Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), Dave Valcourt (Vice-Chair), Anne O’Connell, Jim Juras, John Kissida, Andrea Johnson


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent), Donna Kalinick (Assistant Town Manager), Dave Whitney (Select Board Liaison), Susan Olin (President of Women’s 9-hole golf), Jon Mohan (Business Manager), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Mike Moore (CCMGA-Remote), Mary Berzinis (Ladies 18 Holers), Terry Ivester (Ladies 18 Holers-Remote), Victor Wolejko (Friends of Captains-Remote)


This meeting was video recorded. The meeting may be viewed at Golf Commission 8-27-2024 (


  1. Call to Order
  2. Declaration of a Quorum – Six commissioners were present.
  3. Meeting Participation Statement
  4. Recording Statement – As required by the Open Meeting Law, we are informing you that the Town will be video and audio taping as well as broadcasting this public meeting. In addition, if anyone else intends to either video or audio tape this meeting, they are required to inform the Chair.


  1. Public Comment – None.
  2. Update from staff and commission members on Golf Commission opening – Dave Whitney
    1. There was one application, which was Girard Healy. He has been recommended for appointment. Discussion of the date to be sworn in with anticipation for him to attend the meeting on September 24th.


  1. Update on Capital Projects – Donna Kalinick
    1. Water source and supply study – RFQ issued in July 2024, proposals due August 16th. Three proposals were received and are under consideration. The plan is to award the bid by Labor Day. All proposals indicated a 6-month timeline for the study. With this timeline, a report in spring 2025 is estimated. The chair agreed that the proposals are in good form.
    2. Maintenance Building – RFQ for the owner project manager (OPM), which is the primary step in the process since the project is estimated for over $1.5M. This will be advertised in several papers and on our website starting 8.28.24. The opening is planned for 9.30.24. Awarding the OPM role will be done no later 11.15.24. There was an elaboration on the interview process as part of the decision-making process, as it is a very prearranged and comprehensive process. Donna will be responsible for making sure each meets the minimum criteria. If they meet the minimum criteria, they move on to be reviewed by the selection committee. The first assignment for the OPM will be to create a timeline for designer selection, bidding, and ultimately construction. The question arose regarding the role of the review committee in this phase and future phases of the project. Donna elaborated that there was dialog before the meeting regarding the golf commission members and whether should they be included in some of the language. She answered that once the committee has made their recommendation to the town manager, their role is complete. Any involvement beyond that for the golf commission should be addressed to the town manager. Citizen involvement was noted as a part of other committees throughout the town of Brewster, therefore, an indication of it being desirable to have this representation through subcommittees was made.
    3. Golf Cart lease – A new company has been selected. A new lease is in the works with town counsel. The order is in the process of being placed and moving forward with a 5-year lease.
    4. Window and Door Replacement Project – Builders System Inc. has been hired and there has been a preconstruction meeting with their lead project person. The required series of submittals has begun and communication between the architect and the company is ongoing. The work will begin as soon as Freemans Grill closes for the season. It will begin with the pavilion and move next to the pro shop.
    5. Final adjustments to the HVAC – The contractor for the HVAC will be coming on-site as soon as the restaurant closes to do the final work.
    6. Well two rehabilitation – The work has been completed. The contract has been closed since June and the report has been included with the RFQ.
    7. Restaurant Lease – July 1 was the date that the town decided whether to extend an offer to the current tenant, which it did, and the offer was accepted. This lease is now extended to December 31, 2025.
    8. Approximately 20 contracts come up at the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 2025. A combination of the pro shop, fertilizers, soil, aeration, and equipment as well as many other contracts, and being handled by Jon Mohan.
      1. Jon will be starting procurement classes on 9.11.24, apprenticing with Donna following classes as steps toward his procurement license.
      2. He is working on contracts for pro shop supplies, tractors, and maintenance needs in addition to being involved in the various construction and building contracts.
    9. Credit Card bid – a question regarding the credit card availability at the driving range and whether it has been explored. Although we received a grant from the federal government to add a fiber optic network to the golf course, it does not include the driving range. We have asked for a price, separate from the grant, for fiber optics at the driving range so that a discussion can evolve.
      1. It was noted that the fiber optic grant will not save the golf course any money, however, it also will not cost any money. The speed of transactions will increase which will be helpful during busy times.


