The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on January 12, 2010. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Commissioners present: Bob Weiss, Chairman Cindy Bingham Rob Harris Josephine O’Connell Jeff Odell Karney Ovian Joseph Shaw, Honorary Commissioner

Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

Others present: Jim Foley, Board of Selectmen Liaison Ed Mahan. Finance Committee Liaison Ray Gomez, CCMGA Sal Boccuzzi

The minutes from the December 14, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion made by R. Harris, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve the minutes passed.


  • A follow up letter was received from The Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary regarding a donation request. The request was actually that the gift certificate be valid for the 2011 season. Mark will take care of getting the gift certificate to them.
  • The NEIGA requested that their contract for their tournament in October be extended through 2013. Their requested dates are October 17-18, 2011, October 22-23, 2012, and October 21-22, 2013 with a per player per day rate of $15. K. Ovian made a motion, seconded by J. O'Connell to approve the requested dates and the rate for 2011 with the other years to be reviewed annually. Motion approved unanimously.
  • Cape Tech requested the date of Saturday, May 8, 2010 for their benefit golf outing. J. Odell made a motion, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the date with a per person rate of $60 including green fee and cart. Motion approved unanimously. BREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION January 12, 2010
  • Gary McMahon sent an email requesting to appeal the Golf Commission decision from the last meeting denying an extension of his 10-Play Card. Mr. McMahon said he would be happy to accept an extension for 4 rounds even though he had six rounds remaining on his card. Discussion followed and the consensus was to uphold the decision. M. O'Brien was asked for his input and he recommended extending 4 rounds to promote good will for this customer. R. Harris made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham, to extend 4 rounds of Mr. McMahon's 10-Play Card through June 30, 2010. The motion was approved 4 to 2 with J. O'Connell and J. Odell voting against.
  • A request for donation from the Joshua Frase Foundation was not approved.


  • M. O'Brien reported that the capital improvements to the course that included the repair of 3 sink holes and 3 tee will be put off until next fall as we have missed our window of opportunity to complete the project without affectin spring play. We will look to complete the work in November 2010.
  • M. O'Brien distributed some preliminary budget info for FY2011 and read the cover memo that he intends to submit with the budget. J. Odell made a suggestion that the memo include the jobs that the golf course provides. Ed Mahan suggested that the memo reference the fact that contractual union wages are a problem town-wide. M. O'Brien stated that he will be meeting with Charlie Sumner for preliminary review of the budget next week with presentations to the Fin. Com. On January 27th and to the Selectmen at a date to be determined. The budget presented showed a Net return to the Town of $36,289.
  • M. O'Brien presented his rate proposal for the 2010 season. The changes proposed were:
  • Increase the Back 9 w/member green fee and the Twilight green fee to $35 ($5 increase) at all times when the prime 18-hole gf rate of $66 is in effect. o Increase the Mid-Afternoon green fee rate to $50 ($5 increase) at all times when the prime 18-hole gf rate of $66 is in effect. o Increase the outing rate to $50 in April, May, September, and October ($5 increase) and to $60 in June ($5 increase). o Create a member 18-hole cart rate of $15 ($3 decrease) and a member 9-hole cart rate of $8 ($1 increase). o All other rates to remain the same.


  • Discussion followed regarding increasing the Junior twilight green fee to $10 (currently $5) and to allow non-resident Brewster taxpayers (requirements attached) to become AFPs at the resident rate. C. Bingham made a motion, seconded by J. Odell to approve all of the above. Motion approved unanimously.
  • R. Harris made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham to discontinue the 10-Play Card program effective immediately. Motion approved unanimously.
  • M. O'Brien asked if the Commission would like to adopt a policy of allowing Resident AFPs to pay half their membership fee on April 1st with the balance due by June 1st, 2010. That subject was tabled.


  • J. Odell asked about discontinuing the Frequent Player Card program. It was noted that this program has already been approved at the previous meeting and cards for 2010 have already been sold. It will be reviewed next year.
  • C. Bingham asked about reviewing the Rules and Regulations Guide. This will be discussed at the next meeting.


  • C. Bingham reported that the Golf Commission received a legal opinion regarding the Ladies Associations right to have an ability requirement (minimum handicap). The legal opinion stated that there was no issue with the Golf Commission allowing this to occur.
  • J. Odell suggested having a schedule of deadlines next year for discussing certain items such as setting rates, budgets, etc. That will be discussed in future months.

Since there was no other business, the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 1 PM. A motion was made by R. Harris, seconded by J. O'Connell to adjourn the meeting, and the meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark O'Brien Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
