The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on March 10, 2009. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 a.m.

Commissioners present: George Flemming, Chairman Bob Weiss Cindy Bingham Stote Ellsworth

Staff Present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

Others Present: Anne O’Connell Judy McCarthy Ray Gomez Rob Harris Janice Lovewell, Secretary Pro Tem

A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the March 3, 2009 Golf Commission meeting. Motion approved unanimously.


  • A request from Cape & Islands March of Dimes, who will hold an event on April 4, 2009 at Chatham Bars Inn and want to auction a gift certificate for a 4-some. B. Weiss made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.
  • A request from Gosnold of Cape Cod for their 11th Annual Function to be held August 31, 2009. The proceeds benefit addictions and mental illness. We have supported this in the past. C. Bingham made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss, to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.
  • A request from Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary, Chatham Branch, for a Tournament at Chatham Seaside Links to benefit cardiac care. C. Bingham made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss, to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.
  • A request from Bishop High School. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.


  • B. Weiss suggested a perk for members who solicit and bring in new business. Some suggestions were $100. worth of golf cart fees, or maybe range balls. B. Weiss will look into this further and solicit opinions from the association regarding a good perk. B. Weiss will bring something to the next meeting.
  • C. Bingham pointed out that the Town Web Site has all of its members/officials e-mail addresses listed and we, the Golf Commission, have nothing. Discussion took place as to who should be listed, i.e. each member or one general address only. Rob Harris volunteered to build a link for e-mail addresses for each individual member and also a general link for all members. M. O’Brien is working on having the minutes of The Golf Commission’s meetings posted on-line as well.
  • S. Ellsworth The Golf Commission should put something in the Captains Log with regard to changes. There should be a link directly to Charlie’s letter, an analysis, from the Captains Log. Suggest skipping the winter log and do an April/May log and put in info re Pace of Play. B. Weiss recommends The Captains Log be issued via e-mail. All approve and Mark will e-mail.


  • PACE OF PLAY DISCUSSION. G. Flemming drafted a Pace of Play Policy and J. Shaw drafted suggestions of Penalties which led to the following discussion: Cindy said she sent out an e-mail and got 11 replies; many members reported that their guests do not want to play The Captains Course because of the slow play. C. Bingham suggested the use of a clock. Rather than a 1, 2, 3 strike, you’re out policy, C. Bingham suggests maybe make the slow players tee off at the 150-yard marker. M. O’Brien likes that suggestion.

S. Ellsworth suggests signage on the course that exhibits change. Need to indicate that the rule is to be directly behind the group in front of you, not directly in front of the group behind you.

C. Bingham pointed out that the time to talk to slow players in on the Tee, when the 4-some is all together rather than the ranger driving up to one or two of the players in the 4-some. Albeit party groups are a problem, M.O’Brien feels making them play a scramble would certainly cause us to lose players.

S. Ellsworth suggests that our “Pace of Play Policy” should go out with the “Advance Reservation Letter” to the three major hotels.

B. Weiss is not in favor of posting “penalties.” G. Flemming and C. Bingham point out that it is posted at other courses at the 1st Tee Box. B. Harris thinks it might be useful to have a phone extension at the pro shop to call and report slow play and he handed out a sample card labeled “SLOW PLAY HOTLINE.” M. O’Brien pointed out that the pro shop is already flooded with phone calls.

C. Bingham suggests signs strategically placed and signs in the golf carts. It was suggested that the Pace of Play Policy Statement handed out be amended with additions/deletions. C. Bingham will start the amendments and pass it on. Suggestions include signage, cards, and brochures. B. Weiss suggests instead of a card, put highlights of the brochure and a number to call. G. Flemming suggests posting the policy and passing out the card. R. Harris suggests the clocks need to be put out now. R. Harris also does not like the “75 yr and older gold tee policy.” He would like to see a handicap policy rather than the age policy.

J. McCarthy questioned how the sign on the blue tee worked last fall. M. O’Brien replied that it went up too late in the season to tell. M. O’Brien recommends signs at 1-5-turn, which will amount to 6 signs. C. Bingham made note that it is important to be consistent with regard to waiting on the 1st Tee until the group in front is on the green before teeing off.

M. O’Brien recommends that the Golf Commission take care of the expense of signs and that the Men’s Assoc. take care of the cards and signs for the carts. R. Gomez and R. Harris will see what they can do.

C. Bingham questioned if there are training sessions for the rangers. M. O’Brien replied yes.

B. Weiss suggested DPW signs at no charge. M.O’Brien believes we need larger signs than they would provide. With regard to a Penalty Clause, M. O’Brien would not be in favor of a penalty for the entire group and G. Flemming would like M. O’Brien to draw up his thoughts.

A.O’Connell feels it necessary to have one sign on the 10th tee box. Mark recommends a letter go out to the slow-playing individual(s) from The Golf Commission saying that he/she must tee off after 1:00 p.m. for one month. M. O’Brien acknowledged that it should be an “Addendum to Policy of Play” and should be part of G. Flemming’s memo. Request this be brought to the next meeting for approval.

  • SURVEY. G. Flemming to B. Weiss: Re the survey, it was mentioned to us, what are we doing on AFP groups leaving? B. Weiss replied that the survey will go out mid-June. M. O’Brien reminded that it must be a separate one for non-residents. C. Bingham requests it go out to both residents and non-residents. She added there could be a check-off box as to resident or non-resident. R. Harris volunteered to build it in electronically for free. B. Weiss will re-do the form.
  • ALCOHOL ON THE COURSE. G. Flemming brought the subject up and M. O’Brien stated he would pursue the idea. The restaurant would no doubt support serving alcoholic beverages in paper cups at the turn and would not be in support of cans or bottles. G. Flemming would like the Casual Gourmet to do a formal write-up.

The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will he held on April 1, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the Captains Golf Course clubhouse.

C. Bingham made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Lovewell, Secretary Pro Tem


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
