Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Wyn Morton, Carl Blanchard, Ed Pavlu, John Piemontese, and Judy McCarthy.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Pete Ervin, (Superintendent), Jerri Carlin (Friends of the Captains and Women’s 9-Hole Association), Ray DiPietro (CCMGA), Chris Hardy (Women’s 18-Hole Association), and Greg Levasseur (FinCom).


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.



·         Since it is the beginning of the scheduled year, Ann O’Connell asked for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair.  Carl Blanchard nominated Anne O’Connell for Chairman, seconded by Jeff Odell; nomination passed unanimously.  Jeff Odell nominated Carl Blanchard for Vice Chair, seconded by Anne O’Connell; nomination passed unanimously.


Public Comment:   


  • Jerri Carlin welcomed Judy McCarthy back to the Golf Commission.  Jeff Odell has retired from the Friends of the Captains; Jan Baxter will step in temporarily to help.  Jerri thanked everyone for making the Friends tournament a success.
  • Chris Hardy thanked Mark O’Brien, Jay Packett, Pete Ervin and the staff for their help with the 18-hole women’s member-guest tournament.  Due to their efforts the tournament was played in spite of the weather.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Julie Tomasini suggested better lighting at the scoring table.  Deb Klein suggested a large clock be placed on the pro shop building facing the putting green as the clock on the starter’s shack cannot be seen from there.  Susan Eifert suggested since the fairway signs are hit often they be replaced by white lines.  Pete Ervin would rather leave the signs as they stand for better flexibility.  Carl Blanchard asked anyone leaving a suggestion in the box leave their name and email address so a reply can be sent.
  • Mark O’Brien received a letter of thanks from the Housing Assistance Corp. regarding their recent closest-to-the-pin contest.  Thanks to Walt Babcock for his part in this.
  • Mark O’Brien distributed a letter adopted by the Board of Selectmen regarding a professional conduct policy.




Superintendent’s Report (Pete Ervin):  


  • June was a good month.  The recent rain and work done by the staff helped to green things up.  Benefits from the time and temperature fertilizer are showing. Water usage was down in May, up in June and down again in July.  New equipment should be arriving tomorrow.  Thanks to the maintenance staff for their efforts and to the golfers for their positive feedback.
  • Jeff Odell thanked the crew for the condition of the course especially in light of the comments from the Massachusetts Golf Association on their tournament; everyone was unanimous that the course was in superb condition.  Jeff noted that these are over 200 of the best golfers in the state who said these were the best conditions they have played in years bar none.
  • Judy McCarthy commented that Leah Olson who works at the driving range is doing a great job.


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


  • Mark O’Brien presented a draft report regarding Fiscal 2016.  He is still in the process of closing out the fiscal year, and these figures have not been verified with the accountant’s office.  Final figures should be available in a couple of weeks. 
  • Ray DiPietro, President of the CCMGA, asked about pro shop proceeds; Mark O’Brien replied the figures indicate purchases minus sales, the timing of the purchases, and the fiscal year timing versus the calendar year. 
  • Policy on No-Shows:  Anne O’Connell asked if there is a policy in place regarding guests who are “no-shows” Mark O’Brien indicated that because of the structure in booking tee times, “no-shows” are down and is not a major problem.  Large groups and hotel “no-shows” generally are charged if no effort has been made to cancel; golfers making an effort to cancel are not charged.
  • Marketing Update:  Marketing efforts are just starting this week.  A sign on Route 6 after Exit 9 heading east has been up for a few months; this is done through the state.  Radio and TV advertising is starting.  Cable advertising is starting during the British Open and will continue with several other tournaments.  There is an influx of posts on Facebook being done by a professional.  A revisited website is in the works, and we continue to work with our webmaster.  Magazine advertising has been cut back.  Judy McCarthy asked about advertising on LPGA televised events.  Wyn Morton reported that Charlie Heller of Community Web has come up with four sample banner ads two of which will possibly be used   on internet sites.
  • Back 9 Tee Times:  Mark O’Brien indicated there have been some issues with back 9 tee times   9-hole play is featured in all advertising.  There has been more back 9 play with non-members on a first-come-first-served basis.  The issues with the tee times should be worked out within the next week or so.  No one has been shut out of playing on the back 9.  When the tee time schedule is worked out the last half hour of back 9 play will be available to be booked on line.


Web Site: 


  • The website is almost ready.  There will be a meeting with Com Internet on the 26th.  There are now 36 fly-over views completed by Force 4 Photo, some of which need to be reshot due to various problems.  These fly-overs, when completed, will be incorporated into the website which should be up this summer.


Restaurant Issues:


  • Mark O’Brien has not had the opportunity to meet with Joe Jamiel but will do so prior to the next meeting.  The snack shack is open from 9 to 3.  Jeff Odell asked if more attention could be paid to the “Grab and Go” station which seems to run out of food too early. Chris Hardy said the buffet at the Member-Guest was very well done.  Ardeo’s advertises Captains in their ads on the radio.  With regard to extending the restaurant lease for another year, Carl Blanchard suggested getting together with members of the various organizations to determine what they would like to see from the restaurant and also suggested having a consultant help in the process of determining what the restaurant can be and what should be included in the lease.  Anne O’Connell suggested the first item be to resolve the issues of the lease payments, perhaps holding this entire matter until the end of the summer and then presenting a proposal to the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee.


Follow Up:


  • Course Re-rating update:  The course rerating is completed and will be instituted at the end of July.  New scorecards have been ordered.
  • Golf Course Doors/All Access Committee Project:  The doors are in, complete and working.  The cost was covered under the Warrant.
  • Update on Restroom Projects:  John Piemontese reported the technical director at Cape Cod Tech has retired and is being replaced.  The restroom project would probably be best put off until the fall.


Future agenda items:


  • Off-season membership.
  • Restaurant consultant.
  • Capital Improvements


Approval of 6/14/16 minutes:


  • Deferred to the next meeting.



Judy McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Carl Blanchard to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.  


Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Vesperman, Senior Clerk


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
