Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), David Valcourt (Vice Chair), Girard Healy, Andrea Johnson, Anne O’Connell


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations via remote), Colin Walsh (Course Superintendent), Peter Lombardi (Town Manager), Donna Kalinick (Assistant Town Manager), Mimi Bernardo (Accounting Manager), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee), Dave Whitney (Selectboard), Rob Harris (Cape Cod Men’s Golf Association)


This meeting was video recorded. The meeting may be viewed at Golf Commission 12-10-2024


  • Call to order.


  • Declaration of a quorum – Six commissioners were present.


  • Meeting participation statement


  • Recording Statement – As required by the Open Meeting Law, we are informing you that the Town will be video and audio taping as well as broadcasting this public meeting. In addition, if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting, they are required to inform the Chair.


  • Public announcements and comments – none.


  • FY 26 – 30 Financial Forecast Presentation – Peter Lombardi, Donna Kalinick, Mimi Bernardo, Jay Packett (remote)
    1. An overview of the background of the golf department becoming a self-funded enterprise fund was reviewed. This included a review of the capital plan and financial forecast created at that time.
    2. The FY25 Budget was reviewed in detail and discussed.
    3. FY26-30 Budget forecast and debt assumptions were reviewed. There were questions regarding recommendations, revenue estimates, collective bargaining agreements, and managerial decisions. Discussion followed and can be viewed on the video at 42 minutes into the meeting and lasted until 1:16:54.
  • Discussion and vote on recommendations to the Selectboard for daily fees, cart fees, range fees, and outing rates – Jay Paggi
    1. Jay Packett gave a high-level overview of the daily increases and his rationale.
    2. The Golf Commission reviewed each rate and daily fee. A motion was made to recommend the daily fee rates in the golf packet provided on December 9, 2024, to the select board.
      1. Rob Harris spoke to the board regarding his opinion on the recommendations. Discussion followed and can be viewed on the video at time 1:29:00.
    3. The motion was amended to recommend the rates shown on December 9, 2024, with a modification of the 18-hole green fee from June 29 to September 2nd. The Golf Commission recommends increasing the daily 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. fee to $90.
    4. Cart Fees—A motion was made to recommend the cart fees in the golf packet provided to the select board on December 9, 2024.
      1. Rob Harris represented the CCMGA and suggested communication with the golf associations before making recommendations. Discussion followed and the motion was modified to recommend no change in cart fees for Daily Fee Players from 2024.
    5. A motion was made to recommend the outing rates in the golf packet provided on December 9, 2024, to the select board.


  • OPM Maintenance Building Update – Andrea Johnson and David Valcourt
    1. An offer has been made to the recommended firm. Response to the proposal is pending.


  • Monthly Financial Presentation – Jay Packett
    1. The financial presentation was received by the golf commission.


  • Update on course conditions, winter projects, and staffing – Colin Walsh
    1. Staffing – The last round of layoffs for seasonal staff occurs on December 20, 2024
    2. The golf course is being prepared for winterization, cart path work, and preparation work for next season. The year-round staff attends licensing courses during the winter months.


  • Possible discussion only on Membership rates as time will allow – A vote will not be taken.
    1. Rates will be voted on January 14th. The golf commission was asked to review the rates before that meeting.


  • Questions and Comments from Associations and liaisons
    1. Bill Meehan offered his thoughts on rates.
    2. Friends of the Captains shared information with Jay Paggi which was communicated to the commission.


  • Review and approve minutes – 11.12.24.
    1. A movement as amended was approved.


  • Future agenda items and meetings – 1.14.25 and 1.28.25


  • Matters not reasonably anticipated by the chair – none.


  • Adjournment

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
