Commissioners Present: Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett (Director of Operations), Colin Walsh, Golf (Course Superintendent), Peggy McEvoy (Friends of Captains), Susan Olin (9-Hole Association), Bill Meehan (Finance Liaison) and Dave Whitney (Selectboard Liaison).




Andrea Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of Quorum: Six out of seven golf commissioners were present and accounted for.


Peggy McEvoy updated that the Friends of Captains membership is up and running however the online AFP memberships need to be linked to the Friends of Captains.  Membership forms are available in the pro shop.  This year The Friends of Captains have different tiers of membership with different merchandise for each one.  Scholarships have gone out in January, and they will be back in April.  Captains’ flags and Friends of the Captains flags have been ordered.  Daffodils from last year’s planting are starting to pop up.  Friends of Captains is a bronze level supporter for the chamber of commerce in the Brewster In Bloom this year.  The Friends will be running the closest to the pins/raffles on the par three holes.  Sean and Sam from Freemans Grill will be donating a prize for each.  Peggy McEvoy offered the Friends of Captains help with any upcoming events or tournaments.  Friends has 8 different events planned for the year with the big event in September.

Jay Packett stated both the flags have arrived and there is some flagpole repair needed prior to being able to hang the new flags.  Jay Packett stated he cannot link the Captains AFP Membership to the Friends of Captains as the town cannot process Friends payments through the UNIBank system.  There is however a link to the printable application and mailing instructions.

Jay Packett offered help with any needs the Friends of Captains may need.  Peggy McEvoy asked for emails of members/new members to the Friends of Captains.  Jay Packett stated that would be no issue.

Dave Valcourt thanked Peggy McEvoy for her efforts.

Discussion and vote on meeting format for months of April and May

There are two choices, whether to remain remote or to meet at Town Hall.  John Kissida recommended remaining remote.  Dave Valcourt recommended a periodic in person meeting once that is able to happen.  Discussion followed. Wyn Morton noted that he was in favor of future in person meetings in the future.  Dave Whitney stated the State Legislator could let the temporary version of open meeting expire. The temporary version will expire in June and will return to the former method.  Both Dave Valcourt and Jeff Odell noted that this vote is only for April and May.  Andrea Johnson noted that there will be two choices as hybrid meetings have been difficult in other experiences.

Wyn Morton motioned to have the next four meetings in person.  There was no second and the motion did not move.  John Kissida motioned to keep the next four meetings fully remote, Rob David seconded the motion and it passed in favor five to one.


Continued Discussion and possible vote on updated Cancellation Policy (Rod David/Andrea Johnson/Jay Packett)

Andrea Johnson stated Rob David will go over suggested recommendations.  There is nothing that needs a vote but would like a review of the information by the group.  Rob David proceeded to review the three slides from his previous presentation.  They are available in the packet. Discussion on the topics followed.

Jay Packett noted Check-in Slips will be reinstituted this season. An e-mail regarding no-shows will be sent out, along with other golf course updates.

Upgrade of three of the six PCs in the pro shop.  All six should be completed and upgraded shortly.  Following that there will be the upgrade to the Chelsea System.  Dave Valcourt asked about the functionality of the new Chelsea System and what it will be capable of?  Jay Packett noted that it allowed access to more detailed reports, better tracking of golfers/no shows, much easier access to the data versus the old system.  There is other functionality that is yet to be known.

Proper training of the staff on how to check in certain player types and rates.  Jay Packett stated they will have a staff meeting with the clerks and starters early spring and Pat Fannon will be leading more staff meetings with all departments throughout the season.

Jay Packett had no concerns about the cancellation policy updates and email updates.  Rob David offered help in drafting the policy.

Jeff Odell questioned the public relations value of having to be so upfront with the cancellation policy.  Jay Packett noted it wouldn’t be worded too aggressively and Rob David noted it is only if the credit card issue cannot be worked out.

Jay Packett noted a 1 Week reminder for tee times can certainly be implemented.

