The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on February 2, 2010. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Commissioners present: Bob Weiss, Chairman Cindy Bingham Rob Harris Jeff Odell Karney Ovian Joseph Shaw, Honorary Commissioner

Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

Others present: Ray Gomez, CCMGA Judy McCarthy The minutes from the January 12, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion made by J. Odell, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve the minutes passed.


  • A request was received from the Harwich After Prom Committee for a donation for their fundraiser. Request was not granted.
  • A thank you letter was received from the Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod for our donation.
  • The W.G.A.M. requested the date of September 29 or October 1 for their 2010 Fall Cup Matches. They do not pay green fees, but do pay cart fees. The date will be negotiated by M. O'Brien. R. Harris made a motion, seconded by K. Ovian, to approve this request. Motion approved 4 in favor, C. Bingham abstained.
  • B. Weiss received a letter from our "Twin Town" in Budleigh, England. This was given to M. O'Brien for any follow up required.
  • An email sent to the Golf Commission's email from former AFP player, Wyn Morton, was read by B. Weiss. R. Harris will respond and forward the Town Report to Mr. Morton.
  • B. Weiss reported that he received the most recent minutes of the CCMGA.


  • M. O'Brien distributed the February financial reports.
  • M. O'Brien reported that the Board of Selectmen approved the rate schedule on January 25th, as presented with the exception of the Junior Twilight Green Fee which will remain at $5. They also reviewed the FY2011 budget request as well. They did not take any action on the budget at that meeting.
  • M. O'Brien reported that the FY2011 budget was presented to the Finance Committee on January 27th. They did have some questions and M. O'Brien and R. Harris will work together to formulate a response. They did not take any action on the budget at this meeting.
  • M. O'Brien proposed changing the June Member-Guest to a one day format from a two day format. The tournament will be held on Saturday. R. Harris made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham to approve this proposal. Motion approved unanimously.
  • R. Harris noticed that the rates proposed to the Selectmen had the (mid-afternoon rate) at $50 instead of $49 as was approved by the Golf Commission. In order to change this we would have to make another presentation to the Board of Selectmen. K. Ovian made a motion, seconded by R. Harris to accept the rates as approved by the Selectmen. Motion approved unanimously.
  • The Rules and Information Guide was reviewed. It was suggested that somewhere in the Guide should be a sentence explaining what AFP status includes. C. Bingham said she would incorporate a sentence to that effect and M. O'Brien said he would have a sentence added to the "Membership Applications" web page. K. Ovian made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham to accept the Rules & Information Guide with the above change. Motion approved unanimously.
  • M. O'Brien reviewed the Golf Department 2009 Town Report. He will distribute a final version to the Commission over the next couple of days soliciting any changes and then submit to Town Hall for print.
  • M. O'Brien reviewed the AFP application forms with the Commission. There were no edits required. A mailing will be done to the non-resident AFPs. The remaining AFPs will receive an email blast. M. O'Brien reported that he is still working on a third party vendor on-line payment system that will accept credit cards. There would be a fee for use of this system that will be borne by the customer. If it is acceptable it will be available by early March.


  • C. Bingham asked if we could post a food menu at the 9th tees so if people wanted to call the restaurant from there cell phone to place an order, it would be ready when they made the turn. M. O'Brien said that this would be done.
  • M. O'Brien requested that the associations submit articles by February 14 for inclusion in the Captains Log. R. Harris will write a Golf Commission article.

Since there was no other business, the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 1 PM. A motion was made by K. Ovian, seconded by R. Harris to adjourn the meeting, and the meeting adjourned at 3:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark O'Brien


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
