Port / Hole Four

391 Yard Par 4, HCP M-9, W-7

Hole Four - 391 Yard Par 4, HCP M-9, W-7

Drives down the middle to the right of the fairway will avoid a sharp drop off left of the landing area and leave a long iron to a green set well above the elevation of the landing area. Two bunkers right guard a rolling green.

This hole is named for Captain Isaac Clark: 1761-1819

When it came to opening trade in Russia, he was a “better to ask forgiveness later than permission now” kind of captain. Permission granted.
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Monday, July 15th, 2024

The Golf Courses are open, and carts are available.

18-hole carts are available up to the 3:00pm starting time.

9-hole golf carts are available up to the 5:00pm starting time.

Drinking water is available at filling stations by the clubhouse. 
