Commissioners Present: Anne O'Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Cindy Bingham, Marc Fontaine, Ed Pavlu, Carl Blanchard, and Wyn Morton.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Jerri Carlin (Friends of Captains), Sharon Marotti (Women’s 9-Hole Assn.), and Jim O’Leary (Finance Committee).


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:


  • Sharon Marrotti reported that the 9-Hole Women’s Assn. will be holding their Summer Cup in June and their League Championship in July.
  • Jerri Carlin reported that the Snowbirds tournament was the best ever and they raised about $3,000 for the Friends of the Captains. She thanked all of the volunteers for a great job. She also reported that the food was very good.
  • The two benches in memory of Jim Lane should be in soon and will be placed on #16 Port and #17 Starboard.
  • The new trash baskets are in place, which were purchased by the Friends of the Captains.  


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Need to check on hand sanitizer in the porto-johns. Mark O. will check.
  • Some of the sprinkler heads are missing the yardages. Mark O. will follow up with Pete E. on this.
  • Cut around Family Tee markers so they are more visible. Mark O. will follow up with Pete E. on this.
  • Make sure drop area on #5 Starboard is marked off regularly. Mark O. will take care of this.
  • 200 & 100 yard markers need sprucing up. Mark O. will follow up with Pete E. on this.
  • Have we ordered the new broken tee containers yet? Mark O. will follow up with Pete E. on this.
  • Some of the chairs in the Galley Grille are in need of repair. Mark O. will follow up with Joe Jamiel on this.
  • The Coke machine on the Starboard side needs to be removed. Mark O. will follow up with Joe Jamiel on this.
  • The Member-member was a great event and the courses were in great shape.


Superintendent’ Report:


  • In Pete Ervin’s absence there was no report.
  • Jeff Odell wanted to recognize the fine job that Pete has done in regard to cost controls.


Director of Operations Report:


  • Based on the numbers through May, a net surplus of approximately $50,000 is projected for FY2015.
  • The operating expenses are projected to come in substantially under budget.
  • Mark O’Brien reported on the May financials. May 2015 was the best month of May in terms of revenue and play since 2004.
  • Jim O’Leary congratulated the Golf Commission and the Golf staff for the positive numbers for FY2015. He commented that the Finance Committee will look forward to having a final report from Mark O’Brien at some point after the close of the fiscal year.
  • Cindy Bingham asked what would happen to any golf department surplus at the end of the fiscal year. Mark O’Brien said it would go to the Town general fund. 


Report on average time of rounds during prior month:


  • Mark O’Brien reviewed the pace of play report for May. Overall the pace was pretty good. We did have some slow rounds over Memorial Day weekend.
  • The training session for the rangers will be taking place this Thursday.   
  • Marc Fontaine stated that we need to mark the drop area on #5 Starboard regularly and we should have a permanent sign posted there as that is a problem hole for pace of play.
  • Jeff Odell stated that the sign should tell people to exit from the rear of the green on Starboard #5.
  • Cindy Bingham asked why the Member-Member tournament has to be in the morning or could it be earlier in the year. Mark O’Brien stated that due to the format of the tournament, we could not finish all the matches if it started in the afternoon. There is no other available date in May for that tournament. If it was going to be earlier it would have to be in April and a lot of people would not be back in May.


2015 Tee Time Allocation:


  • Mark O’Brien reviewed the tee time allocation memo that he had sent out to the Commission. His recommendation is to keep the allocation the same as last year. (See attached).
  • Marc Fontaine thought that we should increase the number of member times. Mark O’Brien stated that he feels the number of member times is adequate to meet the member’s needs. 
  • Cindy Bingham made a motion to accept the tee time allocation recommendation distributed by Mark O’Brien. The motion was seconded by Jeff Odell. The motion was approved 6 in favor, 1 against (Marc Fontaine).


Bag Drop Discussion:


  • Carl Blanchard stated that he had a discussion with Mark O’Brien and Mark is going to have the current staff man the bag drop area whenever they have time. It will be reviewed as the year goes along.


Plan to replace course signage:


  • Mark O’Brien stated that the directional signage on the course has been ordered and will be paid for from the golf operating budget.


Action Items:


  • Survey regarding 2015 memberships – Mark O’Brien distributed the survey questions and they were reviewed by the Commission. Mark O’Brien will distribute the survey and report back at the next meeting.
  • Pace of play signage on carts – Mark O’Brien will make up signs for the carts.
  • Greater visibility of suggestion box on web site – Wyn Morton will work with our web master on this.
  • Signage on the course for food service – Mark O’Brien stated that he has had conversations with Joe Jamiel on this. Right now their phone goes to voice mail if the line is busy, which would cause problems. So at this point we will not be putting these signs out.
  • Singles on the tee sheet – Mark O’Brien stated that the system does not allow singles to book into an open tee time. The singles that appear on the tee sheet are the result of singles that were booked into a time with a twosome or threesome, and then the twosome or threesome cancelled.


Future Agenda Items:


  • Social media
  • Push carts
  • Singles on the tee sheet
  • GPS in the carts


Review and approve minutes of 5/12/15:


  • The minutes were not prepared as yet. They will be reviewed at the next meeting.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Cindy Bingham asked if we can capture zip codes at the POS. Mark O’Brien stated the POS does not have the capability at this point.
  • Anne O’Connell recognized Marc Fontaine for his service on the Golf Commission as this is his last meeting. Cindy Bingham also thanked Marc for his service.


Carl Blanchard made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. The next meeting will be held on July 14, 2015 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations



















From:          Mark O’Brien

To:              Golf Commission

Date:            June 8, 2015


RE:    Member Tee Time Allocation


            C. Tee Times and Reservations

            1. AFP Tee Times:

                        m) The Golf Commission may adjust the ratio of AFP tee times to DFP tee times after the number of AFPs is known and the amount of revenue that has been collected is known. At no time shall the percentage of AFP tee times be lower than the AFP revenue divided by the budgeted golf course expenses.


$858,268               Est. FY2015 AFP Membership Revenue (thru. June 30, 2015)


$2,751,042            FY 2016 Total Budgeted Expenses


31%                      AFP Revenue divided by budgeted golf course expenses


The minimum tee time allocation allowed by our policy would be 50% of the tee times on one course and 11.5% of the tee times on the other course.


Our current allocation is 50% on one course and 12.5% on the other course. I recommend that we maintain this same allocation.



Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
