Commissioners Present: Carl Blanchard, Andrea Johnson, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Anne O’Connell, Jeff Odell, David Valcourt


Others Present: Rob Harris, Bill O’Brien, Bill Meehan.




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.


No Public Comment


Suggestion Box

Wyn reported that there were three suggestions:

Dave Patterson would like cart restrictions explained and enforced. Starter can give instructions and rules can be posted in the carts. Mark will follow up.

The steps leading up to the clubhouse bathrooms are very steep and could be dangerous.

Outside seating for Freeman’s Grill needs a motorized awning to avoid direct sunlight. Sean is aware.


Superintendents Report

Pete Ervin who was not present, asked Anne to let the meeting know that his staff continues to work hard and is trying to stay out of the golfer’s way. He has a concern that some golfers are going off before the first tee time of 6:30am which makes his job more difficult. Suggested that the starters and pro shop are aware of the early morning players and hold them until the appropriate time.


Director’s Report

Mark O’Brien who was not present, asked Anne O’Connell to read his report.

He reported what a great month July was ending up +$30k to LY. This can be attributed to the good weather and the rate hike that went into effect.

12 days into August saw revenues up $40k. Mark is hoping we don’t need to add a 2 year membership option due to increased revenue.

Coming up is the Club Championships and Junior Golf Day.

Mark let us know that Charlie Donovan passed away and that Dottie broke her wrist which affects admin duties.

Mark asked that any feedback received on a day to day basis be communicated to the shop right away. Waiting for the next Commissioners meeting often means small issue are not addressed in a timely manner.



Jeff O’Dell made a motion to approve off-season rates as posted.

Seconded by Dave Valcourt and approved unanimously.



Wyn reported on the meeting with the Club Car representative and Mark O’Brien to discuss terms of new cart lease beginning November 2019. For the first time the addition of GPS is being discussed and will be included in the quotes given by the end of August.



Jeff reported that we are still waiting for a contract but are assured that pricing will be as discussed previously.


Enterprise Account

Bill Meehan shared some information regarding the possibility of Golf becoming an Enterprise Account. If Peter Lombardy sets up Golf as an Enterprise Account it would then have to be approved by the Select Board. Revenues would belong to the Golf Operation.


Practice Nets

There are still a few things that need to be completed before the nets can be used.



Anne reported that she attended a meeting with Meg Morris.

Ways of ensuring that recycling takes place were discussed.

Having enough labeled bins available at several locations is necessary.

Wyn spoke to Club Car who said that there is not enough room on the cart to supply a bin for recyclables.

The course can retain any profits from redeemables.


Strategic Planning

Carl asked that spreadsheets that predict future revenue be based upon a 5 year average and not just assume a certain increase each year.

Anne suggested that we need to come to an agreement about A PLAN so we can move forward. Most important to agree on a Reserve Account amount and when and how we get to that amount.

We should move forward on this assuming we will be an Enterprise Account.

Anne suggested that next months’ meeting focus on this issue and table any other non critical items so we can decide these important issues.

Dave agreed to send Anne a draft of what we need to accomplish at that meeting.



Minutes from June, 2019 Wyn Morton made a motion to approve, Andrea Johnson seconded. Approved.

Minutes from July, 2019 with Andrea Johnson added as Vice Chair and John Kissada added as a new Commissioner – Carl Blanchard made a motion to approve with changes, John Kissida seconded and were approved.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate



Anne O’Connell made a motion to adjourn at 5:50 pm, seconded by Andrea Johnson and approved.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
