Commissioners Present: Anne O'Connell (Chair), Jeff Odell (Vice-Chair), Ed Pavlu, Cindy Bingham, and Marc Fontaine.


Others Present: Jerri Carlin (Friends of Captains and Women’s 9-Hole Assn.) and Jim O’Leary, Fin Com liaison.


This meeting was held at the Town Hall and was televised. The video of the meeting may be viewed at:


Call to Order: Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Anne announced that Mark O’Brien is absent due to illness and Pete Ervin and his wife Cheri had a baby yesterday so he is absent from the meeting.


Public Comment:


  • Jerri Carlin announced that the 9-Hole Women’s association has had 21 social members so far.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • None


Superintendent’ Report:


  • In Pete’s absence, Anne O’Connell related the following per an email from Mark O’Brien:
  • Containers for broken tees have been ordered.
  • The water cooler enclosures will be installed when the weather permits.


Director of Operations Report:


  • In the absence of Mark O’Brien, Anne O’Connell related the following:
  • Anne O’Connell and Carl Blanchard met with Mark O’Brien to come up with a new format for financial reporting. The report that Mark O’Brien distributed to the Commission is the result of that meeting.
  • Marc Fontaine noted the impact of the poor winter on revenues.
  • Jim O’Leary commented that he did notice that the forecast did not include any gf revenue for March.
  • Marc Fontaine noted that the poor winter will result in memberships coming in more slowly.
  • Marc Fontaine mentioned the importance of speed of play.


Update on FY2016 Budget:


  • Anne O’Connell stated that the golf department budget was reviewed by the Finance Committee and the Board of Selectmen, but does not want to discuss it further in Mark O’Brien’s absence.
  • Marc Fontaine commented on a Finance Committee member’s remark about not voting for the golf budget because golf is not returning a profit. He was looking for clarification in regard to this being a directive. Cindy Bingham stated that the Town bylaw states that the golf course shall create a reasonable return and provide affordable recreation to Brewster residents. Jim O’Leary reiterated that the mission is stated in the Town bylaw.


Marketing Update:


  • The direct mail piece did go out promoting the Non-Resident membership program. He has received 5 inquiries so far.
  • No luck reaching Ocean Edge. Ed Pavlu is going to check on this further and inform Mark O’Brien.
  • We are currently running 3 spots per week on WOMR for a total cost of $400, through mid-April.
  • Mark O’Brien did attend the social media seminar.   


Action Items:


  • Memorial benches that were presented by Mark O’Brien look good to the Commission.
  • Jerri Carlin spoke about memorial bricks. She brought a sample brick and she will have more info next month.
  • Mark O’Brien is still trying to reach Cape Tech about painting.
  • Carl Blanchard and Anne O’Connell met with Mark O’Brien regarding bag drop attendants. As it stands now we do not have money to fund these positions.
  • Cindy Bingham made a motion to accept the bench proposed by Mark O’Brien as the standard memorial bench, seconded by Jeff Odell. Motion approved 5-0.


Future Agenda Items:


  • Water coolers update.
  • Bylaw wording update.
  • Social media seminar update.
  • Memorial Benches update.
  • Memorial Bricks update
  • Painting update.
  • Pace of play.
  • Roof repair update.


Approval of Minutes:


  • Cindy Bingham made a motion, seconded by Jeff Odell that the minutes of February 10, 2015 be approved as written. Motion approved 5-0-0.


Topics the Chair did not Reasonably Anticipate:


  • None.


Marc Fontaine made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved 5-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 14, 2015 at the Town Hall.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
