Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Chair), John Kissida (Vice-Chair), Jim Juras, Anne O’Connell, Jay Paggi, Dave Valcourt, Rob David


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh (Course Superintendent), Ross Gorman (Remote), Susan Olin (9 Holers), Rob Harris (CCMGA), Dave Whitney (Select Board Liaison)


THIS MEETING WAS VIDEO RECORDED. The meeting may be viewed at: Golf Commission 6-11-2024 (


  • Call to Order – Andrea Johnson
  • Declaration of a Quorum – 7 Commissioners present which constitutes a quorum.
  • Meeting Participation Statement read.
  • Recording Statement read.
  • Public Comment: none


  1. Director of Operations, update on financials, member enrollment, Sr. Dept. Assistant – Jay Packett


  1. Financials for month of May, starting with budget status, financially better than last year, spending on a decrease for remainder of the year, end of year training with town and review with staff. Comparison report for May FY 23 vs. 24; we are 92k lower in 2024. Solar Panel payment is a driving difference. Carts are lower due to less play in May 2024. Calendar year we are 26k less in 2024, Green and Cart fees are main drivers. Fiscal year, we are 193k above last year, increase in green fees and memberships, down in cart fees. Pro Shop sales are also up. Projection by month ROI close to $800,000, 39k ahead in just May. 1300 rounds less than last year, believe due to weather conditions. Calendar play totals are 17.8k
  2. Cart lease mentioned, which ends in December 2024. We will be going back to the former vendor (Club Car Enterprises). Our Sales rep will remain the same, which is a benefit since we have a great relationship with him. We have had ongoing issues regarding cart batteries which are regularly addressed with our current vendor.
  3. Handicap revenue – Mass Golf took over handicaps last year. We receive a check from Mass Golf for the difference approximately quarterly. Details on fiscal year were discussed and evaluated.
  4. Member enrollment – in a month we have received 81 new memberships, 1083 total at this time. More memberships are coming in daily. Nonresident waiting list update – 18 have joined, 2 in queue at this time, and calls to others are being made after 2 days of no response. Increase in junior and collegiate memberships is noted.
  5. Senior Dept Assistant – Suzanne Lynch is the new Senior Department Assistant, starting on Monday 6/17/24. This new hire will allow Jon to transition into the Business Manager role while Sue handles the day-to-day business. Jon will be main point person for her training, alongside payroll and accounting training.


  1. Update on course conditions, projects and staffing – Colin Walsh


  1. Captains Golf Course hosted the Cape Cod Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendent Association, 75 superintendents and industry reps attended. Thank you to Freemans Grill and Jay and staff for their support and hospitality.
  2. Staffing – We have a full staff of 26 with good cohesiveness, teamwork and efficiency. One employee out on injury for a few weeks.
  3. Weather – Turf holding up well with current weather conditions. No water restrictions and ahead of our water budget and down in use. Calibrating our water meters will be done soon. Sprayers are supporting water use reduction.
  4. Current and ongoing work that is being done around the Pro Shop grounds as well as both courses was discussed in detail.
  5. Well redevelopment #2, report recently received, and the well is in very good shape, and we are seeing the benefits of this redevelopment.
  6. Sign Project – 10 tee signs and some directional signs coming in late next week.


Question arose regarding placement of gold tee markers. Colin offered explanation of placement and assured the gap would be watched.


  1. OPM Selection – John Kissida


  1. Owners Project Manager is a requirement under Massachusetts General Laws for projects over 1.5M, which means our maintenance building project will require OPM. The hiring is a qualification-based selection process. Town plans on writing RFP and advertising for OPM in August and then getting the OPM on board to assist with selection process for a designer which will be the next step, hopefully this fall.
  2. The town has requested two members of the commission be on that maintenance building committee. Commission’s next step is to select two commission members to represent us and this according to the town should be completed by July.
  3. There was a question regarding a clerk of the works for this project. A clerk of the works, assists in construction management and is recommended to assist and oversee the project during construction, due to size and complexity of the project. This activity would not be implemented until construction was scheduled to begin. Funding for this activity is not currently clear with the current 400k budget, and will be determined based on costs of OPM, design and supplemental services, such as survey, subsurface investigations and related activities. The OPM will be able to assist on determining anticipated costs and budgets once they are on board and understand project requirements.
  4. Suggestion by town is that two members of the commission be selected to represent the commission on the maintenance building project. This should be done at our July 9th meeting, since that is also when commission is reorganized.
  5. Jay Paggi raised a question regarding construction management funds if it was included in current funding?
  6. John Kissida stated that although it was included in the architects estimate, we don’t have enough information to determine scope or costs yet, and we haven’t determined how the managers office will divide up the current $400k appropriation for needed services and potential additional services to implement the project. We will likely be looking at spring town meeting for potential additional funding of needed/anticipated services, based on their real/estimated costs, and any financial discrepancies against our current $400K appropriation.


  1. Family Tees – Anne O’Connell

Family tees are in poor condition. Colin is looking into replacements, currently assessing a Kirby Marker which makes custom markers. Kirby is more durable than our current product. Color recommended is orange. This is listed as a FY 2025 project/expense.




  1. Commissioner updates as needed.

Anne sent a draft of the handbook to the town manager.



  1. Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons – Ross Gorman & Rob Harris


Ross Gorman

  1. Friends of Captains is up to 213 members. Thank you went out to members for their contributions towards the clock and the plantings at the starter area.
  2. Putting contest last week – over $500 was given out in prizes.
  3. Divot Day last week – rain date is 6/13 at 4 p.m.
  4. Divot bottles for walkers – 50+ have been requested and ordered.


Rob Harris

  1. CCMGA at annual Ray Gomez Memorial Shotgun Tournament on Port course. Rave reviews on the course and Freemans Grill.
  2. Mass Golf Men’s matches – we are hosting our portion this Thursday 6/13, 24 golfers.


  1. Review and Approve Minutes:


5/14/24 and 5/21/24


  1. Future Agenda Items and Meetings (6/25 and 7/9)


  1. Matters not anticipated by the Chair:


  1. Adjournment

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
