Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Chair), Anne O’Connell, Rob David (Remote), Jim Juras, Jay Paggi, and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent), Candace White (Women’s 18-Hole Assoc.), Mike Moore – Remote (CCMGA), Ross Gorman – Remote (Friends of Captains), Kurt Raber (Vice President Catalyst Architecture), Rob Harris


THIS MEETING WAS VIDEO RECORDED. The meeting may be viewed at:


Andrea Johnson read the meeting participation statement and called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Declaration of a Quorum – 5 Commissioners present and one remote which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment: Andrea recognized the 3 awards recently won by the Town of Brewster.


Update on Business Manager position (Jay Packett) – Jay Packett noted they have gone back out for candidates and will interview 2 candidates on March 7th.


Memorial Bench Request (Jay Packett) – Request for memorial bench for Port #10 Red Tee to memorialize a member’s wife who had recently passed.  Jay Packett recommended the memorial bench and it was passed unanimously.


Possible Men’s Team (Jay Packett) – Mass Golf is looking to create a Men’s version of the Spring Team/Fall Cup.  One day in June, July, August and September where Captains would host 24 golfers.  Jay Packett recommended the approval of this Mass Golf endeavor.  A motion was made to support the recommendation and it was approved unanimously.


Presentation of Maintenance Building Design Report (Kurt Raber Vice President of Catalyst Architecture) –  Kurt Raber presented the Maintenance Building Design Report – The presentation begins at 9:45 in the online video (see web address above) and finishes his presentation for questions and comments at the 49:33 mark.  Documents are also available from the meeting packet.


Comments and questions on presentation: Jay Packett expressed gratitude towards Colin and his team for their efforts in getting the project underway, emphasizing the importance of preserving new capital equipment by housing it properly. He highlighted issues such as the current storage constraints and the need for a washdown area to minimize nitrogen use on the golf course, aligning with Brewster’s green community initiatives.


Colin Walsh echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of efficiency and cost savings through in-house tasks. He emphasized the need for a central command post to streamline operations and elevate the quality of the golf course. He also discussed the need for state-of-the-art storage facilities for chemicals and toxic materials, considering resilient finishes and lighting improvements for the new buildings. Concerns regarding risk management and contingency planning were also addressed, particularly regarding the removal of fuel tanks. In response to questions about the transition of fuel tanks, it was clarified that any remaining fuel in the current tanks would be drained before removal.


Anne O’Connell initiated a discussion about the next steps regarding the project. Kurt Raber emphasized the need to determine funding before proceeding with the design phase, suggesting that the town would need to decide whether to carry on with the project and then initiate a Request for Proposal (RFP) process for selecting a designer. This sentiment was echoed by Colin Walsh, who highlighted the importance of involving an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) early in the process to ensure smooth project management.


The discussion further delved into the timeline for various steps, including the preparation and selection of professional services through the RFP process. Rob Harris raised concerns about minimizing disruptions to golf course operations during construction, prompting Jay Packett and Colin Walsh to discuss phased construction plans to maintain services while upgrading facilities.


Concerns were also raised about the realistic timeframe for the project, with Anne O’Connell pointing out the complexity of the process and the need for efficient coordination with town offices. The discussion emphasized the importance of initiating the RFP process promptly to move the project forward.


In summary, the meeting focused on planning the next steps for the project, including funding, RFP preparation, and construction logistics, with a keen emphasis on minimizing disruptions and ensuring efficient project management.


Updates on course conditions, winter projects, and staffing (Colin Walsh) – Colin Walsh provided an update on the maintenance of the golf course. He praised the staff for their excellent work in maintaining and repairing equipment. Staff were also commended for their efforts in cleaning up the course in preparation for play. Colin Walsh mentioned upcoming training sessions for staff, including equipment and chainsaw training. He discussed plans for assembling the crew for the summer season and emphasized the importance of creating a positive work culture. Weather conditions, including significant rainfall in January and February, were noted, along with the impact on course conditions. Colin Walsh also provided updates on specific projects, including well redevelopment managed by Environmental Partners, and the cart path project planned for the sixth and seventh holes of the Port course. Miscellaneous projects such as drainage improvements and addressing a sinkhole on the ninth hole of the port course were also mentioned.


