Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), John Kissida, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Association)




Andrea Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of Quorum: 4 out of seven golf commissioners were present and accounted for.


Public Comment:

No Public Comment.


Director of Operations (Jay Packett)

Acceptance of Gift – Wood and shelving for the driving range donated by Dave Villandry, Roger and Glenda Normand and Pat Fannon.  The soda machine has been removed at the driving range and Dave Villandry will donate his time and labor to build shelving and improve the overall look of the range.  Motion to approve made by Jeff Odell, seconded by John Kissida – Unanimously approved.


Gannon Tournament – The Gannon Tournament has been moved around a bit looking for the date of Friday October 14th instead of the 24th which had been previously approved.  Jay Packett noted he would love to be a part of this event.  The event falls on a Friday and that day is wide open.  However, the NEIGA event is that weekend and taking up most tee times.  Jay Packett noted he would be able to make the morning tee times that weekend a priority to members.  Jay Packett suggested raising the price per head to $75 if they did approve the event. Dave Valcourt noted that it a great event and is for a good cause and would encourage our membership to participate.  Jay Packet notes with raising the cost per person to $75 would bring in over $18,000 in revenue for a Friday in October.  Jeff Odell noted the merit of this event and is in favor of the event.  Jeff Odell made a motion to approve, and John Kissida seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously was approved.  John Kissida did ask if there was a meal with the event and Jay noted due to the size of the event the Pavilion is unable to hold that many guests.  Jay Packett did note that though there is no meal with the event there is quite a bit of food and beverage revenue gained throughout the day.


John Kissida noted the importance of keeping the members in mind during the weekend of the NEIGA and Jay Packett agreed.


TA Realty Outing – Wednesday October 19th – Corporate scramble, 12 pm-1 pm shotgun with 144 guaranteed golfers – This is a vote for a placeholder for the tournament as the company needed to get the 19th approved and Jay Packett will provide an update at the 5/10 meeting.  Motion to approve by John Kissida, seconded by Dave Valcourt – Unanimously approved.


Update Membership Numbers


Brewster Residents – 603 total members

Non-Resident – 322 total members

925 total members and 101 members gained since the last update to the numbers.


Jay Packett anticipates around 1000 members and recently there has been a large increase in the number of non-resident membership inquiries. At the 5/10 meeting Jay Packett will have more dollar amounts to go along with the membership numbers.


Dave Valcourt – noted we need to define what our target membership numbers should be and should be added to the future agenda.


Jeff Odell for the 5/10 could Jay Packett tell the commission how many non-residents signed up in May and June of previous years.  He noted if we opened the waiting list after June 1st those members would be missing out on almost 2 months of membership and to keep that in mind.  John Kissida noted we should look at how we did against our projected decreases in membership categories.  Andrea Johnson offered to help with this and her and Jay Packett will work on putting together these numbers based on past reports.


Update Reintroduction of starter slip use – Jay Packett noted that the implementation of slips is going well.  Jay Packett wanted to note that these slips will be part of a yearly town audit.  In the years past we have not had to use these slips due to COVID-19. Jay Packett wanted to thank everyone for their patience as we re-implement this process.   Dave Valcourt thanked Jay Packett and the staff for implementing this process. Discussion followed.  Jay Packett gave a big kudos to the work of the starter shed staff.


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (5/10, 5/31):

Jeff Odell would like to add the discussion on member number status.

John Kissida would like to add a status on the pump station protection.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:


Peggy McEvoy – noted that the daffodils are really coming through and that the Friends of Captains has joined the Brewster In Bloom Community as a bronze member.  She also wanted to note that this Saturday is the closest to the pin contest and the winner will get 25% of the amount that we bring in.  Jay Packett and The Captains also donated a golf gift certificate for the closest to the pin holes.  Peggy McEvoy noted they could use volunteers for the event and to look at the new flags the Friends purchased on the flagpole out front.  The Friends of Captains has 147 members, and their next event is social event on June 12th and Pat Fannon will be hosting a putting contest and there will be drinks and appetizers as well.


Bill Meehan noted that he will not be able to attend the 5/10 meeting.

Jay Packett wanted to give a big kudos to the Brewster Fire Department for their assistance with the flag set up.  It wouldn’t be possible with out them and to take a look at the photos on the Captain’s Facebook page.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida seconded by Dave Valcourt, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
