Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, and David Valcourt


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Jay Packett (Asst. Oper. Mgr.), Bill Meehan (Finance Committee liaison), Bill O’Brien (CCMGA), and Donna Potts (9-Holers Assn.).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Golf Commission Reorganization


  • Mark O’Brien asked for nominations for Brewster Golf Commission Chairperson. Jeff Odell nominated Anne O’Connell as Chair and Andrea Johnson as Vice Chair. Motion was seconded by Carl Blanchard. There were no other nominations. A vote was called for Anne O’Connell as Chair person. The vote was 7 in favor none opposed.
  • Anne O’Connell asked for nominations for Vice Chair. Jeff Odell nominated Andrea Johnson, seconded by Anne O’Connell. There were no other nominations. A vote was called for Andrea Johnson as Vice Chair. The vote was 7 in favor and none opposed.



Update on maintenance


  • Mark O’Brien reported that the crew is doing a great job.
  • The season has been very dry.
  • Weekly meetings are taking place with Mark, Dwight, Tom, and Steve Mann.
  • Steve Mann is putting together a spray program for the course.
  • Two new seasonal positions were filled this week, but we are still short-handed.
  • John Kissida asked about aeration plans for the fall. Mark O’Brien reported that the aeration would be taking place in September after Labor Day as scheduled.
  • Dave Valcourt stated he thinks the traps are in good shape. He asked about the cup lifters stating they are in disrepair. Mark O’Brien stated he is looking into replacing them or using a different method.


Financial report


  • Mark O’Brien reported that we will end FY20 in the black by about $60,000.
  • This allows us to remove a little over $100,000 off of our FY21 budget which was set to pay off a projected FY21 shortfall.
  • Memberships are up and play for June is up overall. Member rounds were way up. Guest rounds were down as expected as we reduced the number of guest times to allow for more member play.
  • We were able to go back to 9 minute intervals as of July 8 as opposed to the 12 minute intervals that were required previously. This has had a very positive effect on our revenues.
  • Mark O’Brien reported that he will be revisiting the FY21 budget and presenting to the Select Board and Finance Committee. Mark will send this revised budget to the Golf Commission prior to presenting to the Select Board and Finance Committee.
  • John Kissida asked about the NGF study. Mark O’Brien stated that it would be good to go forward with that now as the Town is looking to validate the golf course’s viability as an enterprise fund.


Operational procedures


  • Jeff Odell asked about the check in process as he has observed some backups. Mark O’Brien reported that we now have two clerks on and that the pro shop is now open for people to come in for check in and merchandise sales. We are still using the window check in also. So with this set up we should be able to improve the check in process.
  • Dave Valcourt asked if there was a way to address the volume of demand at the driving range. Mark O’Brien reported that we can remove the stations that are blocked off and increase the distance of the each tee station. This will result in an increase in the number of tee stations. Mark also stated that we will be increasing the driving range hours of operation next week, as we have been able to bring in a few more staff.
  • Dave Valcourt talked about ways to have members bring a container with divot mix on the course and repair divots. Mark O’Brien said he could place signage on the divot mix containers. Mark stated that we will not be able to provide divot mix on the course due to sanitation issues and the volume of carts that we are putting out each day. Anne O’Connell suggested providing divot mix containers on the tenth tees. Mark O’Brien said yes. Mark O’Brien and Jay Packett will come up with a plan for this issue and report back.
  • An email was sent to the Commission regarding placing signage in the golf carts with cart rules. Mark O’Brien said we could do that.
  • A concern was raised by a member regarding being required to back 9 times. Mark O’Brien stated that it is still a requirement and the Chelsea system could not be changed to improve it. He has not received any other complaints from any other members.
  • Wyn Morton stated he thought this would be a good time to have a communication to the membership. Anne O’Connell asked Wyn to draft something that could be sent out in an email.



Strategic planning


  • Dave Valcourt stated that he feels the strategic planning is best accomplished in a face to face meeting. Anne O’Connell stated that the Golf Commission still cannot meet face to face. However, Commissioners can meet fHace to face in smaller groups.
  • Anne suggested that Commissioners meet in small groups to discuss their swim lanes and then discuss this further at the September meeting.
  • John Kissida noted that he has not been assigned a swim lane and is currently helping as needed.


Additional Questions and comments from Associations (Bill O’Brien (Mens Golf Association), Donna Potts (Ladies 9-Hole)


  • Bill O’Brien suggested having a better set up for people waiting in line at the range.
  • Bill O’Brien asked about good dates for providing lunch for maintenance crew.
  • Bill O’Brien asked about issues with the Chelsea points system. Jay Packett stated those issues have been resolved.
  • Donna Potts also asked about providing lunch for the maintenance crew. Anne O’Connell said she would coordinate some dates.


Superintendent search


  • John Kissida reported that there were about a dozen applicants.
  • John, Mark O’Brien and Steve Mann have made a short list recommended for interview.
  • The interviews will take place the first week of August and we hope to have a superintendent on board by mid-September.




  • Jeff Odell made a motion seconded by Dave Valcourt to approve a refund of a two year Resident Twilight membership to Kathleen Brunet as this request met all of the Golf Commission policies. The motion was approved 7-0-0.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Andrea Johnson to deny the refund request for a one year non-resident membership from Joseph Cardito as it was received after June 30, thus not meeting the Golf Commission policy. The motion was approved 7-0-0.


Approve Minutes


  • Jeff Odell made a motion, seconded by Carl Blanchard to approve the minutes of June 16, 2020 with one correction (listing Peter Lombardi as being present at the meeting). Motion approved 7-0-0.


Topics that the Chair did not Reasonably Anticipate (Anne O’Connell)


  • Anne O’Connell stated that she viewed the Planning Board meeting that addressed the solar project. She then received a request from Peter Lombardi for the Commission to recap the history of this project. Anne suggested having a special meeting of the Commission to revisit the project and the report back to Peter Lombardi. She will send out a list of dates.


Future agenda items


  • Strategic planning
  • Communication to members
  • Divot mix containers


A motion to adjourn was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Wyn Morton, and passed 7-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:48pm.




Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
