Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent,), Cindy Bingham (Select Board), Rob Harris (CCMGA) Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison)




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – Six Golf Commissioners present and accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment –  No Public Comment


Superintendent’s Report – Colin Walsh discussed the winter season progress and work of the golf course maintenance team. He talked about the maintenance work done on the equipment, accessories, and dead trees, and the addition of new equipment like the aerators and a new roller. They widened the traffic path around the starter shack and will direct traffic more toward the starter for smooth flow. He mentioned the orders for fertilizer, chemicals, and accessories for the spring and the legal paperwork for hazardous chemical and pesticide use reports. He said that the full crew will be back soon, and they will prepare for aeration. Colin and a few others will attend the New England Regional turfgrass conference for training and the trade show. Colin has been working on the development of standard operating procedures and improving safety around the workplace.  Dave Valcourt asked the status of the spray rigs and Colin noted they should be arriving in August, discussion followed on the topic.


Director’s Report – Jay Packett, discusses the tier two reporting requirement where the golf course has to report the hazardous materials on-site. They have never reported it before and had a meeting to understand and report the sulfuric acid, granular fertilizer, and the sand on site. The sand is reported to help in the case of an emergency. They are now 100% compliant with state requirements. The speaker moves on to discuss the financials of the golf course for January. The wages are up a little over 5%, and expenses are up about 3%, with general expenses being more expensive. However, they are only 1% higher than where they were at this point last year. The golf course had an extremely mild winter, leading to a higher number of play and green fees, making them over $167,000 higher than where they were at the same point in the previous fiscal year. Additionally, they had the second-highest number of rounds played in January, second only to the previous year.  Jay Packet noted that memberships opened up the previous Wednesday and many were coming in.  He noted that when he delivers the March Report those revenue numbers will give a much clearer picture of where the course stands.  Jay Packett proceeded to present a report on capital spending. In fiscal year 2022, out of the $982,000 allocated, only $107,000 has been spent on the HVAC system so far. The maintenance equipment is the biggest expenditure, with $380,000 allocated for three spray rigs that are on order from John Deere. The clubhouse windows and doors replacement has had minimal spending, and sinkhole repairs have not had much money spent out of it.  It was noted that the sinkhole located in the front parking lot of the golf course has been fixed and paved. However, the bills for the repairs are still being processed by the Department of Public Works (DPW) and have not yet been received by the golf course.  The irrigation replacement design has not had any spending yet. However, the aerators that were discussed earlier will be coming out of this line, and the bills are being processed. The roller purchased from Hyannis port for $6,000 will make the aeration process better, help with daily operations and tournament preparation.


Rob David asked a question regarding the remaining capital dollars for 2022 and whether they can be spent in 2023, as well as how much of that money is planned to be spent on the allocated line items – Jay Packett explains that the approved capital dollars are available until they run out and will remain online until the project is completed. The money is being spent on various projects, including pumphouse protection and a maintenance facility study. The funds allocated for kitchen equipment replacement in FY22 came in under budget, leaving room for spending on other upgrades. Anne O’Connell asks if maintenance equipment funds are tied to specific equipment, and Jay Packett explains that while the FY22 warrant article was specific to certain items, the FY23 warrant article included more vague language allowing for the purchase of additional maintenance equipment such as a roller.


Conversation followed in which various financial matters related to the town’s capital projects were discussed. They discussed the need to change the terminology in the budget line item for kitchen equipment to a more generic term like “restaurant/clubhouse.” They also talked about the process of returning any unused funds to the golf course’s retained earnings. Finally, they discussed the need to revisit the capital projects plan if there are extreme delays in getting the required equipment. They emphasized the importance of being diligent and flexible in the plan’s wording to allow for some wiggle room while remaining within the approved budget.


Update FY23 HVAC Project (Jeff Odell) – Jeff Odell noted last week four people were seen working on the project, and the project manager is in regular discussion with Jay. Mike, the lead tech, has been updating Sean Sullivan on their progress. They worked on the units above the hallway and common area prep equipment, including the restaurant. The project manager reported that they are optimistic about finishing in the next two to three weeks, and Jay Packett was asked for further details on the schedule. Jay Packett noted The project manager has been in regular discussion with Jay, and Mike the lead tech has been updating Sean on their progress. The ceiling in the hallway has been opened and the units above the hallway, including the ones that service the restaurant, are being worked on. The project manager is optimistic about finishing in the next two to three weeks. The fabricators of the duct work have been working primarily in the hallway. The unit that services the dining room area is up in the ceiling and the electrical rough has been done. The last piece of equipment that is needed is the make-up air unit, which is due to ship on the 21st. If it arrives on time, it will take two to three days to get everything hooked up and ready to go. The old make-up air unit in the ceiling currently will still allow the system to work if the new one is delayed. The goal is to have everything brand new and have the company finish the project in one go. The project manager has heard no change in the date of shipment for the make-up air unit.  Jay Packet noted that they will have a maintenance agreement with the company that is doing the HVAC project, and they will maintain the system for one calendar year as part of their contract. After that, they may find someone else to maintain it or retain the same company. The warranty will cover the entire 2023 season into early 2024.


Other Strategic Planning Updates (Commission) – Anne O’Connell commented on a communication piece put together by Dave Valcourt noting that she and Jay Packett, both thought it was ready to go.  Dave Valcourt gave his compliments to the annual report and acknowledges the hard work of Anne O’Connell who trimmed down the information to make it useful. However, the speaker notes that the links in the report are not active, which was not the intended purpose. The speaker encourages the activation of the links and requests feedback if anything important has been omitted from the report. The speaker also mentions that the report includes information on signing up for golf handicaps, among other things. Jay Packett noted he will fix the links before anything goes out.


Discussion followed focusing on the plan for a newsletter, specifically what content should be included and how frequently it should be sent out. Some members suggest a focus on new and upcoming events, while others propose featuring a specific topic or interview in each issue. They also discuss the frequency of publication and timing of the next newsletter, with some suggesting a sample newsletter be created to illustrate the proposed content. There is agreement to aim for regular publication and to gather suggestions for topics from members.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons – Bill Meehan suggests that in future capital requests, it may be helpful for Jay Packet and Colin Walsh to organize their capital inventory into classes and subclasses so that they can request capital for a subclass or for an entire class, which would allow for easy shifting within the class if there were vendor delivery difficulties. Bill Meehan attended a Joint Finance Committee and advised the Golf commissioners to inform the public that the financial difficulties faced by the county of Brewster have nothing to do with the golf course, which is financially healthy and self-sufficient.


Cindy Bingham – Reported on behalf of the 18th Hole Association and stated that they have a 76% return rate, which they achieved by offering a $5 discount if applicants applied before February 15th. They mention that this $5 discount made a difference. Cindy Bingham also notes that although Pat Fannon is listed online on the Captains Course website, however Keith Gagnon is not mentioned at all. Jay Packett noted that a narrative about Keith Gagnon is coming soon to the website.  Cindy Bingham also congratulated Jay Packett for his fabulous job at the February budget meeting.


Review and Approve Minutes (1/3, 1/24)  – Both sets of minutes approved as amended


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (3/14,3/28) – Anne O’Connell stated it was unlikely they would be able to meet on 3/14 as there would be no physical quorum.  She noted they will have to plan and take into account that future meetings will be in person and a quorum will need to be met.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: None


A motion to adjourn was made by Wyn Morton, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
