Commissioners Present:  John Piemontese (Chair), Anne O’Connell (Vice-Chair), Carl Blanchard, Wyn Morton, Ed Pavlu and Jeff Odell. Andrea Johnson was absent.


Others Present: Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations), Bill O’Brien (CCMGA), Margaret Litavis (9-Hole Women’s Assn.), Cindy Bingham (Select Board liaison).


This meeting was held at the Captains Golf Course and was not televised.


Call to Order: John Piemontese called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Public Comment:  


  • Cindy Bingham reported that the Captains Golf Course Women’s team competing in the Mass Golf Spring Team matches is currently in second place in their Cup, 2.5 points out of first place with two matches remaining.


Correspondence and Suggestion Box:


  • Peg Jablonski submitted a suggestion to ban smoking on the practice putting green. Mark O’Brien will look into the ramifications of this.
  • Jeff Odell reported that Ron Gauch suggested redoing the yardage signs on the driving range tee. Mark O’Brien stated that he and Steve Knowles are looking into purchasing large yardage signs that will be placed in the range itself.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • In Pete Ervin’s absence, Mark O’Brien reported that we are having difficulty filling the grounds positions. Anne O’Connell suggested using Craig’s List.
  • Wyn Morton made a comment that the course is in fantastic condition.


Director’s Report:


  • Mark O’Brien reported that play was off in April due to the horrible weather. Current projections indicate that the Golf Dept. deficit for FY2018 will be about $85,000 greater than originally projected.


Membership Update:


  • Membership revenues are off by about $15,000 this golf season as compared to the same period last year.


Follow up on Open House:


  •             Mark O’Brien reported that the driving range activities, putting and chipping clinics, and pro shop sales were very active and considered a success. However, nobody attended the membership informational meeting and he has determined that it does not make sense to hold that meeting again in future Open Houses.


Follow up on Mass Golf State Four-Ball Championship:


  • Mark O’Brien reported that there were 344 players, 172 teams, that competed in the event on May 7 & 8. The winning team was 16 under par for the two days. There were two teams tied for first and the winner was decided after the third playoff hole. The Mass Golf staff and the players were all very complimentary of the facility and the condition of the courses. The event brought in $14,448 in cart fees and $3,450 in pro shop prize winnings. In addition there were two large articles in the Cape Cod Times covering the event as well as coverage in other publications throughout the State. The event was considered a great success.


Website update:


  • Wyn Morton reported on plans with our web master to more effectively reach our target audience in future web site marketing efforts.


Five Year Planning Subcommittee:


  • Carl Blanchard brought up the idea of having a sub-committee to formulate and monitor a 5-year plan for the golf course. All agreed that this planning process was vital to the success of the course, but it was decided to have monthly work sessions with the Commission as a whole as opposed to having a sub-committee.


Back 9 Reservations:


  • Carl Blanchard would like to continue to promote 9-hole play at the course and all agreed this was a good idea. Mark O’Brien has posted a banner on the web site promoting 9-hole play and there are two tee times on each course available for reservation on the back 9 everyday, other than Thursdays.


Future agenda items:


  • Ban on smoking on the practice green.
  • 5-Year planning.


Review and Approve Minutes:


  • A spelling correction noted as needed. A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by Anne O’Connell to approve the minutes as corrected.  Motion passed 6-0-0.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • Anne O’Connell stated that the restaurant sub-committee needs to have their semi-annual meeting with the Freemans Grill in June, as stipulated in the restaurant lease.




  • Carl Blanchard made a motion, seconded by Ed Pavlu, to adjourn the meeting.
  • Motion passed 6-0-0.
  • Meeting adjourned at 5:40.


The next meeting of the Brewster Golf Commission will be held on Thursday, June 12, 2018 at 4:00 at the Captains Golf Course.


Respectfully submitted,


Mark O’Brien

Director of Operations


Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Golf Course is closed due to snow cover.

18-hole carts are available until 11:54 Tee Time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm Tee Time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
