The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on 4/3/2012 at the Captains Golf Course. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Rob Harris.

Commissioners present:                  Rob Harris, Chairman
                        Cindy Bingham, Vice-Chair
                        Lori Arnold
                        Jeff Odell
                        Marc Fontaine

                                                            Jim Ehrhart

                                                            Anne O’Connell


Staff present:                                     Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

                                                            Steve Mann, Superintendent


Others Present:                                 Ginny O’Loughlin, Women’s 9-Hole Assn.

                                                            Ralph MacDonald

                                                            Joe Swaluk


J. Ehrhart made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve the minutes from February 7, 2012. Motion approved unanimously.


J. Ehrhart made a motion, seconded by L. Arnold, to approve the minutes from March 13, 2012 with one change, deleting Anne O’Connell from “Commissioner’s present”. Motion approved unanimously.


Association Reports:

Ginny O’Loughlin reported that the Thursday 9-Hole Association play starts Thursday, April 5th.  She also said they have two new members and 76 total members to date.

Public Comment:

Joe Swaluk, an interested Brewster resident, said that he would like to offer some marketing suggestions. R. Harris informed him that we do have a marketing committee and that those ideas should be discussed with the committee as opposed to at a Golf Commission meeting. R. Harris told him to get in touch with Mark O’Brien and Mark could either bring his ideas to the committee or he could attend a meeting himself.

Friends of the Captains:


J. Odell reported the organization has over $2,500 and will be purchasing 20 chairs for the patio.


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


  • M. O’Brien presented the financials for March. We are still on target with our projections for FY2012.

  • M. O’Brien distributed a list of all the call to action items contained in the Consultant’s Report. It was decided that this list should be reviewed at each Golf Commission meeting to review status.

  • Posting menus at the 9th tees was brought up and M. O’Brien said he would speak with Antonnella about proving menus that he could post.

  • J. Odell discussed his efforts in regard to off-site directional signage to the course and a sign at the entrance for the Back 9 Café. There are some issues with the building department as far as the sign codes go. We may have to go to the Planning Board or ZBA for a special permit or variance.


Superintendent’s report (Steve Mann):


  • This was the driest March on record. There is a chance that a drought warning may be issued by the DEP. If that happens, we may have to reduce irrigation in certain areas.

  • S. Mann and M. O’Brien met with folks from the Peasant Bay Alliance and other area golf courses to discuss possible measures that may be imposed on golf courses regarding fertilizer use. Overall the meeting went well and the superintendents on Cape Cod are going to supply more info to the Alliance.

  • C. Bingham asked about being certified by the Audubon Society. S. Mann said that there is a financial obligation associated with doing this and that he tried to put it forward at one time, but it was not pursued. It is about a three year process to become approved.

  • S. Mann said he obtained a quote from a fencing contractor about putting up a fence along #7 Starboard where the new development is going in. The cost would be about $55,000. It was suggested that M. O’Brien speak with Charlie Sumner about the possibility of the developer putting up the fence in lieu of paying for the land that the Town of Brewster owns. M. O’Brien will follow up.

  • C. Bingham asked about putting brick or something similar under the bag rack. S. Mann said that they would do that.


Disabled Combat Veteran Discount:


Since the last Golf Commission meeting, additional information was provided by Mr. Lucenti, the gentleman that originally proposed the idea. This information included the documentation that the VA provides regarding disabilities suffered during military service. Discussion followed. J. Odell made a motion, seconded by J. Ehrhart to approve a 1/3 AFP rate reduction to anyone with a service-connected disability of at least 51% as documented by a letter from the VA. Motion approved unanimously.

Tee Signs:


C. Bingham talked about having signs sponsored by members who would then be recognized by a small plaque on the sign saying: “donated by”, “in memory of”, or “in honor of”, as opposed to selling advertising on the signs. It was felt that this would cheapen the image of the course. Further options will be investigated.


J. Ehrhart made a motion to adjourn, seconded by C. Bingham. Motion approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will be held on May 15, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the Captains Golf Course clubhouse conference room.


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
