Town of Brewster

Brewster, Massachusetts 02631




Minutes of May 14, 2019


Commissioners Present:            John Piemontese, Jeff Odell, Wyn  Morton, Dave Valcourt and Carl Blanchard.  Absent:  Anne O’Connell, Andrea Johnson

Others Present:  Jerri Carlin, Jackie Ferraguto, Bill O’Brien, Bill Meehan,  Cindy Bingham,  Mark O’Brien (Director of Operations),  Pete Erwin (Superintendent)

This meeting was not Video-taped

Call to Order:  John Piemontese called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Public Comment:    Jerri Carlin thanked Pete Erwin and staff for the great conditions on the golf course.  Jerri informed the meeting about the Friends annual golf tournament on June 2, 2019.

Directors Report:  Mark O’Brien reported that the Martha White tournament held on Mother’s Day weekend had a great turn out and was enjoyed by all.  Fiscal year end revenue actuals may fall short of projections/plan.  He will have a clearer idea after meeting with Town Administrator and the Finance Dept.  Membership stats are good and include 60 new members.  Mark responded to a question about when we will have a final number for membership and he felt a final number would be available in mid-June.

Supt Report:  Pete reported that the warm up nets will be installed by the end of May unless there is some unanticipated demand placed upon his staff.  He reported the weather has been poor but he is satisfied with the current efforts and results regarding the courses.  Pete informed the meeting that fall aeration will take place later then normal.  This is an attempt to extend better playing conditions for improved revenue potential.  The course lost a motor on irrigation system.  The pump motor is being re-wound which will result in cost savings rather them purchase of a new unit.  Projected cost $12,500 and he will check to see if insurance will cover any aspect of this problem.  Pete reported that purchasing practices for materials are yielding cost savings which will help our current budget.  Pete reported that the Maintenance Staff will be under OSHA guidelines and oversight.

Solar Project:  Mark informed the meeting that CVEC has experienced some snags in the process however GE has submitted applications to Eversource.

Recycling:    John reported that Anne has been working with Freeman’s Grill and the Recycling committee regarding efforts at the Captains.  Anne will continue to be the golf commissions point of contact regarding this issue.  All present agreed this was fine.

Web Site:     Wyn presented a report on the site and provided a handout.  All present acknowledged his fine oversight and efforts in this area.

Strategic Planning:  Dave provided an overview of the process to date.  He went over the work sheet to be used for project development.  Work sheet language will be amended to avert any potential problems.  Dave asked for volunteers for the five lanes of responsibility.   Areas of responsibility were assigned.

Brewster Whitecaps:      Mark proposed that Whitecaps coaches and players could receive the member/guest discount for a round of golf.  Motion to approve this was made by Jeff and seconded by Carl.  Motion was approved   5-0

Future Agenda Items:     Tee Times

Strategic Planning


Approval of Minutes:      Motion to approve minutes of April meeting was made by Dave and seconded by Wyn.  Motion Approved 5-0

Topics not Anticipated:  Motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Wyn to rename the Jr Golf Day in honor of Joe Shaw.   Joe Shaw Junior Golf Day.  Motion approved 5-0.   Discussion about water fill stations on the course were presented and Pete noted he was in a planning process with the water department to address this issue.

A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Carl to allow Mark to develop a cart discount program if he deemed it needed based on budget performance prior to next commission meeting.  Motion was approved 5-0.  John announced he would be leaving the commission effective today.  All present thanked him for his service and leadership with the Golf Commission.

Wyn made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Dave.  Motion Approved 5-0


Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

The Golf Course is Open for WALKING only.

The Golf Shop is currently closed for renovations.

When open, 18-hole carts are available until 11:54 tee time.  9-hole carts are available until the 2:00 pm tee time.

The Starboard course is closed for the season. 

The Port water filling station is closed for the season.
