Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair); Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair); Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations; Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent; Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn.); and Bill Meehan (Finance Committee Liaison).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Public Comment:


  • Anne O’Connell thanked Carl Blanchard for his service on the golf commission, serving for seven years.



Refund Requests:


  • There are three refund requests:
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Dave Valcourt, to approve the request of Denny Sheehan for a refund of $1,669.00 representing the second year of his two-year membership. Motion passed unanimously.
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Wyn Morton, to approve the request of Joe Potts for a refund of $877.00 representing his full-morning membership. Motion passed unanimously.
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to approve the request of Ms. Duchaine for a refund of $1,752.00 representing her non-resident membership. Motion passed unanimously.




Bench Donations:


  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Dave Valcourt, to approve the donation of a bench in memory of Corky Curtis. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Anne O’Connell read a letter from Denny Sheehan’s daughter regarding the donation of a memorial bench.
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Wyn Morton, to approve the donation of a bench in memory of Denny Sheehan. Motion passed unanimously.  The bench will be installed on one of the holes where he had a hole-in-one.


Anne O’Connell recognized two people in the Zoom waiting room.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • The weather is clearing. The turf is responding nicely.  16 Starboard bunker has been sodded and No. 13 will be done.  Density of the sand in the sand traps was discussed.  Greens are being top-dressed.  Spring granular fertilizer is no longer being used and is being replaced with a small amount of fertilizer spray in conjunction with the Pleasant Bay nitrogen loading reduction.  Test wells will be installed to monitor nitrogen leaching to the water tables.  Wetting agents are being used to try to back down the irrigation numbers. There are now 20 crew members.  Sink holes on Port and Starboard are being addressed.  Clover will be mitigated.  Wyn Morton complimented Colin Walsh on the condition of the greens and asked about the possibility of brick being installed at the bag drop at the front entry.  Dave Valcourt asked about the ball washers being installed.  Anne O’Connell received emails regarding the ball washers and broken tee boxes.
  • Sarah Robinson submitted questions regarding the changes on Port 8 being on the capital improvement plan—this will be addressed in the irrigation study and over-all operations. She also asked about tee box issues, specifically 6 Port.  Discussion followed.


Director’s report:


  • Jay Packett reviewed the financials—the budget looks good. Pro shop sales are down due to the pandemic. Fiscal year memberships are up.  Kudos to Sean Sullivan, Colin Walsh and the pro shop staff.  Total revenue for the fiscal year is up as compared to last year.  The calendar year is up as opposed to last year.  Greens fees are as high as they’ve been since 2018.  Total revenues are the best in the last five years.  Projections were discussed.  There were 22,000 rounds played in the calendar year.  Water stations were discussed.  There is no timeframe for water availability on the golf course.  Dave Valcourt commented on the importance of water stations.  Discussion followed.



Tee Time Allocation:


  • Jay Packett has submitted the tee time allocation breakdown. Revenue percentages were discussed.  Discussion followed regarding anticipated potentials.  Tee time adjustments were discussed. Dave Valcourt questioned the formula.  Anne O’Connell stated the current formula was approved in 2010 by the Selectboard and needs to be adhered to for this golf season.  Jeff Odell reviewed a breakdown in the formula.   Jay Packett explained the workings of the equations.  Dave Valcourt discussed retained earnings suggesting smaller changes.  Discussion followed.  Wyn Morton suggested the commission study this matter further.  Jay Packett stated the percentage of member tee times cannot change at this point.  Discussion followed.
  • A motion was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Anne O’Connell, that the revised percentage of 36.8% tee time allocation as presented by Jay Packett, be accepted. Motion passed 3-1 with one abstention.



Back Nine Tee Times:


  • Anne O’Connell has received several questions as to tee times for the back 9 and referred the question to Jay Packett who responded he is in favor of continuing the use of back-9 tee times through the 2021 season. Discussion followed.


Course Operations Questions and Concerns:


  • Ball washers and broken tee boxes- already discussed.


Update on Solar Projects:


  • John Kissida’s issues regarding the solar project were distributed and responded to by Jay Packett. Jeff Odell indicated all items raised in John Kissida’s memo have been discussed with the project manager on a weekly basis and with the on-site project manager daily.  Landscaping requirements are so rigid contractors are having trouble finding the necessary wholesale stock; asphalt repair is such a minor job compared to the Covid projects, contractors are addressing this as they are able daily. The steel work was completed by the end of the day yesterday.  The only thing left is electrical work on the panels.  90% of the parking lot will be available moving forward and is expected to be done before the July 4th  Eversource will not commit to a specific hook-up date, late June looks probable.  There is a 40-day administrative period before they switch it on generating the revenue stream.  Jay Packett thanked Jeff Odell for a great job and gave kudos to the on-site managers.  There is minor electrical work to be done during the summer with minimal interruption to the parking areas.


Strategic Planning Updates:


  • Wyn Morton asked Jay Packett for information regarding the Chelsea System which Jay Packett will be updating this afternoon in order to be current. This information will go out as an email blast and will be added to the Captains blog.  Dave Valcourt had a meeting this week with Colin Walsh who feels that the numbers and quality of the current equipment is adequate.  There will also be recommendations from the National Golf Foundation.  Kudos to Rob Campbell for his handling of the mechanicals and the shop.  Advance planning is necessary for purchasing inventory.  Jeff Odell endorsed Dave Valcourt’s overview.  Wyn Morton would like to come up with an acknowledgement of Mark O’Brien’s tenure at the golf course.  Anne O’Connell will meet with Wyn Morton to discuss this matter.  Regarding golf course security, Wyn Morton plays golf at twilight and sees non-members accessing the course and would like to discuss this further.   Jay Packett is aware of this issue and will address this topic going forward.  Anne O’Connell suggested Dave Valcourt add this matter to strategic planning.  Bill Meehan indicated the seriousness of unauthorized access should be taken up with the police chief and the town manager.  Jay Packett will check this out.
  • The upcoming meeting of 6/22 will be about the capital plan and include Peter Lombardi and Mimi Bernardo.
  • The Town will be implementing a hybrid meeting venue with a maximum amount of six people in person at a meeting at town hall. Anne O’Connell noted this would not work for the Golf Commission as there are approximately 13 people at each meeting.  Once a commitment is made as to the meetings, it must be maintained over the summer.  Wyn Morton would like to be on record as preferring the meetings be held at the golf course as soon as possible.   Anne O’Connell thinks the town will not approve unless there is a way to broadcast live and record the meetings.  Bill Meehan stated the current number policy is not limited to town hall but extends to all town facilities.  Anne O’Connell will advise town hall that golf commission meetings for July and August will be continued as a Zoom webinar format.
  • The remainder of the agenda items were postponed until the meeting of July 13.


Enforcement of playing four times per week:


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:



Review and approve minutes:



Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:



Future agenda items and meetings:


  • 6/22 – Capital plan with Peter Lombardi and Mimi Bernardo; equipment issues;
  • Golf course access.


A motion to adjourn was made by Andrea Johnson, seconded by Wyn Morton, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant



Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
