Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, and David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Rob Harris (CCMGA), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Association) and Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Anne O’Connell announced that all appointments to boards and committees are on hiatus until after the Selectboard’s annual retreat which is scheduled for August 19th.  Two candidates for the golf commission were interviewed by Dave Whitney, Selectboard Liaison; Anne O’Connell has requested the Selectboard appoint the candidate at their next meeting on August 23rd.   Jay Packett explained the reason for the appointments being delayed is the Selectboard is trying to set up a more uniform appointment process across all different town committees and boards.


Refund Request:

  • There is a refund request. The individual requesting the refund has been advised that she has missed both deadlines for a refund. Anne O’Connell read the policy regarding refunds.  A motion was made by Dave Valcourt, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to approve this refund request.  Motion passed unanimously.


Golf Course Safety:

  • Wyn Morton presented a recap of this issue: he is concerned about after-hours use of the golf course, i.e. vandalism, loss of revenue, and the projection of a poor image.  Other facilities in town are gated when not in use.  Jay Packett had a conversation with Chief Eldredge on this subject.  There are signs at the emergency entrance next to Port 10 tee and at the walking path towards Starboard 10 tee stating the golf course is closed when the pro shop is closed.  There is an outdated sign at the main entrance stating this is town property and is closed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.  Jay Packett has spoken with Griffin Reiner, the superintendent of the DPW; they looked at the signs and today got an art approval for new signs and new wording.  Chief Eldredge said a permit from the recreation department is required for anyone to use town property after hours, a policy which is not followed.  The golf course is unable to control what happens after hours.  The staff is not asked to patrol the golf course after hours.  Over the years the practice has been that non-members are not allowed on the golf course after hours, but members are allowed to play even though they are not able to check in.  This can create an issue in identifying members.  The restaurant is open after the golf course is closed.  Having gates at the entrances creates an issue as to who is responsible to see the gates are closed when the restaurant closes.  The golf course is a “use at your own risk facility.”  Jay Packett will review liabilities at the next risk-management meeting. Vandalism has not been an issue over the last few years.  Discussion followed.


  • Limiting play to four times per week:
  • Jay Packett has spoken to Chelsea about this matter. Play history is done on a member basis.  The point system is in place to combat this situation, and he doesn’t think anyone is playing more than four times weekly in prime time.  There is not enough staff time to monitor this.  Discussion followed.  Jay Packett will again address this issue in a future email.


NGF Report:

  • Regarding the “final” version of the NGF report, there will be a joint meeting of the Selectboard, the Finance Committee and the Golf Commission on Monday, September 13. Regarding the NGF

report relating to the capital planning process, Jay Packett reported this was discussed at today’s     department head meeting.  Peter Lombardi, Donna Kalanick and Mimi Bernardo advised any capital requests or adjustments need to be at Town Hall by the end of August.  The next two meetings of the Golf Commission will be on August 10th and 24th..    Items being brough forward should be ready for submission to Town on August 26th.  An email with more specifics should be sent out from Town Hall within the next day or two.  Discussion followed.  Colin Walsh stated the $252,000 in the NFG report represents replacing the oldest equipment and will bring in some necessary equipment that should be but never has been on board.  Anne O’Connell asked how much money should be put forward for  approval to be spent in FY22.  Discussion followed.  Anne O’Connell brought up the subject of the solo rider not being in good shape.  Jay Packett has received three quotes regarding a new solo rider and does not believe it should be a capital item since it needs to be available at the golf course as soon as possible.  Colin Walsh spoke about the brush pile. Jeff Odell spoke about projected retained earnings.  Jay Packett will update the retained earnings projections.  Discussion followed regarding possible future projects and plans to be accomplished.  Anne O’Connell referred to the irrigation system as discussed in the NGF report.  Discussion followed.  John Kissida asked if the weather station replacement should be in the budget.  Colin Walsh reported many golf courses do not have weather stations and use weather data from the local airports.  The weather station was relocated to the maintenance building.


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:

  • Bill Meehan will contact Jay Packett and Colin Walsh off-line to talk about sink holes. Ann O’Connell suggested John Kissida be included.  Anne O’Connell said it is likely capital items will again be discussed at the August 10th meeting and encouraged everyone to look at the NGF report and try to match it up with items in the various swim lanes.  Dave Valcourt has made up a chart for this purpose and was asked to share it with the commissioners.  Jay Packett was asked to review the parking lot solar project.  Jeff Odell reported the paving repair is scheduled for tomorrow through Friday; wire management should be finished this week in the main lot; workers will be leaving until Eversource supplies power and will be back in September depending Eversource’s schedule.  The proposed cutting of a 30-foot wide swath through the trees in the upper part of the parking lot has been rejected in favor of one additional pole at the lower entrance.  There will be temporary fencing around the pad until the work is completed in September.  There should be nothing more until after the golf season.  Clean-up will be done.


Future agenda items and meetings (8/10,8/24):

  • Capital items



A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by John Kissida, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:54 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
