Commissioners Present: Jay Paggi (Chair), Andrea Johnson, John Kissida and Jim Juras


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Course Superintendent), Bob Healy


THIS MEETING WAS VIDEO RECORDED. The meeting may be viewed at: Golf Commission 7-9-2024 (


Declaration of a Quorum – 4 Commissioners present which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment: none.


  1. Golf Commission Reorganization, Jay Packett – Jay Paggi voted as Chair of the Golf Commission, Dave Valcourt voted as Vice Chair of the Golf Commission.


  1. Update on Financials – Jay Packett


There are still a few final numbers for FY2024, and there will be only slight changes for this fiscal year within the next week. There is a split payroll for the next 2 weeks between the two fiscal years. June 2024 – Increase of approximately 94k, biggest drivers are green and cart fees. Calendar year for June – ahead by about 68k, increased memberships. 2024 Fiscal Year $287,000 increase from last year. 100k increase in green fees. 10k increase from driving range, 100k increase at pro shop sales and selling of surplus inventory also helped our budget. $1.1M ahead of projected budget. Play totals 437 rounds/day for June. We were 247 short of highest record from 2021 this month. 650 more rounds than last year. July has had over 5k rounds in an 8-day span; demand is overrunning the supply at this time which is great for our outlook. Snack bar rent was in question. We plan to be caught up by November 2024. One year offer has been extended and accepted by Freemans Grill.


  1. Memberships – Jay Packett


1134 members, last year ended with 1161 members. All non-member times sold out for July 4th week with members getting their requested times within reason. Waiting list – 20 joined, waiting to hear from a few others for this year.



  1. Update on Golf Operations, OPM Update – Jay Packett


Meeting on June 28th included John, Peter, Donna, Colin and Jay plan in place. Jon has reached out to Town of Hingham for wording on RFP. We are meeting again on July 25th. Capital Planning committee members will be meeting on 8/19 to discuss the project in more detail.



  1. Update on Course Conditions, Projects and Staffing – Colin Walsh


Heat and humidity = lot of irrigation work and some damage due to lightning. Pump 2 has experienced a few electronic issues which is being addressed. Turf is good with some disease that is being addressed early mornings, again due to heat weather but remains in control and good conditions. Smoothing the surface and keep top dressing which allows better golf play/ball rolling, common among private clubs. Tree line cleanups cleaning out underbrush, etc. Divots have been an issue with the amount of play that we have seen but is being constantly addressed by staff. Staffing – we have lost 3 of our seasonal maintenance crew and continue to look for staff. We did fill a full time union position, which is March to December, with a current employee. We are in the process of completing documentation for new contracts and supply stocking for the end of the fiscal year and resupply for the new fiscal year. Still waiting, about 8 months out for our FY capital for fairway mowers and sand machine. Golf maintenance team has been great with working extra hard during our busy season and the hot weather.



  1. Selection of Two Commissioners for Maintenance Building Project – Jay Paggi


John Kissida and Andrea Johnson were nominated for commissioners. Proposal to have an alternate; Dave Valcourt nominated to step in if either of these commissioners were not available.



  1. Possible Combo Tees – Bob Healy


Proposal to make a combo tee between the gold and the red tees to keep the total change under 300 yards to avoid USGA having to do a course rating. The goal is to open the opportunity to have fun and play a golf course that fits their size, remove color stigma and play the tees that are going to give you the most enjoyment. This also helps the pace of play and allows groups to move forward more quickly.

Details from Bob regarding the current and proposed yardage, recommended changes and end result of how this affects the courses was reviewed in great detail.

Jay Packett gave his approval, stating this is an operational update and not a cost, as well as benefits incurred.

Jay Paggi suggested the addition of white gold.

To be addressed after Labor Day.



  1. Input Selectboard Strategic Plan for Annual Retreat – Jay Paggi


Jay stated that town manager has asked for feedback/input from last year’s retreat such as additions suggested. Golf Commission item regarding water resources, Pleasant Bay watershed permit. Maintaining the course with nutrients needed and maintaining water supply permit compliance continues to be recorded. We have reduced product being applied since attaining new sprayers and information continues to be communicated to the town manager. Also mentioned is that golf should be noted as part of recreation for our senior population, a growing population in Brewster. Jay suggests communication to all commissioners with input from all.


  1. Other Strategic Planning Updates – Commission




  1. Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons




  1. Review and Approve Minutes:


(6/11/24 and 7/9/24) at the next meeting.


  1. Future Agenda Items and Meetings (7/23/24)


None. Suggested to cancel meeting for 7/23/24, having next meeting on 8/13/24. Agenda items proposed for August meeting are:

  1. Follow up on Town Managers feedback,
  2. Business meeting and schedule of all capital projects.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair: – None


A motion to adjourn was made – Motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
