Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent,) Rob Harris (CCMGA), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Bill Meehan (Liaison to Finance Committee), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn), and Dave Whitney (Liaison to the Selectboard).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – All Commissioners present and accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment – No Public Comments


Superintendent’s Report –

The U.S. Senior AM Qualifier was a big success.  Colin thanked his crew and everyone who helped make that possible.  Colin noted the irrigation system has held up nicely despite the hot and dry conditions.  We are well below our allocated 50-million-gallon water budget – currently around 30 Million gallon used range.  The DEP has placed us in a mild drought – so you will see some burn off in the rough to come as we have reduced watering to the rough areas.  The grass is just dormant but not dead and they are working taking care of localized dry spots.  Notes are made on these areas to help prepare for the future work to prevent them.  Aeration is coming up next month and that planning has already begun.  The crew has been cleaning out a lot of brush and getting things cleaned up between holes.



Director’s Report –

Jay Packett gave big kudos to Colin and his staff dealing with the hot temperatures, water restrictions, etc. and keeping the course in great condition.


Jay Packett noted that they are the 1st month into the fiscal year so not too much going on with the budget.  At the bottom of the spreadsheet under the other expenses there are ones that have not been pulled out by Town.  A lot of those numbers will change by September.  Going over the July comparison report that we are $67,000 in revenue ahead of the previous year.  There is a large jump in greens fees totals and cart fees totals.  Captain’s course is $516,000 ahead of revenue for the previous calendar year.  For the month of July play totals (for the first time ever) Captains went over the 17,000 rounds played in one month which is an average of 561 rounds per day.  August is currently averaging 572 per day through 8 days.  The calendar year totals are at 49,000 plus rounds.  This time last year was at 52,000 rounds – this is attributed to weather and play totals during the winter months.  $116,000 in revenue ahead of previous fiscal year, one month into the new fiscal year.


Anne O’Connell asked Jay Packett to speak as to why they haven’t taken a hard dive into the FY22 budget just to let everyone know why.  Jay Packett noted that it is not 100 percent settled, there are still encumbrances and Jay Packett has a meeting with Mimi Bernardo (Accounting) to finalize all the FY22 Financials.  Jay Packett noted that Peter Lombardi (Town Administrator) would be joining the next meeting to discuss what the timeline will be moving forward for setting rates in conjunction with the budget planning.


 2nd Hydration Station Update – They have spoken to the company and there is an expected (nothing final) of September 1st.  Jay Packett noted that they are keeping the hole 10 on Port water station filled and asked anyone who notices it is out to let us know.  There are multiple people making sure it stays filled daily – Jay Packett gave kudos to Lou Moreno with his help in keeping it filled.  Rob Harris – noted could they put a number on the cooler for people to call if it’s emptied.  Jay Packett noted this, and he will talk to the cart crew about checking more often.


Course Operations Questions and Concerns – HVAC Issues – Jay Packet first noted that he wanted people to know that the air conditioning in the restaurant dining room area is working.  The issue is that the air conditioning unit in the hallway/conference/restroom area is down.  Usually, this system helps supplement the restaurant.  On Saturday Jay Packett received a call from Sean Sullivan that the restaurant dining room was at 86 degrees and the kitchen was at 120 degrees plus.  Jay Packett noted that these are unsafe working conditions and Sean decided to close.  Jay Packett noted he fully supported this decision.  Freemans Grill has been closed since.  The company had confirmed a Tuesday appointment to fix this issue, Jay Packett noted he had written confirmation of this from Blue Bear’s regional director.  However, on Tuesday the Captains Course received a call to schedule for Thursday.  Jay asked to speak with the Regional Manager and was told he was not available.  Email and text messages expressing to the Regional Director of how inappropriate this was were sent with no response.   Jay Packett spoke with Peter Lombardi and after their discussion as well as calling other companies, unfortunately it was determined that the Thursday appointment was the best option.  Jay Packett noted that he has been working tirelessly to get this situation fixed but since we are not current customers with a lot of the companies, he had to contact he was unable to procure a better solution.  Then the system will be completely revamped over the winter months and not have any HVAC issues moving forward.

John Kissida asked if they had a maximum time for response contracted with the HVAC Contractor and if so, are they in breach of that as well if any beverage carts were out on the course? Jay Packett noted that there is not a contract with the HVAC company – John Kissida noted we should look for a service contract when it comes to the new HVAC system in the future and noted it was not on all Jay Packett that we do not have one currently.  Jay Packett thanked John Kissida and agreed with him, speaking to the fact that part of the bid is a service/preventative maintenance contract as well as an emergency response contract. Jay Packett also noted that there were no beverage carts on the course currently, but water and snacks were being sold through the pro shop, for which Sean would be reimbursed for.

Dave Valcourt noted in the future a local vendor should be researched – also asked if locking the door to the pavilion hallway from the restaurant could help with the A/C issues.  Jay Packett noted he will talk with Sean Sullivan about that, his ultimate hope is the Thursday appointment will solve this issue.  The issue is the air handler unit that is in the hallway conference room area is larger than what the outside condenser can “handle”.  There have been multiple attempts to solve this issue, there will be a different technician coming out this Thursday.  Rob Harris – noted they have postponed the putting contest one week due to the restaurant closing.  Rob Harris suggested use of a local vendor when it came to HVAC repairs as Blue Bear is located off Cape Cod.  Jay Packett has noted that he has tried multiple local vendors, but they are 6-8 weeks out.  Rob Harris just noted he was speaking more towards the future, not this current issue.  Jay packet noted he is doing everything he can to rectify the situation and prepare for the future HVAC system.

