Commissioners Present: Carl Blanchard (Vice Chair), Andrea Johnson, Jeff Odell, Anne O’Connell, Wyn Morton, Dave Valcourt. Chairman John Piemontese was not present.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Jerri Carlin, Jackie Ferraguto (Friends), Bill Meehan (Fin Com), Cindy Bingham (Select Board), Donna Potts (9 Hole Assoc.), Bill O’Brien (CCMGA).


This meeting was held at The Captains Golf Course and was not televised.


This meeting was called to order at 4:00pm by Vice Chair Carl Blanchard.


Public Comment: 

Jerri Carlin inquired about meeting change notices as she had not been aware of the time change for the December meeting. Anne O’Connell pointed out that the meeting notices are available on the town web site calendar. Discussion was held regarding using the web page banner, email blasts etc. Mark O’Brien will send an email notice to AFP’s informing where meeting postings and changes could be found.


Ms. Carlin also inquired regarding golfer’s emergency notification data. Mark O’Brien stated that is collected in the golfer profile database. He will send out an email reminder encouraging AFP’s to update their profile information.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:  

There were no suggestions submitted this month. Mark O’Brien received a request from NEIGA to conduct the women’s division matches on a Saturday/Sunday schedule rather than the current Sunday/Monday. Discussion of the financial impact of an early Saturday course closure ensued. Mark O’Brien stated that a Saturday afternoon tee time block on one course would be feasible. He will discuss that offer with NEIGA.


Superintendent’s report:

In Pete Ervin’s absence Mark O’Brien reviewed the work proceeding on the Starboard 17 sink hole and tree work. Regarding bird houses, Pete is pursuing Audubon certification for The Captains property and the bird houses will be addressed within that process.


Director’s Report:

Mark O’Brien reviewed that the financials are progressing as previously projected. He pointed out that guest play rounds year to date are approximately 1,200 ahead of last year. Total rounds, guest and member, were 74,395 verses 73,477 in 2017. He also observed that the Saturdays following Christmas and New Year holidays were the busiest on record.



Mark O’Brien presented his initial budget draft in two scenarios. One draft for a budget at less than the 2 ½ percent increase requested by the select board and a second at level funding. These are to be reviewed with the town administrator and fincom representative in the coming week. It was observed that these project a FY2020 final deficit of up to $176,000 – which would be paid back within the FY 2021 budget. Discussion of the need for outreach to stakeholders and general public for better understanding of The Captains financial history ensued.


Member Retention:

Mark O’Brien is considering a survey or other mailing to past members to gather information.


Solar Project:

Discussion regarding what, if any, conditions benefiting The Captains the Commission should request be incorporated in the RFP specs for this project. Carl Blanchard, Dave Valcourt and Jeff Odell will make contact with the energy committee and CVEC and Cape Light Compact representatives to discuss possible Captains input.


Master Planning:

Dave Valcourt introduced and reviewed a draft document outlining a strategic planning process for development of a Captains master plan for the period FY2020 through FY2025. Elements of such a plan would be assigned to various commissioners for further development and implementation in coordination with Mark O’Brien and Pete Ervin.


Stakeholder Outreach and Spring Social Event:

Anne O’Connell accepted coordination of this event. Date alternatives were discussed. June 14, 2019 appears to be the best alternative. Mark O’Brien , Wyn Morton and Dave Valcourt will coordinate AFP contacts prior to the spring town meeting.


Next Meeting Date:

Due to schedule conflicts the February commission meeting will be moved to Monday, February 11, 2019. The time will remain at 4:00pm and the meeting will be held at The Captains Golf Course.


Future Agenda Items:


Stakeholder outreach

Master Planning


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:



Review and Approve Minutes:

On a motion by Anne O’Connell, second by Wyn Morton, the minutes of December 11, 2018 were approved 6-0-0.



On motion by Anne O’Connell, second by Dave Valcourt, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm.


Respectfully Submitted,



Jeffry Odell











Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
