Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice-Chair), Rob David, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell and David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Colin Walsh, Golf Course Superintendent, Rob Harris (CCMGA), and Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn).




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Declaration of a Quorum – 7 Golf Commissioners accounted for which constitutes a quorum.


Public Comment

No Public Comment


Superintendent’s Report

  • Update on Course – Colin Walsh stated its May 10th and he has guys in full winter gear. Unheard of weather for this time of year, looking forward towards warmer temperatures.  The conditioning of the course is very much in tune with what the weather is throwing at us.  Colin welcomed any comments and would love to explain conditions to anyone with questions.  Fertilizing beginning tomorrow morning and a lot of detailed work getting done before the mowing really starts to pick up in the next few weeks.  Driving range has been aerated and seeded.  It will be a regular occurrence on Thursdays of topdressing and seeding.  The forward tee on the 6th hole Port will be looking to open for the middle of June.  They also shortened that fairway by about 30 yards.
  • Update to Pump House Protection Project – Minor adjustments made to some wording and it should be ready to send out in the next few weeks. Griffin Ryder came to the property to look at the project.  John Kissida asked how quickly Town Hall will get the RFP out to invited firms.  Colin Walsh stated that it should be able to get out quickly.


Directors Update:

  • Overview Capital Projects on Annual Town Meeting Warrant -Jay Packett first echoed Colin’s comments on how cold the temperatures have been and appreciates the members patience with the conditions post aeration. Hoping for warmer temperatures.  Jay Packett stated we have used 73% of the total budget spent.  This will increase with more weekend work for maintenance as well as longevity pay coming for several employees. Jay Packett stated that the bill for the new range balls will be going through soon and we have received our 30 new push carts.  Membership revenue is up in April over last year.  Greens fees are up slightly as well.  The Pro Shop sales are up over $5000 since last year and is attributed to the cold weather and cold weather gear being purchased.  For the calendar year membership revenue is a little over $318,000 ahead of last year.  Golf cart revenue is down $5000 versus the previous year and that is attributed to weather.  Driving range and Pro Shop sales are higher than previous year.  Overall, $330,000 ahead in revenue for the calendar year vs previous year and primary driver is the membership revenue.   For the fiscal year $100,000 ahead vs the prior fiscal year.  For the month of April there were a total of 5,566 rounds – slightly lower than last year.  Monday through Thursday play rates have decreased in the last year.  Total play for the calendar year for member play is at 9,887.  Membership has slowed coming in but we are still projecting over a million dollar surplus to the bottom line.
  • At Saturday’s annual town meeting Jay Packett stated there are 3 capital projects on the warrant. The first being the Maintenance building study for $20,000.  The 2nd is the restaurant HVAC system and requesting an additional $185,000 on top of the original $80,000.  The final project is for doors and windows on the property.  The plan is for this winter to do the restaurant and pavilion windows and doors as well as 3 doors for the pro shop.  The following winter the remaining pro shop windows will be completed.  Captains will be requesting an additional $415,000 for this project.  Anne O’Connell asked if the money being requested at this town meeting will cover the entire cost of the project.  Jay Packett noted that yes, this money is for the entire project, this upcoming winter and next.  Anne O’Connell reminded everyone that the establishment of the Enterprise Fund, Capital Stabilization Fund, and the golf budget are all on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.  Anne O’Connell recognized Rob Harris – Rob Harris recommended emailing the membership to inform them of the items being voted on.
  • Jay Packett brought up a refund to the Golf Commission – asking for a refund as a member has moved from non-resident to resident. Discussion followed on the topic.  It was determined that the refund should be prorated for the portion of the season that they were not Brewster Residents determined by the date of closing – suggested by Dave Valcourt (Once they officially become a Brewster Taxpayer).  Jay Packett stated that setting a refund policy would be beneficial and is in favor of Dave Valcourt’s suggestion.   Jeff Odell motioned to have this refund case to be treated as its own so as to not set a precedent and to be able to approve this refund now.  It was discussed that the refund policy should be amended to affect current members and their change of circumstance.  Discussion followed and it was determined that the Commission was generally in favor of doing something and are working on the correct course of action to be taken.  Jeff Odell withdraws his motion.  The Golf Commission will work towards a fair solution.  The 2nd refund request for a full membership refund due to a medical issue – John Kissida motioned to approve the refund, seconded by Wyn Morton.  Unanimously approved.


Anne O’Connell stated that the Selectboard agreed last night that the format for how groups have been meeting will continue through the month of June.  The special open meeting regulation is set to expire on July 15th.  The State House has not yet released any new information.  Anne O’Connell asked for a vote to continue the virtual format for the month of June – Rob David Motioned to approve, John Kissida seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.