Jeff Odell stated that the reminder/email blast about penalty points is important to AFP Members whose Guests were not showing up and being used as a placeholder.  Jay Packett agreed to work with Jeff Odell on this.  Discussion followed on the importance of this topic.  Andrea Johnson and John Kissida also agreed to work on the project.

Jeff Odell noted having the check box for I agree for the cancellation policy is important.

There was a consensus that a 48-hour cancellation confirmation is appropriate.  That falls in line with Cranberry Valley as well. Jay Packett noted that is an easy change and it was agreed upon.

Andrea Johnson stated the research on Golf Now will continue and are in early stages.


Golf Course Security (Wyn Morton)

Wyn Morton stated as a town property there is a certain amount of liability and looking forward there could be some potential issues.  Wyn would like during closures due to weather, especially in the winter, to have a closed sign at the course. Bill Meehan stated he was concerned about liability as well and recommended the possibility of motion detectors/surveillance cameras as well as open to other suggestions. John Kissida agreed with Wyn Morton the closed signage being important but noted he was not a big fan of signs everywhere and to be cognizant of that.  Jay Packett wanted to ensure that they didn’t go overboard with security measures and to consider the administrative costs.

Colin Walsh noted his biggest concern is vandals on the course and noted vehicles could cause damage.  Colin Walsh was not opposed to restricting access to vehicles.  Jeff Odell suggested refreshing signs and noted the areas that vehicles could gain access through and was concerned about emergency vehicle access to the course.  Wyn asked Jay Packett about a gate that is not lockable but able to be open and shut.   Jay Packett noted the Freemans Grill staff stays much later than the course staff and he would not want to ask them to be responsible for that.  Jay Packett was opposed to any gates or fencing.  He stated there are many access points, but discussion can happen on restricting main access points and the logistics.  Dave Valcourt asked if the Brewster Police Department could do regular patrols.  Jay Packett has stated that he has spoken with Chief Eldredge about his staff coming through the course and driving range on a more consistent basis and they have been.

Andrea Johnson asked John Kissida to investigate upgrading the signage at Captains for future meetings and he agreed.


10 Year Capital Plan

Jeff Odell asked if the kitchen replacement equipment line item be rephrased to Restaurant facility maintenance enhancement. Something a little more generic than just kitchen equipment.  Andrea Johnson noted that remark.  Jay Packet noted that the doors/windows and HVAC Projects have been heavily scrutinized the past few months.  It will now go forward in 2 phases.  Phase 1 will be the pavilion and restaurant area and then phase 2 will be the pro shop.  Phase 1 will also include the three doors on the proshop side, and the windows will be replaced in 2023.  The line item for the additional costs for windows and doors has increased another 20,000 dollars bringing it to $210,000. RISE Engineering is on board for the HVAC System.  They will be doing AutoCAD sketches of the HVAC System.

John Kissida noted that they needed to coordinate the cart paths with the irrigation.  John Kissida would like to revisit that and go over some new numbers with Colin Walsh and Jay Packett.  He noted that they will need to revisit the budget on these items.


Course Operations and Concerns

Jay Packett stated the pavilion is moving forward and plaster is drying.  Woodwork around windows will be soon.  Carpet has been approved.  Membership numbers at a total of 346 members have signed up so far.  In terms of low membership numbers of people are waiting later to renew.  They are trending towards renewing later in April and May because there is no longer a 5-day waiting period. Jay Packett says he expects the numbers to increase and is not concerned.

Jeff Odell asked about the captain’s recognition on the radio – Jay Packett mentioned Captains Golf Course’s new relationship with the Nauset Beach Hotel and other new relationships.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons


No comments or questions.


Review and approve minutes

  • 2/8 – Jeff Odell motioned to approve, seconded by Wyn Morton and unanimously approved.
  • 2/22 – John Kissida motioned to approve, seconded by Wyn Morton and unanimously approved.


Future Agenda Items and Meetings (4/12, 4/26):


Jeff Odell requested a final report on the Solar Project be added to the agenda.

John Kissida will potentially have information on the maintenance building and on Andrea Johnson and his tee meeting.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:



A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida seconded by Rob David, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
