Commissioners Present:  Anne O’Connell (Chair), Carl Blanchard (Vice-Chair), Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, Ed Pavlu, John Piemontese, and Judy McCarthy.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Jerri Carlin (Women’s 9-Hole Assn.), Chris Hardy (Women’s 18-Hole Assn.), Ray DiPietro (CCMGA), and Jackie Ferraguto.


This meeting was held at the Brewster Town Hall and may be viewed at


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:  


  • Jerri Carlin reported the Friends had a successful tournament; a good time was had by all.  Thanks to Mark O’Brien, Steve Knowles and Pete Ervin and his crew for all their hard work.  Thanks to the sponsors, the players and all the workers who made this event so successful.  The Friends are waiting for suggestions for their next project.
  • The junior golf program had one applicant who is a first-grader.  The scholarship will be awarded next week.
  • The 9-holers are in the middle of their summer cup and will be glad when the weather stabilizes.
  • Chris Hardy reported the 18-hole member/guest is scheduled for next week with a full field and will benefit the Animal Rescue League of Brewster.  In addition, participants will be asked to bring in goods for this benefit.
  • Since there is no senior at Nauset Regional High School to benefit from the scholarship usually presented, the 18-holers will hold that money to be awarded next year.
  • Ray DiPietro reported there are now 130 members of the CCMGA which is less than usual.  The CCMGA provided 25 lunches and soft drinks for Pete Ervin and his crew in appreciation for all their hard work on the course. Mark O’Brien commented that Pete Ervin and his crew appreciated the lunches and thoughts of the CCMGA.
  • Chris Hardy commented that the 18-holers began this last year and will be providing the crew with lunches in  August; Ann O’Connell said the 9-holers will be doing the same and the 18-holers started a

good tradition.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Carl Blanchard reported an email on the town site from Pat Eggers who is part of the Brewster Whitecaps fund-raising committee, requesting a donation of a 4-some which will be used in a silent auction to be held at the Captains grill on July 1. Mark O’Brien will handle this request.
  • From the suggestion box—Maryann Siclari suggested installing a mailbox containing scorecards between holes 1 and 2 on each course for those “forgetful” golfers who don’t pick up scorecards in the pro shop.  Mark O’Brien commented this is a good idea and can be done.
  • A carry-over matter—Judy Miller had asked about installing directional signs.  Mark O’Brien reported some have been replaced, the rest will be installed after July 1.  Jeff Odell asked if markings on the driveway could be included in this project indicating where it is appropriate to make a left turn.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • In Pete Ervin’s absence, Mark O’Brien reported that there have been computer issues with the irrigation system that should be resolved soon.
  • Carl Blanchard commented on how good the bunkers look due to the edging work that the maintenance crew has been doing. Pete has said that this work was initiated by his staff on their own initiative.


Director’s Report: 


  • Mark O’Brien reported that the MGA has requested Captains host the MGA 4-ball championship in early May of 2018 on a Monday-Tuesday or a Tuesday-Wednesday using both courses. There would be a total of 360 players each day.  Cart fees but not green fees will be charged, which amounts to about $7500 per day exceeding expected revenues for a typical day in May.   These golfers are some of the best in the state and the prestige and good word-of-mouth would benefit the Captains.
  • Jeff Odell made a motion that Captains offer to host the MGA 4-ball championship on Monday and Tuesday May 8 and 9, 2018. Motion seconded by John Piemontese.  Discussion followed.  Motion passed unanimously.
  • May was the worst month ever financially due to the weather.  This is the end of the fiscal year.  The financials were discussed.  Mark O’Brien reviewed membership statistics through May noting there are still memberships coming in in June.
  • Tee time ratio—since the current allocation is in line with last year, Mark O’Brien recommended staying with the current allocation.
  • John Piemontese made a motion to maintain the current allocation as recommended by Mark O’Brien.  Motion seconded by Jeff Odell.  Motion passed unanimously.
  • There are 14 members age 85 or older taking advantage of the free membership; there are 6 members over 90; 2 of the over 90 members are charter non-residents.  There are 10 members taking advantage of the 1/3 military disability discount.



Restaurant Issues:


  • Ann O’Connell reported there are eye-level renderings of the renovation project, but not yet a cost figure. As she was unable to attend the last meeting regarding the restaurant and deferred to John Piemontese or Carl Blanchard.  Carl Blanchard has the plans; John Piemontese indicated either Plan A or B is 100 per cent better than the existing facility, but since there are not yet cost figures, the process is on hold.  Mark O’Brien said the cost estimates from the architect should be available this week keeping the plans within the allotted time frame.


Future Agenda Items:


  • Restaurant issues.



Review and Approve 5/9/17 and 6/13/17 minutes:


  • The minutes from May 9, 2017 were not available for review. They will be reviewed and approved at the next meeting.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Questions and explanation of tee time ratio.




Judy McCarthy made a motion, seconded by Wyn Morton, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved 7-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.


The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will be held on July 11, 2017 at 4 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Senior Clerk



Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