  1. Update on Capital Planning Meeting – Donna, David, John, Anne
    1. Review existing capital is done on an annual basis. Requests are then divided between the fall and spring town meetings. Donna reviewed the 10-year capital improvement plan in detail. Different aspects of the plan are discussed with input from involved parties as it pertained to each line item.


  1. Next Communication piece and Status of Commission Handbook – Anne O’Connell
    1. Status on the Commission Handbook. Feedback from Peter was obtained. In advance of the next meeting, a draft with comments in addition to a draft that reflects the comments will be sent out.
    2. Next Communication Piece – Highlighting things that people can see right now was suggested, such as new maintenance equipment and the area around the starter set, doors, and windows coming in December, in addition to other tangible improvements. Depending on when the communication piece goes out (such as after special town meeting), it was noted that there can also be communication on future projects such as restrooms, cart barn painting, etc. However these would not be tangible items, so not all are convinced this would be intangible. Including pictures as a form of a ‘capital tour’, pictures of before and after with general comments on the cost of such items was also recommended to make it user-friendly and tangible. Also mentioned was to have consistency with communicating with the membership, sharing final numbers, and capital plan so they know what we did and where we are going, aka status updates. The discussion reflected a desire to communicate with the membership before November about what has been done, ideally before the end of October. Ideas on what to communicate should be brought to Anne by September 6th.


  1. Final FY24 Financials – Jay Packett
    1. According to Mimi Bernardo, our FY24 retained earnings amount to $1,925,409, which is slightly lower than what was projected in the capital plan. A question was raised about the reserved balances listed on the spreadsheet. It was clarified that these balances represent individual fiscal year numbers, not a rolling number. Donna explained that the number on the spreadsheet is crucial because it signifies the retained earnings for FY24, which differs from the current reserve balances. This is important as the capital is withdrawn from retained earnings each year, and a balance needs to be maintained for future use. These numbers are updated at the end of every fiscal year and reported to the Department of Revenue. It was also noted that we are not permitted to have retained earnings exceeding a certain amount, as we are not a for-profit business. A question regarding the capital stabilization balance being a yearly appropriation or a running balance was responded to by Donna, stating that the balance is not going to grow until we put more money into it. Due to numerous expenses for the next several years, it is not expected that finances will be added. A report is expected on September 10th.


  1. Brief Discussion on cart use as stated in the rules and regulations
    1. The suggestion to review golf cart use and time of play as they relate to the rules and regulations. It is noted that there are items that do not get the attention that is most likely needed and it is a high priority (top of list). Comments from the commission and the golf staff will help craft a refreshed document. Pace of play was suggested to be included, as well as the recommendation to include this as part of the application process.


  1. Questions and comments from associations and liaisons
    1. Susan Olin, president of the 9 hole league, reported on the Rally for the Cure. Over $5000 was raised by over 50 golfers to contribute to the Cuda Women’s Health Center. Recognition for substantial work done by Cheryl Villandry and her team. Freemans Grill was also thanked for providing a donation, and Pat Fannon for the organization of the event.


  1. Victor Wolejko (via remote) provided Friends of the Captain update. The annual Friends Tournament is scheduled for 9/15, next Divot Day is 9/26, over 30 divot mix bottles have been distributed for walkers. Plantings around starter area were noted as being a great addition, as funding came from the Friends group.


  1. Mike Moore (via remote), president of the CCMGA – offered feedback regarding the agenda item on Communication (#9) to work with the associations to help support the objectives discussed. Next noted were upcoming events, such as the yearly championship, starting interclub events with Cranberry Valley, Barnstable, Harwich, and Yarmouth. Participation in events has continually been exemplary and allowed the group to increase the Nauset Scholarship award amount.


  1. David Whitney spoke regarding inconsistency with the lightning alarm, as it was heard on Port but not on Starboard a few days ago. Jay Packett stated that the company has been made aware and he is awaiting their response and attention to the matter.


  1. Terry Ivester spoke up regarding the pace of play. A spreadsheet was used last Tuesday with her group to show that the pace of play was within the recommended allotted time. As an association, they are aware of the importance of keeping up the pace of play.



  1. Future agenda items and Meetings (9.10.24 & 9.24.24)
    1. 10.24 – Add the calendar discussion, the need to have a meeting on 9.24.24


  1. Matters not reasonably anticipated by the chair
    1. Anne spoke on behalf of a member, asking if the aeration of the greens can be timed better next year around the club championship.
  2. Adjournment – moved.

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
