The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on February 8, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM.

Commissioners present: Rob Harris, Chairman Cindy Bingham, Vice-Chair Lori Arnold Jeff Odell Ann O'Connell Marc Fontaine Jim Ehrhart Joe Shaw, Commissioner emeritus

Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

Others present: Jim Foley, Selectmen Liaison Ralph MacDonald Ray Gomez Anne LeMaitre

R. Harris called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and asked for public comment.


– Ralph MacDonald presented information regarding a company that offers free scorecards, free yardage books, free scorecards, free tee signs and free ball washers if they are allowed to sell advertising on those products. M. O'Brien will follow up on this. – Mr. MacDonald asked why we do not offer junior memberships to non-residents and a reduced membership to those under 25 years of age. He was informed that we do offer non-resident memberships to juniors as long as one of the parents is a non-resident member and that Brewster residents can join as junior members as long as they are still in school.


– Anne LeMaitre reported that 79 women have renewed their membership in the 9-Hole Women's Association. – Ray Gomez made the comment that tee signs do have potential to bring in advertising revenue.

The minutes from the January 11, 2011 meeting were reviewed. A motion made by M. Fontaine, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve the minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously with the exception of J. Ehrhart who abstained.



– M. O'Brien reviewed the financials from January. – M. O'Brien reported that the course was close to opening. He was asked if we had plans to promote the fact that the course will be open. He said that email blasts would be sent, and we would spread the word at the upcoming golf shows. – M. Fontaine asked if we worked with area hotels to promote play. M. O'Brien said that we have been doing that since the year 2000 and many hotel relationships have been established. – M. O'Brien reported that the Captains Golf Course continues to generate more green fee revenue on a per hole basis than any of the other courses in our market.


– In S. Mann's absence, M. O'Brien reported that there was significant flooding at pump house #1 that very likely caused damage to the controls. However, the extent will not be known until the pumps are turned on in April. M. O'Brien passed around pictures of the flooding to the Commission and he also sent them to the Town Hall to be reported to the insurance company. – M. O'Brien reported that he and S. Mann are looking into the feasibility of leasing some of our maintenance equipment to improve our cash flow. We have received a proposal from a vendor and this will be discussed further with Charlie Sumner, the Selectmen and the Finance Committee.


– C. Bingham asked about the Solo Rider cart. M. O'Brien said he has not talked with RHCI recently about this. He did say that the Town of Dennis purchased one and it did not go out onto the course at all last year. – R. Harris reported that the Selectmen asked the Commission to review it's policy on "Free" golf. The areas identified include the Nauset High School golf teams, Town employees, professional courtesy (PGA members and Superintendents), Junior Golf Day, and donated gift certificates to charities. A discussion followed regarding Junior Golf Day. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. – Starting tee times at 6:00 a.m. was discussed. M. O'Brien will meet with S. Mann, R. Harris and M. Fontaine to make a plan and present at the next meeting.


– The Captains Course Men's Golf Association have voted to donate the CCMGA block time normally assigned to them on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 to be used for daily fee time in order that the golf course may increase revenue for that day. C. Bingham questioned whether they could do that in that in order to maintain the 50/50 tee time split on that course, the time could not be exclusively guest time. Discussion followed. J. Odell made a motion, seconded by J. Ehrhart to accept the CCMGA donation of their block time and have it designated as guest time. The vote was 5 in favor, 2 opposed (C. Bingham and A. O'Connell opposed). The motion carried. – Jim Foley said that the golf course should not pursue the inter-municipal agreement for the purchase of a compressor at this time as the Water Department was purchasing one that the golf course could use. – J. Foley asked if M. O'Brien has made any progress on going through a temp agency for our part-time seasonal staff. He is still investigating and will have more info at the next meeting. – The subject of placing solar panels at the far end of the golf course parking lot was discussed. Assistant Town Administrator, Jill Douglass, will be invited to the next meeting to shed some light on this subject.

Since there was no other business, a motion was made by J. Ehrhart to adjourn the meeting, seconded by C. Bingham. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. The next meeting will be held on March 8, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the clubhouse conference room.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
