1. Call to Order
    1. Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), Dave Valcourt (Vice-Chair), John Kissida, Andrea Johnson, Jim Juras, Anne O’Connell
    2. Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison), Dave Whitney (Select Board Liaison), Susan Olin (Nine Holers), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Terry Ivester (Eighteen Holers – Remote), Judy Miller – Remote.
  2. Declaration of a Quorum – 6 Commissioners present which constitutes a quorum.
  3. Public Comment: Bill Meehan – speaking on behalf of another member, an expression of displeasure of operation of the ball dispenser at the range. It is requested that the issue be brought directly to Jay Packett. Jay will follow up directly with the member.


  1. Update on Financials – Jay Packett
    1. Budget status 13% into our budget where we were last year, transfer to capital stabilization fund is not in there yet and this will change in the future months.
    2. The month of July was a record month, we went over $1M in revenue for July. Membership is doubled from July of 2023; green and cart fees are up. We are $96K above of last year.
    3. Calendar year we are up overall by $164,000. Membership revenue is $37,000 ahead, greens fees are up by $61,000, cart fees by $3,000, and our miscellaneous revenue is ahead by $61,000 as well.
    4. Projections – by the end of August, the indirects and the transfer to capital stabilization fund will be included in our budget. This might result in a negative next month. However, despite expecting a negative this month, we had more of a positive. As we progress through the fiscal year, we will have a better idea of what to expect as we approach late winter, early spring, and the end of the fiscal year for FY25.
    5. In terms of rounds of golf in July, we had 17,171 overall. In 2022, our record was close with only 235 rounds shy of breaking that record. It’s the second-highest total we’ve ever had in July.
    6. FY 2024 Financials – Our overall revenue for FY 24 was $5,908,568. Overall Expenses were $4,379,863. A question regarding the projected and actual revenue from Jay Paggi. Jay Packet commented that projections are made in December before unexpected changes occur, such as health insurance, which can contribute to the difference.


  1. Update on Golf Operations – Jay Packett
    1. Golf Course is currently fully staffed, however, seasonal employees are starting to leave and there may be some shifts that need to be covered. Fortunately, we have a great staff, and many of them are willing to take on extra shifts.
    2. OPM RFQ update – Donna sent out a draft to all. Jay has reviewed and provided feedback. Jay feels that the draft was excellent, requiring zero revisions. A meeting occurred with Jon, Colin, Peter, Donna, Mimi, and Jay to review in detail. The plan is to gather final feedback and release it early next week. It will be advertised as needed. The next step is to ensure that all quotes are submitted by 9/19/24. Onsite visit is scheduled for 9/11/24 at 10 a.m. for anyone interested. The deadline for qualifications is Thursday, September 26th at 11:00 AM. After that, submissions will be reviewed to select the most qualified candidates and award the bid. Details will be published on the website. Donna plans to attend our meeting on 8/27/24 to provide updates on OPM and capital matters.
    3. The town has advertised the opening for a new commission member through emails and on the website. No applications have been received to date. A suggestion was made to additionally send an email blast.


  1. Update on Golf Course Conditions – Colin Walsh
    1. The golf course conditions are holding up well despite the weather. There have been some issues with the roughs around the green and tee areas. Continuous work on aerating, seeding, and removing dead material to encourage new growth and better turf. Work continues to address the damage caused by the high humidity and temperatures.
    2. Water allotment has been approximately 80%, with current usage at 60%. The importance of conserving water was emphasized. Colin is satisfied with being well below their allotment heading into the fall. They also discussed the ongoing maintenance tasks such as regular sprays and preparations for fall aeration.
    3. Upcoming projects include T-leveling, more bunker work, top dressing the greens to smooth out the surface, and preparing the cart paths for improvement. Ongoing work to remove a small core from the greens to help vent the roots continues. The focus is on recovery.
    4. Two positions are currently open and the deadline for applying is Friday. Fall staffing will need to increase as numerous staff leave after the summer.
    5. The laser box blade arrived this spring after a two-year wait. Four fairway mowers and a sand rake machine have not come in yet. A plan to place orders for the triplex mower this fall, which we use for maintaining the greens, tees, and approaches.
    6. Plans regarding the blue tee on 11 Starboard were discussed, with consideration to adjust the blue tee and combine it with the white tee to create a larger and more functional tee, like what has been done in the past with other tees.
    7. An update on the RFQ (Request for Quotation) for the water source and supply was requested by Jay Paggi. Colin noted that an RFQ regarding the water source and supply was sent to at least four firms. Three firms have responded. One firm showed interest in examining the water pumping stations and the area where the water flows from. Another firm only had phone conversations. A third firm initially showed interest but later withdrew from the project. As for the fourth firm, it is uncertain whether they will be submitting a proposal. The deadline for submissions is on Friday.


