The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on March 3, 2009. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.


Commissioners present: George Flemming, Chairman; Joseph Shaw; Cindy Bingham; Bob Weiss; Stote Ellsworth

Staff present: Mark O’Brien, Director of Operations

Others Present: Jim Foley, Selectmen Liaison; Steve Litwinowich; Janice Lovewell, Secretary Pro Tem


J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2009 Golf Commission meeting. Motion approved unanimously.


Census takers for Brewster would like the use of the meeting room April 6 through 10, 2009 from approximately 8 – 4 p.m. There will be approximately 20 people. With that number of people, it was suggested that they use the large meeting room. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham to approve the request. Motion approved unanimously.

A request from Independence House of Hyannis for a gift certificate. We have supported their request in the past. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by S. Ellsworth to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.

A request from the Boys and Girls Club for a function in August at New Seabury. Children from Brewster could also attend. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.

A request from ALS Charitable Foundation for a “Drive for Green” on May 4, 2009 to be held at Pocasset. They are located in Buzzards Bay. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from Sacred Heart in Kingston. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from KC Coombs Parent/Teacher of Mashpee. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from C&I Child Advocacy, Children’s Cove, Barnstable has asked for a donation. In June they have a closest-to-the-pin contest at Captains Course. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.

A request from Make-A-Wish Foundation from West Wareham for a donation toward their April Golf Tournament in Onset. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from Crump ‘N Fox for “Soldier On,” a National Organization to help homeless Veterans. Request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from RHCI, non-profit organization, has asked for a donation toward their golf tournament June 8, 2009 in Hyannisport. We have supported this organization in the past. S. Ellsworth made a motion, C. Bingham seconded to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.

A request from Juvenile Diabetes for a donation. This request denied as it does not meet the Golf Commission’s requirements.

A request from Caron Woods to use the Captains Course driving range, approximately 6 – 8 stations, on Friday, July 17, 2009 for approximately 20 Cape Cod children. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.


FYI – The law preventing alcohol on public golf courses has changed – providing local rule allows. M. O’Brien feels many local golf courses will begin to allow this and he would be in favor if need be. This issue would have to go through the Board of Selectmen for approval.

The men’s group on Wednesday presently have 2 hours of block time, broken up by 1 hour of guest, then another 1 hour of block time. They request that their block time not be broken up and they have 18 continuous tee times. J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by C. Bingham, to approve this request. Motion approved unanimously.

Pace of Play. G. Flemming stated that he wants a policy in force April 1, 2009 with regard to pace of play and penalty if not adhered to. After a brief discussion, he called for a special meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission to be held on March 10, 2009 at 10 a.m. at the Captains Golf Course clubhouse. This will be an open meeting and the general membership will be encouraged to attend.

Budget. Mark handed out a revised Page 1 to the Captains Golf Course FY 2010 Budget and explained changes.

Financial Report. Mark handed out a 7 page report which included the following:

  1. Captains Golf Course FY 2009 Actual vs. Budget Through February
  2. Captains Golf Course Comparison Report – February
  3. Captains Golf Course Comparison Report Fiscal Year Through February
  4. Captains Golf Course Comparison Report Calendar Year Through Feb
  5. Month of February record of play
  6. Pro Shop Sales by Category
  7. Inventory Levels

M. O’Brien presented a Letter to be mailed to non-resident members with an application to join for the 2009 season. After reviewing the letter, it was decided to withdraw the last two sentences in the 2nd paragraph regarding a 10-play punch card and to end the letter with the 1st sentence in the last paragraph. The letter will go out as amended.

S. Ellsworth suggested that the Commission write articles to e-mail to all members to communicate correct information to the membership and to cut down on the idle chat. Last year it was only in the pro shop and no one read it. Mark stated that at a Selectmen’s meeting it was suggested to send Charlie’s memo to the membership. B. Weiss stated concern that some items were not correct but a voice is needed to the membership to communicate and to support. C. Bingham suggested e-mail. J. Shaw suggested e-mail and place in pro shop as part of The Captains Log. It was suggested that B. Weiss and S. Ellsworth create a write up to add to M. O’Brien’s message and George requested that this be presented at a special meeting of the Commission on March 10, 2009.

J. Foley stated that we have a revised web site that is out dated and it must be updated to show tournaments, captains log and specials etc.

B. Weiss asked whether or not we do a follow-up when people don’t re-join and if not why not and, how can we track that? J. Shaw stated we had a 67% response before. It should go to Brewster residents as well as non-residents and J. Shaw stated he will re-do a follow-up ballot with B. Weiss. J. Foley mentioned we have a new tier this year for economic situations, which was included on last nights e-mail from M. O’Brien. The 350-card sales pitch will only go to people who do not re-new their membership.

Getting back to Financials, M. O’Brien will do an e-mail regarding pro-shop sales.

C. Bingham made mention of an e-mail she received from Holly Ridge advertising their inventory and wondered if we could do the same type. M. O’Brien stated that yes, Jay will do one.

M. O’Brien asked for input regarding the Selectmen’s meeting and bag tags vs. photo ID’s. He stated that with only one starter, it is going to be difficult. The cost of bag tags is approximately $900. The town of Dennis re-uses their bag tags in some way. M. O’Brien will check on their system. J. Foley asked to consider staggering tee-times. M. O’Brien stated he would like to continue the use of bag tags for 2009.

J. Shaw asked, for people coming great distances, should we include 4-some donations for major charity? M. O’Brien suggests we do this on a case-by-case basis. J. Shaw made a motion to grant donations to no more than ten off-Cape charities on a case-by-case basis. C. Bingham seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.


S. Ellsworth – nothing.

B. Weiss – nothing.

C. Bingham asked opinions of putting up a sign directing people to the driving range – possibly a sandwich board or a sign in the circle or possibly on the reservation message? M.O’Brien feels he cannot fit the cost of a really attractive sign in the budget at this time. C. Bingham asked whether or not it is true that a meeting can be called with a 48-hour notice. Answer is yes, but to hold a meeting on Tuesday, it must be posted by Friday.

Three items will be discussed at the special meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission to be held on March 10, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.

  1. Pace of Play Policy
  2. Write-up from B. Weiss & S. Ellsworth re voice to the membership
  3. Follow-up ballot for people who drop their membership – B. Weiss & J. Shaw

The next Brewster Golf Commission meeting will be held on April 1 at 10 a.m. at the Captains Golf Course clubhouse.

J. Shaw made a motion, seconded by B. Weiss to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Janice Lovewell, Secretary Pro Tem


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
