Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Chair), John Kissida (Vice-Chair), Anne O’Connell, Rob David, Jay Paggi, and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Superintendent), Terry Ivester (Women’s 18-Hole Assoc.), Mike Moore (CCMGA), and Susan Olin (Women’s 9-Hole Assoc.)


THIS MEETING WAS VIDEO RECORDED. The meeting may be viewed at:


Andrea Johnson read the meeting participation statement and called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Declaration of a Quorum – Six Commissioners present which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment: None.


Discussion and vote on recommendation for Annual Fee Player rates (Andrea Johnson) –

Jay Packett stated that it was determined that a 5% increase in membership would be necessary to meet revenue targets. He noted past increases in membership (4% last year) and forecasted a 5% increase for the current and next year. He emphasized the fluidity of the forecast and stated that discussions led to the decision on a 5% increase, deemed reasonable to sustain revenue and move forward with healthy retained earnings. Discussion followed.

Jay Paggi expressed discomfort with the narrow gap between earnings and expenses in the upcoming years due to uncertainties in the business environment and capital work bidding. He suggested considering a higher increase than the previously discussed 5% and proposed a 7.4% increase to ensure sufficient revenue to cover expenses, particularly emphasizing the need for buffer funds for future capital projects. Dave Valcourt presented an alternative perspective, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the status quo and evaluating specific revenue and expense figures rather than focusing solely on percentages. The discussion also touched upon concerns about potential member pushback and the impact on different membership categories. Mike Moore (CCMGA) emphasized the importance of transparency in decision-making, echoing the need for clear numerical justifications. Anne O’Connell expressed reluctance towards a substantial increase, suggesting a more moderate approach. John Kissida advocated for a balanced consideration of each individual membership category. A motion was made and passed to increase rates by 6% for annual fee players, excluding collegiate and juniors. Jay Packett will bring the decision to the Select Board.


Update on Business Manager position (Jay Packett) – Jay Packett reported that a hire had been made, with the start date initially set for January 2 but delayed due to unexpected personal matters. The new start date is January 16, with preparations already made for their arrival. Jay Packett expressed excitement about the new addition to the team and would reveal the name once everything is finalized.


Monthly Financials and 2025 Budget Presented (Jay Packett) – Jay Packett provided a financial update for December and projections for the FY 25 budget. In December, there was a notable increase in spending due to acquiring pre-order fungicide, totaling almost $100,000. Despite this, the overall budget usage remained lower compared to the previous year. December saw record high revenues and play totals for December were impressive, with over 2,400 rounds played, marking the third-best December ever recorded. For the calendar year 2023, total play reached 92,106 rounds, the second highest ever. The strong revenue performance led to a significant surplus compared to the previous year, with $446,000 ahead for calendar year 2023 and $497,000 ahead for FY 24. Moving on to the FY 25 budget, Jay Packett discussed minor tweaks and adjustments, particularly in incidentals like Medicare and life insurance. Wages for salaried employees and part-time workers are set by the town, but increases were requested for part-time and overtime wages to ensure financial stability. Additionally, an increase in seasonal staff was hoped for to meet operational needs. Jay Packett then proceeded to discuss the general expenses, highlighting various line items experiencing increases, such as diesel fuel, gasoline, heating, and electricity. The increases are based on assumptions by the finance team, with placeholders set to accommodate potential fluctuations. Other expenses, like oil, grease, and equipment maintenance, are determined by historical spending data and consultations with vendors to anticipate necessary increases. Jay Packett emphasized the challenges posed by aging equipment, requiring higher costs for parts and maintenance to keep operations running smoothly. Despite these challenges, the current budget reflects a manageable 3.2% increase, which Jay and the town finance team find reasonable. Discussion followed: During the discussion, Dave Valcourt sought clarification on the budget increase from FY 24 to FY 25, which Jay Packett confirmed as 3.2%. Anne O’Connell expressed concern that the budget increase might not be sufficient, Jay Packett explained that the figure was determined after many discussions. Jay Packett noted the budget allocation for transferring funds to the capital stabilization fund could be adjusted if necessary. The conversation also touched upon the absence of a CVEC person and the potential impact of sharing the position with other towns. Jay Packett explained the ongoing process and negotiations regarding the CVEC position. The discussion concluded with Jay Packett providing updates on the golf cart lease and projected increases. Jay Packett noted the budget’s submission to the town and anticipated further updates to come.


Updates on course conditions, winter projects, and staffing (Colin Walsh) –
Colin Walsh provided updates on the golf course. He explained the significant increase in the fungicide line item, clarifying that the funds were allocated for future product delivery rather than immediate usage. He discussed the current break in golfing activities due to weather conditions, anticipating a return to regular operations soon. He highlighted ongoing and upcoming projects, including redevelopment of well number two and drainage improvements on the golf course. Colin Walsh also praised the collaboration and hard work of the staff on various in-house projects, such as bunker renovations and tree work. He touched on equipment maintenance and staff training initiatives aimed at staying up to date with the latest technologies and educational resources. Colin Walsh concluded by mentioning the positive morale among the staff and inviting questions, comments, and suggestions from the commission.