  1. Status of Red/Yellow Tee Program – Jay Packett and Andrea Johnson
  2. Bob Healy, who presented at the last meeting, did a great job explaining the red-yellow combo and the yellow-white combination. Keith Gagnon is now involved and has contributed to the blue-white combo, drawing from his experience at Mass Golf. The main part of the project will start after Labor Day, Around the middle of September, when things have calmed down slightly, Keith will work with Bob on both sets of combos.
  3. Jay will create appropriate scorecards that will be available in the Pro Shop, eventually creating a downloadable version for the website.


  1. Status Commission Schedule – Andrea Johnson
    1. Information regarding the schedule will be coming from Donna. Once received, it can be integrated with capital projects and meetings. The goal is to have all the capital projects and meetings scheduled in the system. The tool is available but access to the necessary data is needed.
    2. The meeting with the smaller capital pro team, consisting of Colin Walsh, Jay Packet, Jon Mohan, Donna Kalinick, Peter Lombardi, and Mimi Bernardo started over the last few months. Donna has started providing us with quarterly updates. It’s a new initiative and the process is still fluid.
    3. A meeting is scheduled for 8/19/24 with Anne, Dave, and John. Donna will join on 8/27/24. By the third week of September, we need to have our capital plan solidified to be included on the warrant for the special town meeting in November.
  2. Discussion on improper locations for carts on the course – Jay Paggi
    1. It has been noted that carts are in areas where they shouldn’t be, such as the side of greens. This undermines the work that has been put into our greens. Suggestions regarding how best to address this issue are requested.
    2. Jay Packett commented that an email blast did go out last winter regarding this matter, requesting that people respect the hard work our maintenance team puts into our greens The goal was to educate about the importance of respecting the golf course. Noted was that this time of year is mostly members.
    3. The question arose regarding warnings, and penalties, especially regarding repeat offenders. The suggestion is to work with the associations to help spread the word.
    4. Additional questions arose regarding handicap cart policies and limitations. Jay stated that it is 15 feet from the putting surface you are not allowed to go between bunkers and the green.
    5. Discussion regarding upcoming cart lease, the possibility of GPS and control factor. The cost is understood to be exorbitant.
  3. Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons
    1. Question to Colin regarding when the plugs appeared (2 weeks ago). Request to Jay to keep the local rules current, and craft or modify the current wording.


  1. Review and Approve Minutes: (6.11.24 & 7.9.24) – Both sets of minutes were approved with amendments.
  2. Future Agenda Items and Meetings (8.27.24)
    1. Donna will attend that meeting and give us an update on the Capital projects.
    2. Golf Commission Handbook
    3. Communication to the membership is requested such as how we finished the fiscal year, update from Colin, etc.
    4. FY2024 final numbers are requested, as well as membership, and non-resident member status.



  1. Matters not anticipated by the Chair:
    1. Request for acceptance for a memorial bench for a member who recently passed away. A movement to approve the memorial bench which was approved.
    2. Family Tee Markers status update requested. A discussion between Jay Packett and Colin regarding the cost and budget occurred.


  1. A motion to adjourn was made – The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.

Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
