Commissioners Present: Cindy Bingham (Chair), Jim Ehrhart (Vice Chair), Anne O'Connell, Ed Pavlu, Rob Harris, Marc Fontaine. Others Present: Mark O'Brien (Director of Golf Operations), Jim Foley (Selectmen Liaison), Herb Montgomery (FinCom Liaison), Anne LeMaitre (9-Hole Women's Association), Jerri Carlin (9-Hole Women's Association), Judy McCarthy (18-Hole Women’s Association), Chet Grocki. Call to Order: Cindy Bingham called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. A motion to approve the minutes of June 11, 2013 was made by Jim Ehrhart, seconded by Anne O'Connell, motion passed 5-0-1 (Marc Fontaine abstained). Public Comment: Rob Harris announced that he resigned as president of the Captains Course Men’s Golf Association to avoid any conflict of interest issues now that he is a member of the Golf Commission. Dennis Toland is the new president. Reorganization: Mark O’Brien asked for nominations for Golf Commission Chair. Jim Ehrhart nominated Cindy Bingham and Marc Fontaine nominated Rob Harris. Mark O’Brien called the vote. Jim Ehrhart, Anne O’Connell and Cindy Bingham voted in favor of Cindy Bingham. Marc Fontaine, Ed Pavlu and Rob Harris voted in favor of Rob Harris. The vote was tied 3 to 3. (Jeff Odell was absent) Anne O’Connell made a motion to defer the reorganization vote until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Jim Ehrhart. The motion was approved 6-0-0. Suggestion Box: • Clean the water in the club cleaner at the range. Mark O’Brien will address. • Pace of Play on July 5 was slow. Mark O’Brien stated it was slow that day, but it is the busiest day of the year and overall the pace has been pretty good this year. • Front landscaping looks great. • There should be a menu posted at the snack shack. Mark O’Brien will talk with Antonella. • We should have high school interns to clean clubs and unload bags at the bag drop. Mark O’Brien will look into this. • Ceiling tiles in the Women’s rest room need to be replaced. • We should have ball washers at the forward tees. Mark O’Brien will talk with Steve Mann about this. • We should have more drinking water stations. Mark O’Brien stated that we have two on each 9 holes plus an additional on Starboard 9/12. This is felt to be adequate. • The question was asked about the opening time of the restaurant. Mark O’Brien stated that they are required to be open a half hour prior to the first tee time. Over the July 4th week when we opened a half hour earlier than normal, this was not communicated and they did not open earlier. Other than that, they have opened as they were supposed to. Director of Golf Operations Report: Mark O'Brien A motion was made to issue a refund of $815 to John Duffin, who had played one 9-hole round. Motioned by Rob Harris, seconded by Jim Ehrhart, passed 6-0-0. Financial Presentation: Mark O'Brien The AFP numbers through June are as follows: 2013 2012 Resident “Early” $850 372 339 Resident “Morning” $750 307 333 Resident “Twilight” $399 45 50 Total Resident Adults 724 722 Charter Non-Residents 7 6 Non-Residents 161 135 Total Adult AFPs 892 863 Resident Juniors 40 40 Non-Resident Juniors 5 3 Total AFPs 937 906 June was an extremely rainy month, especially on the weekends. In spite of this, our revenues for June were about equal to last year (even slightly ahead). The FY2013 financials have not been finalized as the fiscal year has not been closed as yet. When the numbers are finalized, Mark O’Brien will distribute them to the Golf Commission. Mark is tentatively scheduled to make a presentation on July 22nd to the Board of Selectmen regarding the FY2013 year. Superintendent's Report: Steve Mann prepared the following report in his absence: “The golf courses are in pretty good shape or at least until last Thursday. The heat and humidity has its problems but coupled with crane fly and annual bluegrass weevil we have a small crisis on our hands. The heat and humidity has caused us to water heavily for the last 5 days. We do have plenty of water available. We have used only 15 million gallons of water out of the 75 million allotted to us, so we are in good shape. We have had to start to hand water greens and tees to try to keep up. Hopefully this will turn the tide against the drought we have been experiencing. The insects are a different story. We have been very active in scouting and spraying. The annual bluegrass weevil is in its third generation with a possible 4th coming in the next month or so. We have been spraying every week for the last three weeks for both insects. The timing is tough because of the life cycle differences. The crane fly and grubs will be treated again next month. The crew has been doing a good job keeping up with the mowing and watering. So right now all we can do is try to keep up with what Mother Nature is giving us. There was a rough mower that had a hydraulic leak on #2 Starboard rough and did some killing. Hopefully this will bounce back by this fall. The rough mowers do not