Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), David Valcourt (Vice Chair), Girard Healy, Andrea Johnson, Jim Juras, Anne O’Connell
Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Course Superintendent),
Dave Whitney, Susan Olin, Rob Harris, Mary Berzinis (remote – women’s 18-hole league), Mike Moore (remote – men league), Judy Miller (remote)
This meeting was video recorded. The meeting may be viewed at Golf Commission 10-222024
- Call to order
Declaration of a quorum – Six commissioners were present.
Meeting participation statement
- Recording Statement – As required by the Open Meeting Law, we are informing you that the Town will be video and audio taping as well as broadcasting this public meeting. In addition, if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting, they are required to inform the Chair.
- Public announcements and comments –
- Mass Golfer Publication had a complimentary article on The Captain’s Golf Course
- Discussion on daily rates, membership fees, and cart rates – Jay Packett
- Jay mentioned shoulder season rates as a possible area to increase. There was a discussion regarding the Golf Foundation Study and its recommendations for annual rate increases. Concerns were raised regarding the possibility that only increasing the shoulder season may cause financial issues. It was also noted that with rising operational costs for running the courses, raising daily fees across the board might become necessary.
- Membership Rates: There was a discussion about increasing rates for residents versus non-residents and whether to raise one more than the other. Overall, there was consensus that rates should be increased, except for collegiate and junior rates. Membership levels were also raised. Rob Harris expressed his views on the benefits of membership that extend beyond the green fee waiver, as well as his thoughts on raising rates. Jay Packett recalled
that the financial forecast discussed in December 2023 indicated a projected 6% increase for FY26.
- Cart rate: The lease changes in January 2025 and will cost $81,000 more. Discussions have ensued regarding increasing the rate alongside membership and daily rates.
- Update on State of the Captains (SOC) – Anne and David
- Dave advised that he had received a draft from Anne but had not yet had the time to review it thoroughly. Additional information is needed from Colin regarding new equipment. The final draft should be completed by the 11/12 meeting.
- Fortieth anniversary – Gerry and Jay Paggi
- There was a review of the discussion from the last meeting. The idea of a book and the potential of its content was listed and considered.
- A tournament on the original course was discussed.
- 40th-anniversary logo items for sale at the pro shop is in the works. Andrea is working alongside Keith.
- Calendar – Jim
- It has been updated with all information to date. There are still some questions regarding the dates of some meetings that are not yet solidified. Because of this, the calendar remains fluid and will adjust as needed.
- Jim and Gerry will meet to talk about an online calendar option.
- Update on the new commissioner
- For the replacement of John Kissida, there are no active applications.
- Update on the maintenance building OPM – Andrea
- Four firms have submitted RFQs. A meeting will be held on 10.23.24 to decide which two will move on for an interview. After the interview process, it is expected that the contract will be awarded.
- 2025 Calendar of Events – Jay Packett
- Jay reviewed the calendar of currently planned events for 2025.
- Motion to approve the calendar as presented was made, seconded, and approved unanimously.
- Questions and Comments from associations and liaisons
- Mike Moore commented that the CCMGA had a successful event in September. A recent survey communicated that camaraderie is important in the association. Mike also shared his opinion on sending a survey to members regarding communication, improvements and costs.
- Future agenda items and meetings
- There will be 2 meetings in November, 11.12.24 and 11.19.24.
- The 11.19.24 meeting will have the presentation of the 5-year financial forecast
- Update on OPM – Maintenance Building 11.12.24
- Matters not reasonably anticipated by the chair.
- none