Commissioners Present:  Carl Blanchard, Jeff Odell, Wyn Morton, Dave Valcourt, Anne O’Connell, Andrea Johnson.

Others Present:  Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations This meeting was not video-taped.

Mark O’Brien called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

John Kissida was introduced as a new member of the Commission; he has been a member of the Captains for over thirty years.

Public Comment:  The 9-holers have four new members.  Jerri Carlin reported on the Friends tournament; excellent participation by all members of the golf commission.  No complaints were received throughout the tournament; made $4,000 plus.  Sean and staff did a great job with meals, snacks, hole sponsorship.  The course is great, no rain.

Suggestion Box:  Nothing on the website; 2 written notes from the box—divot boxes are sometimes empty at tees.  There was praise for the entire course, but the range is below average quality.

Superintendent’s Report:  Pete was unavoidably absent due to travel delay.  Anne recommended a note be sent to Pete and staff.  Dave recommended making a lunch for the staff.  Jerri said other lunches are provided during the season.


Director’s Report:  Sean Gannon tournament is scheduled for Monday; both courses will be closed until 2:30.  More staff is being added, the swing person in the cart barn had been cut but is being brought back.  Cart batteries are in their last year of service, some quite slow, a few replacements are in process.  Final year of current lease for December 31st.  A 5-year lease is most cost-effective; may look at 3- or 4-year lease instead.  Cart upgrades are anticipated, including GPS.  Mark is seeking volunteers for participating on future cart leases.  Andrea and Wyn are interested.  The budget “imbalance” from earlier now has been rectified, so finances are looking good.  Memberships are strong–$900,000 in membership fees.  There are 943 total members an increase from 921.  There has been no verbal pushback to Mark from the membership regarding fees.  Jackie asked if an exit census should be conducted to determine why members have left; this has not been done in the past year.  It would be nice to ask members why they joined.

The financials were reviewed by Mark.  Status line items were quickly reviewed, costs coming in below estimates due to belt-tightening.  Fiscal year is $73,000 plus but not quite what was projected.  New rates are kicking in which are showing in strong June figures.

The Department of Revenue has submitted a report to the town recommending water and golf become enterprise funds which would mean greater independence for the course, not having to rely on Town.

Dave will look into Freemans Way resurfacing, possibly being used for cart path upgrade.

Solar Project:  Mark, Carl and Jeff provided the following:  CVEC meeting moving forward.  Eversource connectivity with GE as vendor, but nothing probably happening until fall of 2020.  Front loaded contract, we receive payments when first connection made.  Eversource will determine pace of project.

2019 Tee Time Allocation:  Mark recommends the same policy for member revenues compared to budget expenses.  Works out to every 8th time.  Anne moved, measure passed unanimously.


Update on Practice Nets:  Mark is seeking outside contractor, other staff unavailable; working with Page.

Recycling Initiative:  Anne has contacted the Selectboard and has received data form and will need input from Sean at Freemans Grill.  Beverage companies are being contacted.  Town-wide ban as part of a citizens’ petition likely at the next Town Meeting.  Orleans Chamber of Commerce is exploring this; may be potential to join efforts of area towns. Recycling commission is on a 1-year deadline for next spring’s Town Meeting.

Strategic Planning:  Dave Valcourt reports swim lanes assignment.  He had a 1hour meeting with Pete re lane 1 (irrigation, etc.)  Would like us at next meeting to add, subtract what might be needed, finalize who is assigned to each lane.  Customary reorganization will be done next month i.e. electing a Commission Chairperson.  Carl mentioned possibly expanding 5-year plan to 10 years for some lanes.  Language in proposals, around using term “risk” needs to be explored further by Mark with the Town Manager, Peter Lombardi.  Jeff asked Mark if we will be getting insurance reimbursement on irrigation pump motor.

Future Agenda Items:  Reorganization of Commission; solar nets, strategic plan.  The next meeting is July 9th.

Review/Approve Minutes:  May 2019.  Mark said they were very well done.


Jeff moved to approve the minutes.  (Three abstentions in vote of minutes.)  Motion passed.

Topics not reasonably anticipated:  None.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,







Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
