Commissioners Present: Anne O'Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Ed Pavlu, Cindy Bingham, Carl Blanchard, and Judy McCarthy (Marc Fontaine absent).


Others Present: Mark O'Brien (Director of Golf Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Jo O’Connell, Jerri Carlin, Jan Carlson.


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:


  • Jerri Carlin announced that the 9-Hole Women’s association renewal letter has been sent out.
  • Jerri Carlin announced that the Friends of the Captains is sponsoring a Valentine’s dinner on February 11 at Jake Rooney’s restaurant. The cost is $30 per person which includes a donation to the Friends.
  • Jerri Carlin announced that the Welcome Back Snowbirds golf outing sponsored by the Friends will be held on June 7th.
  • Jerri Carlin announced that the Brewster Government Study Committee will hold an open forum on February 7th at the Town Hall at 1:00 p.m.


Suggestion Box:


  • An anonymous suggestion was received asking that we beautify the sign areas at each tee box. Pete Ervin will work on this.
  • Jan Baxter submitted a suggestion that we make sure the green surface around the holes is level and not mounded up around the hole. Pete Ervin explained how cups are set and would look into making sure that it is being done correctly.


Superintendent’ Report (Pete Ervin):


  • Pete Ervin reported that the crew is into their winter projects, which include tree removal, restoring the course accessories, and scheduled maintenance and repair of equipment. We are also installing some drainage systems on #15 Port and #7 Starboard.
  • The course improvement project is going well. The contractor is doing a good, clean job and we expect to be on schedule.
  • Cindy Bingham asked if we were going to be able to repair the sink hole in front of the forward tee on Starboard #10. Pete replied that we do intend to repair that area after the contractor has buttoned up the other work.
  • The electrical service to the irrigation pump was discussed. Pete indicated that he obtained a quote from an electrical contractor in the amount of $55,200 to replace that cable. This did not include a fee for the utility to assume ownership of the cable (estimated at $16,000) or any contingencies or design costs. Mark O’Brien stated that the last time there was an issue with this line was November 2011 and the cost to repair was about $2,700.


Memorial Benches:


  • Mark O’Brien reported that he and Pete met with the local vendor located in the Lemon Tree Plaza in Brewster and recommended a 5’ bench made of composite material. The cost was $595 and anyone who purchased a bench for the golf course would receive a 10% discount. Cindy Bingham asked about a 6’ bench and Mark replied that this bench could not be made as a 6’ bench. It was suggested that we look for a 6’ bench with no arms to fit 3 – 4 people. Mark O’Brien will look into a 6’ bench and report back at the next meeting.


Memorial Bricks:


  • Pete Ervin said he got some info from a local vendor regarding engraving granite bricks, as they last longer. He was quoted a price per brick of about $100 including there lines of lettering. If we were going to do this we would have to come up with a plan as to where they would be placed and how much would be charged. Discussion followed and it was felt that this could be used as a fundraiser for the Friends. Jo O’Connell said that her church does this as a fundraiser and she will get some additional information and pass it on to the Commission. Cindy Bingham suggested that the Friends take this up at a future meeting to see if they want to pursue this as a fundraiser.   


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


  • Mark O’Brien presented the financials through December and stated that we continue to be on target to meet our projections for FY 2015.   


2015 Calendar:


  • Mark O’Brien presented the calendar of events for 2015. Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to approve the calendar as presented. Motion approved 6-0-0.    


FY2016 Budget and Capital Plan:


  • Mark O’Brien reviewed the FY2016 budget with the Golf Commission. The budget projects a net deficit to the Town of $23,920. This does not factor in any union negotiated wage increases other than the 2% merit increase per the Town directive. Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Cindy Bingham to approve the FY2016 as presented. Motion approved 6-0-0.
  • In addition, Mark O’Brien has included as an additional request to provide for raises to the seasonal part-time employees. The pro shop and outside operations seasonal part-time staff have not had an increase since 2005 and the grounds seasonal staff has not had an increase since 2009. The minimum wage increased to $9/hour as of 1/1/15 and will increase $1 in each of the next two years. Mark felt that we should give these raises to keep pace with the minimum wage. The total additional cost associated with these raises would be $22,375 for FY2016. There was some concern about giving these raises at this time when we are showing a deficit. Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to approve the increase for the grounds seasonal staff. Motion approved 6-0-0. Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to approve the raise to the pro shop seasonal staff. Motion approved 4-2-0. (Cindy Bingham and Judy McCarthy against). Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to approve the raise to the outside operations seasonal staff. Motion approved 5-1-0. (Cindy Bingham against).
  • Anne O’Connell announced that we are scheduled to meet with the Finance Committee on February 11th to review the budget and capital articles.
  • Mark O’Brien asked if anyone had any questions on the capital plan. There were no questions. The capital plan will be voted on by the Capital Planning Committee and presented to the Selectmen and Finance Committee.


Marketing Ideas:


  • Mark O’Brien stated that he will be doing a direct mail piece to identified golfers from Chatham to Provincetown, excluding Brewster. This list consists of approximately 2,300 households. This direct mail piece is designed to promote our membership options. It is felt that this will be more effective and cost effective than newspaper advertising. An addition, Mark stated that he will be doing an email blast and a letter to area realtors promoting memberships. Mark also stated that the Ocean Edge owners association has allowed us to include information in their newsletter in the past and he will look into doing this again.
  • Judy McCarthy asked if we had control of when our TV ads are shown. She thinks we should try to show them during some of the LPGA events. Mark will look into this.
  • JP who runs the Town’s channel 18, suggested that we contact the local community radio station. Mark will follow up on that.
  • Cindy Bingham stated that we need to improve our social marketing efforts. Mark will talk with Kathy Lambert for input on how to improve.


Future Agenda Items:


  • Judy McCarthy asked about the handicap accessible doors for the pavilion. Anne O’Connell told her that she had talked to the Handicap Access Committee that they have our support if they wish to pursue that.
  • Bag drop attendants.
  • Cindy Bingham suggested that we include action items in the minutes. Mark will include this.


Approval of Minutes:


  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu that the minutes of December 9, 2014 be approved as written. Motion approved 6-0-0.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Judy McCarthy that the minutes of December 15, 2015 be approved as written. Motion approved 6-0-0.


Action Items:


  • Mark O’Brien – proposal for 6’ bench.
  • Friends – discuss brick project as a fundraiser.
  • Mark O’Brien – ask Ocean edge owners association if we can be included in their newsletter.
  • Mark O’Brien – follow up with Tony Pasquale from community radio station WOMR regarding promotions for Captains.
  • Mark O’Brien – follow up with Kathy Lambert about improving our social media efforts.


The next meeting will be held on February 10, 2015 at the Town Hall. Judy McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved 6-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:58 pm.    


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