have a hydraulic leak detection system. The newer models might have them as an option. We will be doing some seeding and sodding in the next couple of weeks when the weather breaks. Port #1 tee area, port 2 tee and starboard #17 tee area.” Randomized Tee Time Request System: Mark O’Brien reported that Chelsea could implement this system on a temporary trial basis. The system would accept requests, put them in a random order, and then place them on the tee sheet as close as possible to the requested time, based on availability when their request is drawn. Discussion followed on the specifics of the system. It was decided to have the system begin accepting requests 5 days prior to the play date beginning at 6:00 a.m. and have the system place the requests 2 days in advance at 12:00 noon. Rob Harris made a motion, seconded by Anne O’Connell, to implement the “Randomized Tee Time Request System” on a trial basis from August 1st through August 11th. Motion approved 6-0-0. Mark O’Brien will email the membership about the new system and post notices around the clubhouse. Toward the end of the trial period, an on-line survey will be distributed to the membership and the results will be discussed at the August 13th Golf Commission meeting. Tee Time Allocation: Mark O’Brien presented the following memo: From: Mark O’Brien To: Golf Commission Date: July 9, 2013 RE: Member Tee Time Allocation C. Tee Times and Reservations 1. AFP Tee Times: m) The Golf Commission may adjust the ratio of AFP tee times to DFP tee times after the number of AFPs is known and the amount of revenue that has been collected is known. At no time shall the percentage of AFP tee times be lower than the AFP revenue divided by the budgeted golf course expenses. $835,742 FY2013 AFP membership Revenue (through June 30, 2013) $2,785,627 FY2014 Total Expenses 30% AFP Revenue divided by budgeted golf course expenses The minimum tee time allocation allowed by our policy would be 50% of the tee times on one course and 10.6% of the tee times on the other course. Our current allocation is 50% on one course and 12.5% on the other course. I recommend that we maintain this same allocation. Jim Ehrhart made a motion, seconded by Anne O’Connell, to accept the recommendation made by Mark O’Brien to keep the tee time allocation the same for this year. Motion approved 6-0-0. Member Demographics Report: Rob Harris presented a chart showing the approximate age distribution of Brewster AFPs that were members in 2011 and (June) 2013. He was able to match census data to membership data (first name, last name) for 395 people. There are 473 people with a residential census match that are no longer members, which is approximately 25% more people than there are people that are currently members. Resident AFPs: The median age is 67 (vs. 66 in 2011), and the average age was 64.5 (vs. 64.5). For “Prior Resident AFPs”, the median age is 64, and the average is 61.5. For the Brewster population: The median age is 58 (vs. 56 in 2011), and the average age is 55.8 (vs. 54.4). The fact that there are such a large number (473) of former members that still live in Brewster and have a lower average age than the current members is very interesting. This will be useful information going forward as we promote membership opportunities. Update on State Ethics Guidelines: Rob Harris reported that he contacted the State Ethics Commission regarding conflicts of interest in regard to serving on the Golf Commission and being an officer in the CCMGA. As a result of the conversation, Rob decided to resign from the CCMGA Board. Furthermore, the CCMGA is considered a “business organization” and as such his membership in that organization required submission of Conflict of Interest Statement Sec. 23-3B. In addition, as a member of the Captains Golf Course, it was suggested that he submit a Financial Interest Statement Sec. 19 Form. Rob reiterated to the Commission that the advice he received was specific to him and that any Commissioner that had a question regarding conflict of interest should contact the State Ethics Commission. He will however forward the forms mentioned above to the Golf Commissioners. Other topics: The Family tees were discussed. Mark O’Brien reported that they were in the process of being rated by the MGA so that scores could be posted for handicap purposes. Also, we will look into installing a Family tees course on Port at some point in the future. Mark O’Brien gave an update on marketing. We are currently running radio spots and payperclick with We will be doing some newspaper in the future. He also has a binder full of press releases and articles that have occurred based on the efforts of the PR efforts. A motion to adjourn was made by Anne O’Connell, seconded by Rob Harris, passed 6-0-0. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. at The Captains Golf Course conference room. Respectfully Submitted, Mark O’Brien Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
