Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent,) Peter Lombardi (Town Administrator), Donna Kalinick (Assistant Town Administrator), Mimi Bernardo (Finance Director), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Terry Ivester (18-Hole Women’s Assn), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Bill Meehan (Liaison to Finance Committee), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn), and Dave Whitney (Liaison to the Selectboard).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – All Commissioners present and accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment – Peggy McEvoy, Friends of Captains, stated that 1 week from today is divot day at Captains at 3pm next Tuesday – very happy with the volunteer turn out.  Everyone is working towards the September 18th Friends of Captains Tournament.


Financing Planning Process/Overview and Timing (P. Lombardi) – Anne O’Connell welcomed Peter Lombardi, Donna Kalinick, and Mimi Bernardo to the meeting.  They are here for the purpose of giving guidance and insight into the financial planning process they will be entering into for the next four months.


Peter Lombardi thanked Anne and first confirmed all Commission members had a copy of the August 3rd e-mail he had sent out (Available in public packet). Anne O’Connell confirmed this. Peter Lombardi referenced the email as a jumping off point.  He will speak on the process for budget, capital, setting fees and rates and will start with the summer months.  Peter Lombardi noted that all departments are reorienting the timing of the capital planning process.  Historically we have developed the 5-year capital improvement plan on the same cycle as the annual budget.  Going forward they are planning on starting in the summer months because many of the capital requests are being made at the Fall town meetings.  That is the general plan on capital planning for the town and golf would follow that as well.  Golf will be looked at with a 10-year capital plan.  The golf commission will receive the updated 10-year capital plan during one of the upcoming September meetings to review.  The warrant for the special town meeting will open on September 12th and will close on October 17th this year.  Capital requests will ideally be reviewed and agreed upon in September.  After Capital planning is done, they will quickly move into the operating budget forecast phase – they typically do this for the Town general fund sometime in November.  For golf because their fee schedule must be done by December, they would develop the same 5 year forecast for the Golf Enterprise fund but in October and annually update it.  Using that as the basis for your projected Fiscal 24 costs, you would then take November and December and look at both the rate structure being recommended to the selectboard as well revisit the tee time allocation policy. Peter Lombardi expressed it was his opinion that it would be best to go back to square one and understand the intent of that tee time allocation policy and what we want it to be and decide on an approach.  For some cost certainty and consistency for the members he sees value in the rate structure and tee time allocation decision being made at the same time.  That would allow the course to align projected revenues and estimated costs/expenses for the upcoming fiscal year.  Coming out of that the commission will develop the recommendations for at least fees and maybe tee time allocation to the selectboard.  Then concurrent with that they will work with the line-by-line budget development for Fiscal 24 for the Golf operating budget. Forecasts will be used to inform projected expenses and necessary revenues to cover those expenses, but the operating budget will not be built until January/February.  That is then finalized and presented to the Selectboard and Finance Committee by early February, along with supplemental capital requests for next spring.  Peter Lombardi asked if there were any questions or comments.


Anne O’Connell asked when they would be receiving the Capital Plan this year. Peter Lombardi stated that they would be receiving it at the latest right after Labor Day, the first week of September.


Peter Lombardi recognizes that the tee time allocation is a large policy discussion, and he is not looking to introduce it here, but wanted to remind the commission that was and still is their sentiment and knows it is not what has been done historically.  Noting that the tee time allocation can really skew revenues in different directions.


Anne O’Connell asked if rates were unlikely to be increased at the magnitude of 2022.  Peter Lombardi noted he doesn’t know the right answer in terms of rates right now.  Membership numbers and projected expenses are needed and that is the best way to inform what kind of rate increases make sense and are warranted.


Rob Harris – noted Peter Lombardi’s email and asked to clarify what was meant by develop new “fixed” tee time allocation policy, did that mean that the number is known in advance not based on the final analysis like done in the past?  Peter Lombardi noted that his inference would be to decide on a set number but noted that in parentheses in the same bullet the intent is to not just look at the upcoming year fee structure.  Peter Lombardi noted how the water department has a 5-year rate study and develops a 5-year rate structure.  Giving residents some cost certainty there – he recognizes the Water Department is different but believes it is something worth discussing.


Anne O’Connell noted it is not dissimilar to prior to the concept of a tee time allocation formula of having a fixed allocation of 20% on the nonmember course.


Rob Harris also asked Peter Lombardi to expand on the statement “to ensure anticipated surplus is reasonable but conservative”.  Peter Lombardi stated that as an enterprise fund there is case law that establishes that we must charge fees that align with the provision of those services.  Fair and appropriate fees need to be charged and that is why that is referenced in that bullet.  Anne O’Connell noted that the February 8th minutes go into detail about the enterprise fund.


