The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf commission held on 7/12/2011. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Rob Harris.
Commissioners present: Rob Harris, Chairman
Cindy Bingham, Vice-Chair
Jim Ehrhart
Lori Arnold
Anne O’Connell
Jeff Odell
Joseph Shaw, Commissioner Emeritus
Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations
Steve Mann, Superintendent
Others Present: Su Ballantine, Finance Committee Liaison
• Tee Time System Discussion
Rob Harris gave an overview of how member tee times are assigned by Chelsea management system at other facilities.
1. Chelsea is a management company using different methods to determine tee times. Cranberry Valley protocol was presented as example. Requests made up to 3 days in advance, computer sorts and assigns times.
2. Point system–# of times played in last 30 days determines points. Orders lowest to highest, people with least points get first tee assignments. No points in off season, so Chelsea randomizes (not different from different phone system)
3. Rob wants to know if other members of commission want to discuss.
4. Cindy—hasn’t experienced any significant problems with tee times
5. Ann—system seems fair for the most part, although there are some challenges
6. Jim—system works fine, likes the way it is
7. Jeff—what is the problem we are trying to solve? Point accumulation penalizes people who are best supporters. Tee time allocation reduces availability of tee times to AFP players. Doesn’t want to penalize most loyal people
8. Lori—level playing field; best customers shouldn’t be penalized; keep it as it is
9. Mark—nothing to add
Audience poll: generally want to see it stay the way it is. Question from audience, why 8:00 for revising tee times. Rob reported no, times are selling to guest players between five and eight oclock. Another citizen reported ease of changing tee time after 8:00.
Most early players also play in four hours or less. Mark—95% of slow play caused by nonmembers. Chelsea system does work, but can take a few years to iron out the wrinkles. No action taken.
• Reorganization
◦ Nominations and Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Ann O’Connell nominated Rob Harris, Lori Arnold seconded, passed w/Rob abstaining
Jeff Odell nominated Cindy Bingham for Vice Chairman, Lori Arnold seconded, passed.
• Association Reports & Public Comment
Men’s association, membership not quite as high as past, probably same membership as AFP
18 Hole Womens Association- no report
9 Hole Ladies League- membership about the same
• Director of Operations’ Report (Mark O’Brien)
◦ Info for Captains log need to be in to Mark by 7/25
◦ 4 requests for refunds:
Mike Stevens—approved (less $55 for play)
Linda Collins— approved (no reduction)
Philip Souza— approved (less $75)
Pat Eggers— approved (less $118)
Refunds will not be issued after June 30
◦ 9-hole ladies league made a request to sell raffle tickets for “rally for women”, to be sold latter part of July and during August, last weekend in July and August. This has been allowed in past, limited to member associations. Rob noted that it would be nice if raffles did not endorse Captain’s competitor.
Request approved.
◦ Review of Last Month’s Financial Statements
FY 2011 Financials (12 Months) Draft
Town still closing out FY 11, but Mark thinks ##s are close
Compares FY10, 11 actuals, FY11 revised FY12 budget
Presently in break even mode, still need to transfer $$ from receipts reserved in order to balance FY11 budget ($0)
FY 11 revenue shortfall happened in July and August
Routinely transfer funds.
Only expenses that come up would be capital expenses
Can only spend money by town meeting authorization. Concern over last couple of years is that receipts reserve will not be able to sustain us. This is worse than last year. For first 11 days of 2012, green fees up about $11,000 compared to last year. Just able to see effect of actions, start times, rate, tee time ratios, (did not pay dividends before July).
Cindy—June report, maintenance up $30K. This year town went to biweekly pay system, there was an extra pay period in June. It all comes out even in the end (52 weeks of pay)
◦ Status of Restaurant Lease
Antonella has the lease, very excited. Had some clarifications, Mark will follow up, should have executed lease very shortly.
◦ Membership Update
Current membership down (851/769-residents, 198/156-nonresidents). People are quitting because they are not playing enough golf to justify value of membership. Su Ballantine asked if members know about other benefits (cart fees, association opportunities, etc).
• Superintendent’s Report (Steve Mann)
Golf course conditions—pretty good shape
2 Fungicide applications down at this point.
Starting to see oriental beetles, hard to control, but will be treating for it in fertilizer form. Can’t get spray rig between trees.
Crew—veteran, only 1 needed training. Starting to hand mow greens a couple times/week.
Crews have designated equipment (same mowers used on each course)
Rough dies back if cut shorter. Steve reported that they have tried cutting, but was losing it. Part of problem has been mower shortage. Great fertilizer, but the grass won’t stop growing. Recommendation: Hit the ball in the fairway.
Friday & Saturday rain: 50% of pumpage for one storm. Almost 30 million gallons of water. Only used 13 million gallons of water on course.
Still working on getting water allocation increased.
16th green problem—bugs. They work from the rough in, being treated now.
Weather is a factor in pesticide treatment, will probably need three treatments. Rob, Cindy, Mark came to the course atr 5AM to watch the crew. Everyone knew what to do, stayed in front of golfers, informative day.
Entrance is the best it has looked in twenty years.
Kudos to the crew.
• Marketing Update: Web site, Facebook (Lori Arnold)
Coupons starting to come in. Ones coming back are from retail stores. Comment from retail store, discount pays for gas to come to the cape. Want to try to grow FaceBook fans. Mark would like help with marketing and linking. Meeting in 3 different Nickerson locations. Price Point ($150/week). Look at long term vs short term, budget $100/week to advertise on golf carts. Facebook has 109 people who like the Captains.
Meeting Notices:
Rob Harris and Mark O’Brien on Finance Committee agenda on 7/20 at 6PM to review FY11 actual vs. proposed budget.
Golf commission is abutter to water dept. Planning board has public hearing on 7/27 at 7PM. Brewster wants to put solar panels on water dept.
A motion to approve minutes made by Jim Ehrhart, and seconded by Rob Harris. The motion was approved unanimously.
Gift account — Jeff Odell and Cindy Bingham met with Charlie Sumner and Lisa Souve. A gift account can operate immediately. Mr. Sumner seemed enthusiastic about the idea and concurred with organizing as a 501C3. Looking for volunteers for Articles of Association, and would like to recruit an accountant.
Cindy Bingham moved to approve, seconded by Jim Ehrhart.
Jim Ehrhart suggested changing meeting time. Rob Harris will poll members regarding time.
Cindy Bingham proposed looking into a “Carts Only” policy on guest course for next year.
Next meeting will be August 9, 2011, time to be determined.
Jim Ehrhart moved to adjourn at 5:30, seconded by Cindy Bingham.