John Kissida noted the website for Freeman’s Grill and Captains Golf Course doesn’t note the restaurant closure.  Jay Packett noted the updated banner on the first page of the captain’s website should note it is closed.

Jay Packett also spoke about the driving range token machine.  He spoke to the fact that the tokens are on backorder but there is a shortage.  They are asking people to only buy tokens that they will use for that day.  Jay Packett wanted to show his appreciation for our employee for Vince and you’re understanding and patience with the token issue.  Dave Valcourt noted the KEY Fobs for the range and Jay Packett stated the Pro Shop staff has been instructed to push the sale of those.


Strategic Planning Updates (Commission) –


Jeff Odell noted that Dave Villandry will have pricing for refurbishing the training shed at the driving range.  Wanted to schedule a time for the golf commission to meet with Dave Villandry.


Discussion Select Board Policy on Remote Meeting Participation (Anne O’Connell)


Anne O’Connell noted that the only exception she had not pointed out in her prior write was that it will be required that boards and commissions participate at least 50% of the time in person.  She asked if anyone would have any comments to share with the Selectboard.  Anne O’Connell stated she would like the first statement clarified as to the “clearly audible” portion and if that qualified solely telephone participation.  John Kissida asked when the latest schedule was for moving to the alternative to remote participation. Anne O’Connell noted the State had extended the suspension of Open Meeting Law through March of 2023.  If the golf commission meets in person this would not apply – do not have to meet in person until the end of March 2023.


Golf Commission Calendar (Dave Valcourt)


Anne O’Connell noted that people were using traditional schedules to make recommendations on timing.  She noted that Peter Lombardi’s comments reflected what Jay Packett spoke on earlier.  That there are many factors that go into creating the financial foundation for the golf course.  Anne O’Connell noted it would be helpful to hear Peter Lombardi’s thoughts on this process so he, Donna Kalinick and Mimi Bernardo will be at the next Golf Commission meeting.  Discussion followed on the list provided to Dave Valcourt.  Dave Valcourt thanked everyone for their time in this process.  He stated this is a golf commission calendar to help anticipate future events.  Dave Valcourt noted there is a calendar year, fiscal year, and that there should be a golf year.  The list was reviewed by the golf commission and no dates will be set until the meeting with Peter, Mimi, and Donna next time.

It was noted that the HVAC System and the Windows and Doors Project this offseason need their own calendars like the way the Solar Project was run.

Off Season Memberships – was a added as a matter not anticipated by the chair and was recommended to Jay Packett to think this through and if he would like to present it to the Golf Commission on the August 23rd meeting as if he will recommend or not to host an off-season membership.  This was also noted and added to the list for the Golf Commission calendar.    Dave Valcourt noted the list is not in chronological order.  Jay Packett noted the biggest thing to have completed is the daily fee rates as they start selling tee times January 1st.  It was also determined that a no-show report monthly would not need to be another set of reports that Jay would have to come up with but at least a monthly check in.  Jay Packett stated he still needed to confirm a few things with Chelsea Systems before he could provide an accurate report.  He apologized for the delay but there have been other things that need more attention at the course. It was determined that they needed to figure out what information Chelsea could provide before moving forward.  Anne O’Connell added that the Golf Commission has to approve the course event calendar, and this has to be done before the first of the year.  Dave Valcourt will clean up the calendar with what was spoken about and send it out to the Golf Commissioners.  Anne O’Connell asked Dave Valcourt to separate the financial items so they could share that with Peter Lombardi and the others prior to the meeting on August 29th.


Update Capital Planning Meeting (Anne O’Connell)


Meeting with the Finance Team – was last Wednesday – once the updated plan is received it will be shared with the rest of the commission.  The RFP for the HVAC system is scheduled to go out on September 12th and the Windows and Doors is scheduled to go out on (1st part) September 18th and (2nd part) on the 23rd.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:


Peggy McEvoy – Friends of Captains – The Friends of Captains tournament is on Sunday September 18th and is looking for everyone’s support in spreading the word.  More information on the Friends of Captains website as well as in the Captains Pro Shop.  It is a 1pm shotgun scramble with dinner, cocktails, contests, auctions, and raffle.  The little library has been installed out front of the Pro Shop.  The Friends are looking to set up a divot day to help fill in divots and help the course.  Looking for guidance from Colin and he said he would gladly take the help and facilitate that help.  They determined they would speak with Jay and Colin to find the best time for this.  It was noted that the range yardage signs arrived yesterday.


Bill Meehan noted that this will be the first year as an enterprise fund and an important part of the Town of Brewster and he wished all the golf commission all the best and to have confidence in themselves.


Review and Approve Minutes

  • 7-12-22 Jeff Odell motioned to approve the minutes – Wynn Morton seconded this motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.


Future Agenda Items and meetings (8/23)

Peter Lombardi, Donna Kalinick, and Mimi Bernardo will be joining the next meeting.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:

Anne O’Connell wanted to note that we may want to promote that it is tax free weekend at the pro shop.  Jay Packett stated he would put out an email and what the tax-free items are available at the Pro Shop.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
