity in sign placement. They discussed the decision-making process and the allocation of funds. Jay Packett mentioned keeping some funds for other contingencies and emphasized the importance of transparency and collaboration in decision-making. They also mentioned the need to address the starter shed roof and trim.

Capital planning including scheduling and potential impacts (Jay Paggi) – Jay Paggi suggested discussing the potential impacts of the capital plan’s scheduling. He highlighted the need for coordination among various town boards and offices for the maintenance building and irrigation system projects. Jay Paggi emphasized the time required for RFP preparation, bidding, and contracting, expressing concern over delays. He mentioned potential negative impacts on efficiency and course maintenance due to project delays. John Kissida agreed, emphasizing the need for detailed project schedules and coordination with town officials. Jay Packett mentioned Donna Kalanick’s upcoming visit to discuss schedules and proposed communication with the public. They discussed the responsibility for project scheduling, with Jay Packett indicating town officials would manage it. Anne O’Connell clarified the roles of the Select Board, Town Manager, and town meeting in project execution and financing. They emphasized the importance of understanding the town charter and coordination for effective project management.


Discuss Key Shop Staff attending commission meetings to provide updates on projects: Dave Valcourt discussed a recent conversation with Jay Packett about inviting Patrick Fannon  and Keith Gagnon to share their expertise at commission meetings, which Jay supported. Andrea Johnson agreed it was a great idea.


Commissioner updates as needed – None.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons: Susan Olin (9-Holers Association) – Gave an update on the women’s 9-Holers League. They have 59 members, 6 new members and will be starting matches on May 2.


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (5/14 & 5/21) – Meetings scheduled for the 14th and 21st, with the 28th meeting being moved due to the town election. Donna Kalanick will attend the 21st meeting. Anne O’Connell suggested an update on membership numbers.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: – Anne O’Connell requested a quick update on the Windows and Door project bid. Jay Packett mentioned the bid opening tomorrow at 11 a.m. and added that they were conducting interviews for the senior administrative position. He mentioned having one interview that day and four scheduled for Thursday.

John Kissida then raised a question about golf carts not making it around 18 holes. Jay packett explained the situation and mentioned plans to have the company come in to address it, especially with the Martha White event approaching. John Kissida clarified that his concern was to inform the public about the issue and assure them it was being addressed. Jay Packett explained the steps they were taking and how they assisted golfers when carts failed.


A motion to adjourn was made – Motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.  



Monday, March 10th, 2025

The Golf Course is OPEN, carts are available.

Please pardon our appearance; The Golf Shop is currently being remodeled.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course will open on March 29, 2025. 

The Port water filling station is currently closed.
