Commissioners Present: John Piemontese (Chair), Anne O’Connell (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, Wyn Morton, Ed Pavlu and Jeff Odell. Andrea Johnson was absent.
Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Bill O’Brien (CCMGA), Margaret Litavis (9-Hole Women’s Assn.), Jackie Ferraguto, and Donna Potts.
This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:
Call to Order: John Piemontese called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Public Comment:
- None.
Correspondence and Suggestion Box:
- None.
Superintendent’s Report:
- Pete Ervin reported that almost all of the 150 trees that fell in the recent storms are gone, the stumps are out of the ground and the lumber has been cleaned up leaving branches, pine cones, sticks, etc. to be cleaned up. Thanks to the crew for all their hard work.
- Aeration is just about finished, both sides being done.
- The well has been reconditioned and the pump will be ordered based on the output to maximize energy and hydraulic efficiency. Discussion followed.
- Thanks and good luck to Tony Polselli who is leaving.
Director’s Report:
- Mark O’Brien sent out the financials. Memberships are about equal to last year dollar-wise which would mean the actual membership is down as compared to last year. We should have a better picture at the end of this month. The poor start to the season weather-wise has slowed down memberships.
- Figures for March were OK, April has had a slow start due to the weather. Reservations are strong for the year with some weekends already sold out.
- Some of the staff is back; the rest will return as the season progresses.
- The credit card bid is in with a slightly better rate—about 2 cents per transaction.
- Mark O’Brien has been able to accommodate the Middle School Resource Officer’s request by giving the middle school play dates when the Nauset girls have away matches.
- As soon as the restaurant website pictures are available, we will be linking to that site.
- Member tournaments through August are listed on the website tournament page.
Open House, Saturday, April 28, 2018:
- Mark O’Brien handed out copies of the agenda for the day of the open house which is approximately the same as it was last year. There will be more organized information available at both the golf course and the driving range. Mark O’Brien will be working with Sean and Zach in presenting Freemans Grill to the community.
- Mark O’Brien will talk with the Fire Chief about using the road sign and thinks that leaving it on 6A will get more exposure.
- Any suggestions or offers of assistance on the day will be much appreciated. The various associations will be asked to be present at the informational meeting.
- John Piemontese asked if the restaurant could have a sign at the road. Discussion followed.
Back 9 Reservations:
- Carl Blanchard reported the last meeting with the sub-group was a review of current policies. He suggested that the availability of back-9 reservations be better advertised on the website.
Future Agenda Items:
- Mark O’Brien reported having a meeting with the MGA, Peter Ervin, and Sean and Zach regarding the state tournament on May 7 and 8. They expect 190 teams which will be going off in two waves on both courses on 1 and 10. Both courses will be closed until approximately 4 p.m. both days. All players will be paying cart fees. Zach and Sean will do lunch for all the competitors on the first day. Practice rounds will be provided Sunday through Thursday after noon; cart fees are required. The MGA will be taking over the course those days and will mark the courses. The Golf Commission meeting scheduled for May 8 will be held on May 10.
Review and Approve Minutes:
- A correction in regard to who made a motion in the minutes was noted as needed. A motion was made by Carl Blanchard, seconded by Wyn Morton to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed 5-0-1. Anne O’Connell abstained.
Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:
- Jeff Odell reported The National Golf Foundation did an article showing the Cape has more golf holes available per capita than any place in the country.
- The tile work is completed..
- Carl Blanchard and Orin Segal had a meeting regarding a cart program, but there was not enough information to determine any benefit to the golf course.
- It was decided to hold next month’s meeting on the second Thursday of the month instead of Tuesday so as not to conflict with the MGA State Four-Ball tournament.
- Ed Pavlu made a motion, seconded by Anne O’Connell, to adjourn the meeting.
- Motion passed 6-0-0.
- Meeting adjourned at 4:34.
The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will be held on Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 4:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Vesperman
Senior Clerk