Strategic Planning Updates (Commission)

Wyn Morton – Town Vision Survey came back in and two items were to protect drinking water supply and develop solar energy without deforestation.  Two things’ Captains are currently doing.  Wyn Morton stated he reached out to Jen (advertising) and they devised a plan to get knowledge to the public of what the Captains Course is doing.  The Captains Course will need to provide Jen with some information on the projects for the public statements/advertising.  Colin Walsh offered to write something about the project and send it to Wyn Morton for water conservation and nitrogen reduction.  Jeff Odell will email Wyn Morton facts and data on the Solar Project.  Wyn Morton stated they are waiting on the course to green up and leaves on the trees to come before getting drone footage for the course.  Wyn Morton noted the Travel and Leisure Magazine article that mentioned the Captains Course as one of the 15 best things to do on Cape Cod.  Wyn Morton gave kudos to the course and staff for getting mentioned in the magazine.


Jeff Odell – In the attached packet there are 5 items that were determined in discussions with Jay, Steve and Pat at the course.  The first priorities are the re-sodding, the driving range tee, carpeting and netting, while the 2nd being Teaching Building refurbishing, and a short game practice area (if funds available).  The range mats and the netting (saving lost balls) would pay for themselves over time.   The teaching building is basically not usable, and it would be beneficial to have that refurbished for inclement weather teaching situations.  The short game area would be visited if funds were available.  Anne O’Connell noted the driving range items to get pricing for the next meeting.  Jay Packett stated that the biggest thing being the resodding of the tee box at the range.  It has been at least 10 years since the last time and our driving range is extremely busy.  Colin Walsh would suggest a fall installation for the re-sodding project.  Jeff Odell noted that loss of revenue due to re-sodding for the winter can be saved by adding the hitting matts and having the timelines work together.


John Kissida – Finished the preliminary draft of the Maintenance facility study and it was distributed to several people.  Waiting for comments from engineers and will be ready to send to Town Hall for further discussion soon.  John Kissida also stated that we do need to move forward with the signage at the Course.


Anne O’Connell reiterated that we need to put together a list.  She will compile the list if everyone will email her what needs to be finished up using the remaining $20,000.  Colin Walsh noted that all signs should have a consistent appearance and look.  Dave Valcourt did want to note the important events coming up this summer as chances to show off the course.  Anne O’Connell noted it is important to look at the sign on the starter shed and get better and shorter verbiage.


Discussion Non-Resident Moratorium

Anne O’Connell read from a document she will send out at the end of the meeting that is comparing membership numbers from 2021 to 2022.  Total membership in 2021, almost a year ago, was 1108 compared to the 982 currently.  Discussion followed on the topic.  Jay Packett recommended that the Non-Resident Moratorium remain in effect for the 2022 golf season and the waiting list be revisited in March of 2023. Currently the waitlist is at about 70 people.  Jay Packett stated a lot of thought went into the non-resident moratorium and that we should keep it in place for the season, gather the numbers and learn from them. Jay Packett stated leaving the moratorium in place for this season is also a show of good faith to the annual fee players for supporting the course.


Discussion Membership Numbers

Anne O’Connell proposed moving the discussion of membership numbers to the 5/31 meeting as they are short on time for this golf commission meeting.  Dave Valcourt stated just finding the balance between access versus revenue is what is important.  Dave stated we should get some research on what a typical municipality has for membership numbers.  Jay Packett stated he will reach out to the other municipality golf courses in the area about membership numbers from them.  John Kissida stated that the National Golf Foundation should be able to get some membership numbers as well. Rob David stated that it is important to pay attention to not only membership numbers but also rounds played per member.  Rob David also asked if we could see the number of shutouts to annual fee players on busy weekends and can we track those this year.  Jay Packett will look into statistics on requests for tee times filled/denied.


Questions and Comments from Associations and Liaisons:

Rob Harris stated the CCMGA is at 144 total members – 90% of last year’s total.  Full field event this week and the group is very happy.


Donna Potts -9 Hole membership is up this year, so they are happy about that.

Anne O’Connell noted that league play is up, and new members are joining the association.


Review and Approve Minutes

4/12/22 – a few small edits – Motion to approve by Wyn Morton and seconded by John Kissida – Unanimously approved.

4/26/22 – a few small edits – Motion to approve by John Kissida seconded by Andrea Johnson – Unanimously approved.


Future Agenda Items and meetings -5/31

Further discussion on membership numbers and creating a list of the clubhouse surroundings.  John Kissida would like to add the sinkhole repair in the parking lot and cart barn – rather than add to agenda.  Jay Packett stated that they are waiting on an engineer – it has been very difficult to get an engineer to visit the site.


Matters not anticipated by the Chair:

Dave Valcourt gave big kudos to Colin and his team.  Wanted to say he appreciates his leadership and that we all understand the poor weather conditions and not to beat himself up too much.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
