Commissioners Present: Anne O’Connell (Chair), Andrea Johnson (Vice Chair), Carl Blanchard, John Kissida, Wyn Morton, Jeff Odell, David Valcourt.


Others Present: Jay Packett, Director of Operations, Rob Harris (CCMGA), Donna Potts (9-Hole Women’s Assn), Sarah Robinson (18-Hole Women’s Assn) and Bill Meehan, (Finance Committee Liaison)




Anne O’Connell called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm after reading remote meeting guidelines and procedures.


Superintendent’s Report:


  • Jay Packett gave the superintendent’s report in Colin Walsh’s absence. It has been unseasonably cool recently leading to slower growth on the greens, tees and fairways.  Regular applications of nitrogen and wetting agents have been started.  The irrigation report from Irrigation Consultants and Brian Vinchese was delivered yesterday, will be reviewed with Jon Greene.  Final corrections and completed evaluations should be available at the end of next week.  Weeding, edging and maintenance of sand traps is under way.  Clubhouse grounds are being beautified.  A fescue wildflower mixture will be started on 5 Starboard, hoping to establish a pollinator haven for honeybees and butterflies.   The fairway trap on 16 Starboard will be sodded on Thursday.  The sink holes that were filled on 8 Port and 12 Starboard are beginning to grow grass. Work continues 11 Starboard and 11 Port.  Anne O’Connell will share a copy of Colin Walsh’s report and asked that any questions be referred directly to him.


Director’s report:


  • Jay Packett reported the budget so far is in good shape–a little higher than in FY20 but that has a lot to do with the pandemic. The comparison reports for the month of April vs. the previous 5 years are ahead.  Revenue for the calendar year as compared to the last 5 years has increased significantly.  The fiscal year from last year to this year is up over $800,000; completion of capital projects is more of a reality.  Retained earning are projected to be over $1.1 million. Rounds played were 5,893 which is the highest since April of 2007.  Jeff Odell commented on total guest play and feels tee time availability should be monitored.  Dave Valcourt spoke about OSHA training.  Employee training is in the works.


Update on Association Memberships (Donna Potts; Sarah Robinson; Rob Harris):


  • There are 1,108 members over-all so far: there are 701 Brewster residents and 407 non-Brewster residents. The total number of members in calendar year 2020 was 1063.  New memberships are 70 residents, 100 non-residents. Discussion followed.  Donna Potts reported 59 members, 10 are new in the Women’s 9-Hole Association:  Sarah Robinson reported 64 full members, 3 social members and 7 new members in the Women’s 18-Hole Association.  Rob Harris reported 138 members in the CCMGA as compared to 98 last year. There are generally 51 players on Wednesday morning.  Discussion followed.


  • Course Operations and Concerns:


  • Booking times were discussed. The rules and regulations booklet can be found under the members’ tab on the website.  There is a link to local rules.  A scorecard is available under the play golf tab.
  • The sand and seed bottles are back in the golf carts. There are sand and seed filling stations on the golf course.
  • Ball washers could be out on the golf course sometime next week as well as receptacles for broken tees.
  • Currently water will not be provided on the golf course as a matter of safety. Discussion followed.

John Kissida suggested notes in the carts be updated.  Information regarding availability of carts will be distributed as soon as possible.  Regarding the bottle ban, Anne O’Connell reported bottled water in less than one-gallon containers will not be available as of September 1.  In answer to John Kissida’s question, Anne O’Connell said water filling stations are not available for the golf course.

  • Wyn Morton thanked Jay Packett for his recent additions to the website.
  • There was one email from Judy Miller in the golf commission mailbox asking about bottles of divot mix on the golf cars, receptacles for broken tees on the tee boxes, ball washers and water at the Friends’ water station. These matters were addressed in the Director’s report, and Anne O’Connell will reply to her.
  • Jay Packett asked for feedback from the commission regarding the riding cart policy. Currently in the State of Massachusetts two players are allowed to ride in a cart; however, single-rider carts must be offered.  There are some groups taking advantage of the single-rider option using four separate carts per round putting a burden on the staff and the number of carts available.  Sometimes all of the carts are used early in the morning, making some groups late for their tee times.  Jay Packett suggests offering single-rider carts, but requiring full payment for the cart.  He will have a more in-depth proposal on June 8.  Discussion followed.


Strategic Planning Updates:


  • Anne O’Connell has started working on the calendar and anticipates assistance from Rob Harris. Wyn Morton reported on the Chelsea System and generating email for the general public.  This is now in the process of being sent to Jen Defoe.  The website will be tweaked further.  Andrea Johnson reported she and John Kissida worked on forward tees on the Starboard Course.  John sent a draft of a memo on potential forward tees on the Starboard course to Andrea and Anne for their review and finalization.
  • Andrea Johnson will be helping Steve Knowles with buying women’s merchandise for the pro shop. Discussion followed.
  • John Kissida said a report is to be sent to the commission indicating how the new tees will be incorporated into the full set of tees, how to encourage play and the proper use of tees and cart progression. Discussion followed.
  • Jeff Odell spoke about short-game practice as a capital project for the future
  • Regarding the solar project, Jay Packett reported work on the parking lot is progressing well.

Twenty modules are being installed per day.  The walkways from section to section will be edged and larger rock will be added for stability.  The contractor expects to meet the deadline of May 28.  Small projects will be scheduled during the summer.  The driving range is just about done.  Patching is being done.  Dave Valcourt suggested defining the priorities to be tied into the annual budget.  Bill Meehan urged the commission to discuss priorities among themselves and suggested itemizing needs, funding, etc. as done by various department heads in town.  Peter Lombardi and Mimi Bernardo will be at the June 22 meeting to go over capital projects and the budgeting process.  John Kissida suggested discussing priorities as set forth by the National Golf Foundation.  Discussion followed.   Anne O’Connell will request an outline or an in-writing description of department head processes for capital projects from Peter Lombardi and/or Mimi Bernardo.


Refund Request:


  • There was a refund request from a gentlemen’s son requesting a refund of the year 2 part of his membership be made to his wife as the individual died prior to April 1.
  • A motion was made by Jeff Odell, seconded by John Kissida to approve the requested refund, making the check payable to the gentleman’s wife. Motion passed unanimously.


Questions and comments from Associations and liaisons:



Review and approve minutes:


  • A motion was made by John Kissida, seconded by Wyn Morton to approve the minutes of April 13, 2021 as written. Motion passed unanimously.
  • A motion was made by Jphn Kissida, seconded by Jeff Odell to approve the minutes of April 27, 2021 as written. Motion passed unanimously.


Topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate:


  • John Kissida asked about the administrative assistant position and was informed by Jay Packett that it doesn’t appear that there will be a union contract in place prior to the fall town meeting, so it seems that the position will not be available until then.
  • Jay Packett reported that the HVAC in the restaurant is under construction and should be finished by the end of the week.
  • Wyn Morton asked Jay Packett if he would send an email to the members explaining that the lack of water on the course is a health department decision due to Covid and explaining water will be available on the course when allowed.







Future agenda items and meetings:


  • There will be no meeting on May 18, 2021.
  • June 8, 2021.   Business meeting.
  • Tee time allocation.
  • June 22, 2021. Peter Lombardi and Mimi Bernardo.

Capital planning process and budgeting process.


A motion to adjourn was made by John Kissida, seconded by Andrea Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Dorothy Vesperman

Department Assistant




Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
