Commissioners Present:  John Piemontese (Chair), Carl Blanchard, Anne O’Connell, Jeff Odell, Andrea Johnson, and Ed Pavlu. Wyn Morton was absent.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Jerri Carlin (Friends of Captains), Paige Ferraguto (18-Hole Women’s Association), Margaret Litavis & Jackie Ferraguto (9-Hole Women’s Association), Bill O’Brien (CCMGA), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee liaison).


This meeting was not video-taped.


Call to Order: John Piemontese called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.


Public Comment:  


  • None


Introduction of Freeman’s Grill Operators:


  • Mark O’Brien introduced Sean Sullivan and Zach Duff, the new operators for the Captains’ food and beverage operation, to the Commission. They gave a brief overview of their plans for the operation.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Anne O’Connell relayed a suggestion from a member that she had run into that a bell be installed on Starboard #8 at the top of the hill to alert golfers on the tee when it was all clear to hit. Discussion followed. It will be looked into further.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Winter prep work going on.
  • Currently in the process of topdressing greens.
  • Spraying for snow mold.
  • Clearing woods to right of #6.
  • Mechanics going through all the equipment for winter maintenance.
  • Jeff Odell asked about a hanging tree limb on Port 16. Pete said it has been taken care of.
  • Pete was asked about his current staff levels. Pete stated he has 9 full time year round and currently there are 5 seasonals still working. All of the seasonals will be laid off by December 23.
  • Pete reported that the sink hole on #9 Starboard has been contracted out for repair. That work will start next month. The sink hole on #9 Port will be addressed in house taking a band aid approach at this time.
  • Ed Pavlu asked about the process used for the sink hole repairs. Pete explained the process of compacting, installing a geo-grid material, and then using stone and fill to bring up to grade. The process has been successful on the sink holes repaired to date, with the exception of #9 Starboard. This area just collected too much water and the drainage installed could not handle it. This repair will include a large concrete drainage system and the debris will be removed from a large area of the sink hole.


Director’s Report:


  • Mark O’Brien discussed the FY2019 Golf Budget. The projections for future years indicate a shortfall at the end of FY2020.
  • Mark reported that he has an initial meeting scheduled for this upcoming Monday with the Town Administrator to discuss the FY2019 Golf budget. John Piemontese will sit in on this meeting as well.
  • Carl Blanchard recommended a sub-committee be formed to discuss possible adjustments to the FY2019 budget to avert or reduce the amount of a future deficit.
  • Carl Blanchard made a motion to form a budget sub-committee, seconded by Jeff Odell. The motion was approved unanimously.
  • John Piemontese appointed Carl Blanchard, Jeff Odell and Ed Pavlu for the budget sub-committee. They will meet at some point after the initial budget meeting with the Town Administrator.


Future Agenda Items:


  • “All Clear” Bell for #8 Starboard.


Review and Approve Minutes:


  • Anne O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Carl Blanchard to approve the 11/13/17 minutes as amended. The motion was approved 6-0-0.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • None.




Anne O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved 6-0-0. Meeting adjourned.


The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will be held on January 9, 2018 at 4:00.


Respectfully submitted,


Mark O’Brien

Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