Credit Card Fees (Anne O’Connell) – Anne O’Connell spoke on the issue of credit card fees, mentioning that Massachusetts, along with two other states, prohibits merchants from charging customers for credit card usage. Although the town charges convenience fees for online payments, golf course transactions cannot legally include such charges. Jay Packett clarified that the golf course is considered a retail operation, requiring it to budget for credit card fees. Despite hopes of charging for credit card use, legal restrictions prevent this option. Discussion ensued about the significant portion of transactions conducted via credit cards, influenced by the shift towards cashless transactions during the pandemic. Anne O’Connell suggested contacting state representatives for potential legislative changes. The conversation concluded with the acknowledgment that discounting cash payments or implementing other strategies to avoid credit card fees are not feasible options.


Update on Water Source RFP (Jay Paggi) – Jay Paggi discussed the progress on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the water source and supply project, indicating that a final draft had been completed in collaboration with Jay Packett and Colin Walsh. He offered copies of the final document for anyone interested and mentioned that it was currently with the town hall for review. Jay Packett added that Donna had reviewed the RFP with a few minor adjustments needed before its release, likely at the beginning of the following week due to ongoing budget meetings. They emphasized the importance of this project for the golf course.


Event Pricing (Andrea Johnson) – Jay Packett discussed the current event pricing structure, noting that it had increased last year to $65 for an AM shotgun and $60 for a PM shotgun, including greens fees and carts. He reached out to other golf course directors on the Cape to compare pricing strategies and found a variety of approaches. Some courses had no set pricing, while others required minimum player numbers or charged additional fees for larger groups, resulting in prices over $100 per person. Despite this, Jay felt that their current pricing was reasonable and contributed to the golf course’s popularity as an event venue, particularly for charity fundraisers. He expressed reluctance to implement any further increases for the 2024 season but suggested revisiting the issue for the 2025 season, preferably earlier in the fall to provide clarity to prospective event organizers. Discussion followed on the handling of tournament greens fees and their current rates. Jay Packett mentioned that tournament greens fees are not broken out separately but are included in the daily reports under that category. He noted that most events are held on days when the course is not busy, such as weekdays in April, May, and June. Jay Packett mentioned considering a slight increase in morning shotgun rates while leaving afternoon rates unchanged to maintain consistency. An increase of $5 was proposed for the AM Shotgun price, and the motion was seconded and passed. Jay Packett expressed that The Captain’s will honor any previous commitments made regarding pricing for events.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:  Mike Moore, representing the CCMGA, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to provide feedback as the President of the CCMGA. He discussed various aspects such as course conditions, playability, pace of play, and member behavior. Mike Moore commended the diligent and accurate decision-making process based on numbers and data. He emphasized the importance of optics in marketing and communicating with members, citing positive feedback received from players in Mass Golf tournaments about the course. Mike also raised the question of daily fees in comparison to other courses in the area, suggesting potential adjustments to enhance the course’s status as a destination. He proposed funneling his comments through Jay Packett for further discussion with the group and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to learn from the behind-the-scenes actions of the organization.


Andrea Johnson relayed a message from Ross Gorman, who couldn’t attend the meeting. The Friends of Captains had a successful year, but their president, Peggy McElroy, resigned for personal reasons, though she remains on the board when time permits. Paulette, a new member, joined the group, and they’re still seeking another board member. The annual golf tournament was canceled due to weather, but the Friends organized fun events throughout the year, including scholarships for high school players and funding for youth golf programs. They made improvements to the golf experience, such as adding range markers for the driving range. Additionally, they committed $5,000 for new plantings and a new tower clock, scheduled for installation in mid-April. The Friends will plan social events for the upcoming season and invite membership renewals through their website.


Review and approve minutes (12/12/23) – Approved with amendments.


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (2/13) – Andrea Johnson discussed future agenda items for the February 13th meeting. It was decided not to hold a meeting on January 30th unless urgent matters arise, with a potential agenda item being Select Board’s feedback on membership rates. John Kissida suggested a maintenance building presentation, which Colin Walsh confirmed could be arranged. Jay Paggi mentioned the responses for the RFP for the water source would likely be back by February 13th. They also discussed addressing member behavior issues on the course, such as disregarding tee markers, carts near greens, and other improper conduct, possibly through emails or communication efforts. Jay Packett noted that they will be creating instructional videos on course etiquette, like fixing ball marks and raking bunkers, with the suggestion to involve Colin in the videos alongside Pat Fannon.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: – Jay Packett mentioned two upcoming events: a 12 Noon shotgun outing on Monday, June 10, for Colin Walsh and fellow Superintendents, and a 9:00 AM shotgun on Monday, September 30, for the Mid Cape Men’s Club. The Mid Cape Men’s Club had previously seen low attendance but has now partnered with the retired men’s club, expecting higher turnout this year. Anne O’Connell moved for approval of both events, which was seconded, and all members voted in favor.


John Kissida brought up the need to develop a maintenance Request for Proposal (RFP) for the maintenance building. He mentioned that there is an RFP available from South Shore Country Club but lacks connections to obtain it. John requested assistance from the others to reach out and obtain a copy of the RFP. He expressed willingness to assist in putting together the scope associated with it. He suggested reaching out to sources such as the Superintendent’s Association or the National Golf Foundation to obtain examples.


A motion to adjourn was made – Motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.  


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
