Commissioners Present: Jim Ehrhart (Vice-Chair), Cindy Bingham, Anne O'Connell, Ed Pavlu, Jeff Odell, and Marc Fontaine.


Others Present: Mark O'Brien (Director of Golf Operations), Pete Ervin (Superintendent), Judy McCarthy (Women’s 18-Hole Assn.), Sharon Marotti (Women’s 9-Hole Assn.) and Jerri Carlin (Friends of the Captains), and Jackie Ferragutto.


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Jim Ehrhart called the meeting to order as acting Chairman at 4:00 p.m. Rob Harris resigned from the Golf Commission at last night’s Selectmen’s meeting.


Marketing Plan Update:


  • Mark O’Brien introduced Mary Stengel from Pierce Cote Advertising who is handling the marketing efforts for the Captains Golf Course.
  • Mark O’Brien outlined where the money has been spent in FY 2014.
  • Mary Stengel presented a plan outlining the FY 2015 spending. This included radio, cable TV, newspaper, and on-line marketing efforts. The total cost for this plan which runs through October 2014 is $35,915.  


Public Announcements:


  • Cindy Bingham apologized to Rob Harris and her fellow Golf Commissioners for her statement directed at Rob Harris at last month’s Golf Commission meeting.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Anne O’Connell read a suggestion from Brian Pavlu regarding the dangerous situation caused by the location of #17 Port blue tee box. The green on #13 Port is sometimes hit onto from #17 causing a potentially dangerous situation. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. 


Superintendent’s Report (Pete Ervin):


  • Rainfall is down so far this year and as a result we are using more wetting agent.
  • Fairway heights have been raised to 5/8” from ½” in order to reduce stress.
  • A greens venting program has been undertaken using ¼” solid tines in order to alleviate compaction and increase air, gas, and water exchange. The greens are rolled right after being aerated and there is little if any impact on ball roll.
  • Pete is hoping to do the same process on some fairways.
  • Pete thanked the captains for hosting him and his wife at the Snowbirds dinner this past Sunday. They had a great time and enjoyed meeting many of the members.
  • Pete thanked his staff for doing a great job in getting the course in top condition.


Director of Operations Report (Mark O’Brien):


·         The month of May was the best May financially in the past 7 years.

·         Memberships for the fiscal year are within about $1,000 of last fiscal year.

·         Non-resident memberships are up by about $34,000 for the fiscal year.

·         Mark O’Brien reported that the twilight membership program continues to be a success. Below are some stats on this program:

1.       Total Resident Twilight members – 55

2.       Of the 55, 29 were renewals from last year.

3.       Of the 55, 11 downgraded from Morning membership.

4.       Of the 55, 10 were members in previous years, dropped out, and have come back into the twilight program.

5.       Of the 55, 5 are brand new members.

6.       Total Non-Resident twilight members – 17

7.       Of the 17, 2 downgraded from full membership.

8.       Of the 17, 7 were members in previous years, dropped out, and have come back into the twilight program.

9.       Of the 17, 8 are brand new members.

·         Mark O’Brien presented a request from a non-resident full member, Ann Mahoney, for a credit of her membership fee toward 2015 due to the fact that she broke her leg. She played twice for green fees totaling $75, so she would be eligible for a credit of $1,425. Ann O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Cindy Bingham, to approve the credit for $1,425 toward her 2015 membership. Motion approved unanimously.


Member Tee Time Ratio:


·         Mark O’Brien distributed a memo outlining the tee time ratio policy and the ratio called for based on the FY2014 revenues and expenses. Based on the numbers Mark O’Brien recommends making no change to tee time ratio for the upcoming season. Jeff Odell made a motion seconded by Cindy Bingham to keep the tee time ratio the same for the upcoming year. The motion was approved unanimously.


Discuss policy regarding on-course memorials such as benches:


·         Ann O’Connell said that many of the wood benches are in poor condition and any memorial benches approved should be located in areas that could replace some of the old wood benches.

·         Ed Pavlu suggested having memorial trees planted instead of having benches.

·         Jim Ehrhart suggested having Pete take an inventory of existing benches out on the course and having Ed Pavlu draw up a draft memorial tree policy for discussion at the next meeting. 


Discuss having the Golf Commission meetings televised on Brewster Channel 18:


·         Jim Ehrhart said that Charlie Sumner indicated that he would like to have the Golf Commission meetings televised.

·         Cindy Bingham stated that the consultant’s report indicated that the Golf Commission should become more transparent.

·         Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Anne O’Connell, to have the monthly Golf Commission meetings at Town Hall and that they be televised. Motion approved unanimously.


Discuss Future Agenda Items:


  • Cindy Bingham suggested the following future agenda items:
  1. status of lightning detection system
  2. singles booking on the tee sheet
  3. changing forward tee colors
  4. dress code enforcement
  5. handicap flags


Approval of past meeting minutes:


  • Cindy Bingham suggested a few changes to the minutes. Anne O’Connell made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2014 as amended, seconded by Ed Pavlu. Motion approved unanimously.


Jim Ehrhart stated that this is his last meeting as a Commissioner. He has enjoyed his time on the Commission and has enjoyed working with his fellow Commissioners. In addition, he appreciates the Commissioners willingness to volunteer their services to the Town. Cindy Bingham expressed her thanks to Jim Ehrhart for his service. Ed Pavlu stated that he would like to thank Jim and Rob Harris for their contributions to the Commission.


Anne O’Connell made a motion, seconded by Jeff Odell to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.  


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