Anne O’Connell thanked Peter, Mimi and Donna for their time and input.  Peter Lombardi thanked the Golf Commission as well.


Anne O’Connell recognized Terry Ivester – She noted she had two things to speak about – One was the ladies bathroom door on the Port bathroom.  She had been updated on that project and it is in process.  She wanted to thank Lou Moreno who has made improvements that have been really appreciated.  Secondly, she asked for a status update on the water station for Port.  Jay Packett noted that the doors are on property, and they are waiting on the locks to be re-keyed.  They want to have the doors installed ASAP and there is a plan in place.  The water station for the Port side has still not shipped and will update the membership via email blast once the install is in process.   Terry Ivester also noted they had a great meeting with the groundskeepers, having lunch with the crew and thanked Colin for everything.  Colin thanked Terry Ivester as well.


Continuation of Development of Golf Commission Calendar – Anne O’Connell stated they will have rates approved including misc. fees for both annual and daily fee players being decided by the first meeting in December.  Anne Asked Jay Packett if he was comfortable with that and Jay Packett agreed that he was.  The Capital plan has been updated and will be shared with the group approximately the first week of September.  Anne O’Connell noted she will not be in attendance during the second meeting and asked for the capital projects to be approved in the first September meeting if possible.  Anne O’Connell noted that a review of the status of the capital plan should be done on a semiannual basis.  That will then drive the ten-year capital plan that will be reviewed by Town Hall etc. in August.  Anne O’Connell asked if anyone had thoughts on when the best time would be to compare capital projects that we have been approved for versus what has been accomplished.  Jay Packet agreed with the semiannual update and suggested doing it during the first or second meeting in June.


Anne O’Connell noted that there is a big discussion needed to be had on tee time allocation – she noted that she was not going to suggest discussing today unless there is time.  Anne O’Connell agreed that membership targets and tee time allocation go together.  Anne O’Connell suggested we minimize the business reporting aspects of the first October meeting and start working on this with the expectation to finish it in the second meeting.  Dave Valcourt agreed with Anne O’Connell.  Jeff Odell wanted to note that that 10% attrition in memberships – was it really attrition or was it the prohibition on new non-residents members.  Jeff Odell noted we should investigate who we lost and why.

Jay Packett noted it is hard to truly lock down why some members have left – there have been a lot of factors such as people going back to work, health issues, etc.  Jay Packett just wanted to note that finding the driving force for why some members may be difficult as there are many reasons.

Anne O’Connell noted she has a lot of historical membership data available on a spreadsheet and she will send that out for the group to view.

Rob Harris – stated that the difference he is seeing is all in the nonresident side. There has been a loss of 50 nonresident members at approximately $2,000 per person that is $100,000 in revenue and there is a waiting list near 100 for the non-resident members.  Rob Harris believes the attrition was not caused by market forces but by the restrictions placed on the nonresident memberships.  Rob Harris stated that there will be the need for a model or formula – that will be applied in November and be used in membership number discussions.  Though the tee time allocation will be a fixed number there will need to be a formula to get there. Dave Valcourt recommended having the calendar set to 2 years and Anne O’Connell agreed.


Course Operations Questions and Concerns

  • Cart Path #8 Port – Anne O’Connell was asking if on Port Hole number 8, if they could make it possible to have an area for one cart to pass another on the cart path that goes down the hill by the water hazard on the hole. Colin Walsh stated that he didn’t see that being an issue and would work a plan out as they have the means to accommodate that request.  Anne O’Connell thinks it would help with pace of play and thank Colin and his crew.



Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:

 Anne O’Connell asked Jay Packett how the progress is going on the recruitment for the job posting that is out.  Jay Packett noted that he has received 8-10 resumes and most from Zip Recruiter.  They are asking for merchandising experience and at least a Class 2 PGA Professional so it is a very specific ask.  September 2nd is the priority deadline for the position.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons: Rob Harris thanked the Captains Course staff for their help in setting up the CCMGA Putting contest as well Freeman’s Grill for catering it.  Jay Packett echoed those sentiments.


Future Agenda Items and meetings – Anne O’Connell noted that September 13th and September 27th are the dates for the next Golf Commission meetings.  Anne O’Connell asked about hosting an in-person meeting on October 11th and asked to keep that as a possibility.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:

John Kissida asked to get an update to the two outstanding capital projects – the pump house and maintenance building.

Jeff Odell asked if the HVAC walkthrough for potential bidders is still at 8 AM tomorrow? Jay Packett confirmed this.  Anne O’Connell noted that there will updates on the two big off-season capital projects – Jay Packett concurred.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.



Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