Jay Packett provided an update on the successful sale of surplus inventory, including three spray rigs and other outdated equipment, through GOV deals. The revenue generated from these sales will contribute to the department’s retained earnings. Colin Walsh added that the revenue from the sale of surplus inventory would be recorded under the surplus inventory revenue line item. He emphasized the importance of utilizing this revenue for future investments and improvements.


Additionally, Colin Walsh mentioned meeting with the Friends of Captains to discuss potential projects in the Starters area aimed at beautifying the place.


Anne O’Connell inquired about the timeline for the well improvements and how it might impact the opening of the second course. Colin clarified that historically, the second course typically opens around April 1st, although this year, it may be around March 29th. Jay Packett assured that they would communicate with the golfers about the project’s importance and its impact on the course’s condition through an email blast, working with Colin to craft appropriate messaging.



Handbook (Anne O’Connell) – Anne O’Connell outlined the contents of the packet, which included a marked-up draft of the current handbook, the golf commission bylaw approved at a previous town meeting, and a document detailing the prior functions of the golf commission handbook. Anne proposed dedicating a significant portion of the March 26th meeting to revising the handbook and ensuring that all members were comfortable with its content and format. She encouraged members to review materials from the August 22nd meeting, where discussions about the handbook took place. The members agreed to review the materials and prepare for further discussion at the upcoming meeting on March 26th. They emphasized the importance of addressing these issues promptly to ensure clarity and consistency in the golf commission’s policies and procedures.


Update on Water Source RFP (Jay Paggi) – Jay Paggi provided an update on the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, stating that although the scope of work for the RFP was sent to the town offices two months ago on January 3rd, it has not yet been sent out. Colin Walsh and Jay Packett are working diligently to move the process forward as efficiently as possible.


Jay Paggi highlighted the opportune timing of the well rehabilitation work, noting that the data generated from this project will be valuable for the consultant chosen for the source supply work. By providing existing data from the well rehabilitation project, as well as from previous drainage studies, the consultant will have essential information to work with, potentially reducing the need for additional studies and saving time and resources.


Jay Packett expressed hope that by the next meeting in March, there would be progress to report on the RFP process. However, he acknowledged the challenges and delays caused by ongoing town budget discussions have slowed down the progress of the RFP.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:  Candace (18th Hole Women’s Association) expressed their concern about finding a suitable location for their monthly meetings as the season begins as the conference room has been converted to an office.


Mike Moore (CCMGA) provided an update on a recent survey conducted among the golf league’s 160+ members. The survey focused on workshops, social events, and website content. Members showed strong interest in monthly golf workshops covering rules, etiquette, skills improvement, and playability. They also expressed interest in bringing back nine-hole events with a social aspect and enhancing the league’s website content. Mike plans to discuss the results with Jay Packett and present them to the board at their next meeting.


Ross Gorman (Friends of Captains) provided a brief update on the Friends of Captains Golf Course annual planning session. They discussed various ideas, including the installation of a clock expected around May 1st. Colin Walsh and John Kissida are working on a planting plan to make the clock base accessible and attractive. They have scheduled two dates for divot filling, before the superintendents tournament and at the end of the fall. The putting contest and tournament will also return, weather permitting. Additionally, they plan to plant daffodils around tee boxes and expand garden areas on the course to enhance its appearance.


Review and approve minutes (1/9/24) – Approved with amendments.


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (3/12 & 3/26) – Anne O’Connell requested an update on the Capital Plan expenditures for the 3/12 meeting.  Andrea Johnson highlighted the importance of discussing the RFP and maintenance design in the upcoming meeting. Andrea Johnson also mentioned that she would not be present in person on the 12th but will be remote, and someone else will need to chair the meeting. John Kissida will return on the 14th of March and will be present for the meeting on the 26th.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: – Anne O’Connell commended Jay Packett for his presentation to the Select Board and Finance Committee on the budget, noting that he did a great job addressing questions.


A motion to adjourn was made – Motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.  


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
