Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Cindy Bingham, Wyn Morton, Carl Blanchard, Ed Pavlu, and John Piemontese.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Pete Ervin, (Superintendent), Jerri Carlin (Friends of the Captains), Jackie Ferraguto (9 Hole Women’s Assn.) and Ray DiPietro (CCMGA).


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:


  • Jerry Carlin, on behalf of the Friends of The Captains, reported that donations are going very well.  At Chris Hardy’s request gifts received in memory of her husband, Bill Howe, will be used to renovate the bathrooms on the turn at 10 with new floors, tiling and sinks.  There will be a 50/50 raffle at the open house a week from Saturday, and on May 6, 7 & 8 at Brewster in Bloom there will be closest to the pin fund raisers with proceeds going to both the Chamber of Commerce and The Friends.
  • The Friends annual tournament will be on June 5. 
  • Scholarships for graduating seniors going off to college are available from The Friends and will be added to those from the Ladies’ and Men’s Associations.
  • The season for the 9-holers opens on May 5 with 52 returning members and 3 new members.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Carl Blanchard reported a question from the Ladies 9-Holers as to the possibility of putting  hole numbers on the red tees.  Discussion followed.  Pete Ervin will look into this matter.


Superintendent’s Report (Pete Ervin):  


  • There were weather extremes during the last month causing a rescheduling of aerification.  The fairways have been verticut with the new fairway reels.  Greens and fairways are ready to go.  Everything will be completed in the next few days.
  • Drainage was installed on 8 Port green.
  • Kudos to the maintenance staff for a good job done.
  • There are irrigation breaks on 18 Port and 12 Starboard which will continue to be watched.
  • An electrician will evaluate the best way of bringing power to the lighting on the entry sign.
  • Weekend scheduling has been revised to take ease the burden off the full-time staff.
  • Pete Ervin attended a recent job fair and will be attending another at the end of the month with Jill Douglass.
  • One of the new employees was a superintendent in Poughkeepsie, New York for 40+ years.


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


  • This afternoon Mark O’Brien will be hosting a marketing event for five members of local chambers of commerce.
  • There is a request from the Housing Assistance Corp. to host a closest-to-the-pin event to help end homelessness in the area.  Mark O’Brien recommends the last Saturday in June which was agreeable to the commission.
  • Mark O’Brien presented the revenue reports through March. Based on this projection, total revenues will exceed total costs by approximately $32,000.   The budget is as expected.
  • Memberships are ahead of last year for January through March.  There are 36 new members–17 residents and 19 non-residents.
  • Every revenue category is up.
  • Carl Blanchard thanked Pete Ervin and his staff for the good condition of the course which has resulted in more golfers playing at The Captains.
  • Open house is scheduled for April 23.  Mark O’Brien will be using the same schedule as last year and asked for any suggestions for improvement. He will arrange for advertising in various media venues as close as possible to the actual event.  The putting contest will be open only to non-members.  Carl Blanchard suggested setting up several areas with membership information for those visitors not planning to attend the meeting—one at the clubhouse, another at the driving range.  Mark O’Brien will ask the fire chief to do electronic advertising on the sign at the firehouse.  There will be representatives from the golf commission and each of the associations at the meeting.
  • The lightning system is operating.


Web Site:


  • Wyn Morton met with Community Internet last week and reviewed our competitors’ websites in the area some of which information will be incorporated in a proposal. 


Restaurant Lease:


  • Carl Blanchard reported there was a good session with members of the various organizations regarding the restaurant operation.  Some of the concerns addressed were the quality of food at banquets and on the course, service at the restaurant during normal playing times relating to staffing concerns, the possibility of a “grab and go” option, signage on #10 as to restaurant hours, the possibility of service on the turn on Starboard, frequent cart service on the course, a phone line for ordering.  Lease costs at other courses were discussed; are the lease costs to the restaurant owner the cause of service problems?  Hopefully the restaurant will become an enhancement to attract more people and make the golfing experience better.  Mark O’Brien has spoken with Joe Jamiel regarding a meeting to discuss these issues.





  • Regarding rerating the courses, Mark O’Brien would rather not change the yardage from the gold tees. He is planning on rating as it stands other than the blue tees on 17—moving that up to white.
  • There was a discussion about combination tees.
  • Ray DiPietro suggested that golfers play from whatever tees are comfortable.  The gold tees are not only for golfers over 75.  Discussion followed,
  • Regarding the golf course doors, Mark O’Brien has been in touch with the contractor; the work should commence in the latter part of May.


Future agenda items:


  • Ed Pavlu asked if there is a handicap committee and if so could they be asked to get in touch with the various groups to explain the handicap system.
  • Wyn Morton had a discussion with Charlie Heller regarding publishing the financials on the website.  Discussion followed.


Approval of 3/8/16 minutes:


  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Cindy Bingham to approve the minutes of as written.  Motion passed unanimously.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Cindy Bingham asked Pete Ervin if more attention could be paid to the gardens by the starters’ shed. 

She also asked if there was money left after the sinkhole repair.  Pete indicated that there is money left, but there are also several sinkholes and some paving repairs to be made.  He and Mark will determine what needs to be addressed.  The bushes in front of the patio will be trimmed; attention will be given to the tree in front of the patio.


Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Jeff Odell to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.  


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Vesperman, Senior Clerk


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
