Commissioners Present:  Anne O’Connell (Chair), Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, Ed Pavlu, John Piemontese, and Judy McCarthy. Carl Blanchard absent.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Jerri Carlin (Women’s 9-Hole Association), Ray DiPietro (CCMGA), and Cindy Bingham (Selectmen Liaison).


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:  


  •  Jerri Carlin, President of the Friends and the 9-Hole Ladies Association, reported that the Friends will be having a meeting at the end of the month and will be going forward with their projects.
  • The 9-holers held the Rally for a Cure and raised $2,700 for the Cuda Center.  Dottie Barnard was chair of this event.  The invitational will be held on October 6.
  • The 9-holers club champion was Audrey Gandini; the net champion was Sharon Gorman.
  • Ray DiPietro reported the invitational went very well, the course was in great shape thanks to Pete Ervin.  There were 112 players including members and guests.  This event hosted the largest number of guests ever.  Ray DiPietro discussed the off-budget contributions by the CCMGA and other club organizations relative to event participation and how impressed players are by the course.
  • Judy McCarthy reported $1357 was sent to the Cuda Center; $3750 will be sent to Africa to build a well indicating The Captains Golf Course as the donor.  The golf course received a lot of good press regarding the latter event.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • None.


Superintendent’s Report:  


  • In the absence of Pete Ervin, Mark O’Brien reported aerification of the Port Course is complete and the course will be ready for play on Wednesday.  The same schedule will be followed for the Starboard Course next Monday and Tuesday.


Director of Operations Report:


  • Mark O’Brien announced that George Flemming, former selectman, golf commissioner, golf expansion committee chairman, a good friend and member of the golf course passed away this morning.
  • Mark O’Brien has sent the commission the financials.  It’s been a busy couple of weeks with Labor Day

and the invitational.  August was a good month.  Revenues are up in all categories.  Play totals were up in August to the highest point since 2008.  Except for a rainy Labor Day, September has been a good month. 

  • The invitational was good with 112 players and 32 guests.  There were a lot of good comments about the golf course.
  • Back 9 Tee Times–As of August 20 we have the capability to accept 9-hole tee times on the internet for early morning play. Discussion followed.  So far 18 rounds have been booked in the last three weeks.
  • There was a discussion regarding the recent meeting with the finance committee.
  • The irrigation and electrical systems are up and running.  Discussion followed.
  • The golf course will be going to the fall town meeting with an article to install the new service which will run from the clubhouse to the pump house (800 feet); this article includes the amount of money for the electric company to take ownership of the service.  This should be about $80,000 in addition to whatever other articles are to be presented.   Articles need to be submitted to town hall by early October.
  • Jeff Odell gave kudos to Pete Ervin and the maintenance staff for keeping the golf course in great condition during the recent water problems.



Restaurant Issues: 


  • Anne O’Connell reported that she, Mark O’Brien, John Piemontese and Carl Blanchard met with Mike Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Finance Committee and an expert in the food vending business.  Mark O’Brien has had discussions with Joe Jamiel and has heard good comments from the customers.


2017 Rates: 


  • Anne O’Connell asked if anyone had any thoughts about the 2017 rates.  Mark O’Brien’s opinion is that thought should be given to raising rates on an incremental basis.  Ray DiPietro suggested that block tee times be more flexible.


Follow Up:


  • John Piemontese spoke to the new technical coordinator at Cape Tech regarding the hand dryers and expects to be hearing back from her once the new school year is established.
  • Regarding the pathway from 8 to 9 Starboard, Jeff Odell reported this would be a very long-term capital project behind a lot of on-course needs.  He, Mark O’Brien and Pete Ervin have looked at the possibility of avoiding the steepness of the path with an alternate walking path which may be a project that could be scheduled for the end of the season and could be done in-house without expenses.
  • Jerri Carlin asked if anything had been done regarding emergency first-aid kits for the rangers.  There was an accident today involving an 18-holer falling in a hole.  This matter will be addressed as soon as possible. John Piemontese questioned the liability of the golf course in a first-aid event.
  • Judy McCarthy asked if anything had been done regarding the water fountain outside the snack bar on the Port side as referred to in a memo from Pat Eggers.  Mark O’Brien will turn the fountain on as apparently it has been turned off by parties unknown.  Pat Eggers also asked if there are any plans regarding the removal of nut grass.
  • Wyn Morton commented on Facebook postings.  If the associations have items they would like to see on Facebook, send them to Mark O’Brien, and he will forward them to be posted.





Future agenda items:


  • Future capital items.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • None.


Approval of 8/9/16 minutes:


  • Two corrections were noted: Those present were not indicated and Betsy King’s name was misspelled.
  • A motion was made by Judy McCarthy, seconded by Ed Pavlu, to approve the minutes of 8/9/16 as corrected.  Motion passed unanimously.


Ed Pavlu made a motion, seconded by Judy McCarthy, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.  


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Vesperman, Senior Clerk


Monday, March 10th, 2025

The Golf Course is OPEN, carts are available.

Please pardon our appearance; The Golf Shop is currently being remodeled.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course will open on March 29, 2025. 

The Port water filling station is currently closed.
